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contiene inoltre :  X-MEN


Captain America Vol 1 108

The Snares of the Trapster!” / LE TRAPPOLE DI TRAPSTER !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Captain America is in another exercise training, using his shield to
deflect explosive missiles when he is visited by a SHIELD agent and
asked to complete another mission for the spy agency. Captain America
initially refuses, tired of being a hero and wanting to have a normal
life with the woman he loves. The SHIELD agent tells Cap that his
mission involves rescuing Sharon Carter, who has been captured. Upon
hearing the name of the woman he loves, Cap changes his tone and demands
to know what’s happened. The SHIELD agent tells Cap he doesn’t know,
but provides him with a homing device that allow Captain America to
track her to where she is being held in the city.

Unknown to Captain America, Sharon is the prisoner of the
Trapster, who has captured Sharon to try and get information out of her
regarding Project Fireball. Sharon refuses, even though the Trapster has
her pasted to a table and threatens her with his paste gun if she
doesn’t reveal the information he needs to provide to his employers.

Meanwhile, Captain America tracks Sharon’s signal to a section of
the city that is being torn down for urban renewal, and finds the
entrance to the Trapster’s lair hidden behind some rubble of a partially
demolished building. Suspecting a trap, Cap smashes open the door and
just narrowly avoids a jet of paste meant to trap intruders. Believing
that there might be more paste on the steps, Cap makes a jump for it and
realize that whoever set these traps anticipated this as he grabs a
pipe suspended over the stairs and find that it has been coated with

The Trapster takes this moment to reveal himself and attempt to
attack Captain America, but Cap shows him that even though his hands are
stuck he’s far from helpless. Smashing the pipe free, Captain America
manages to fight off the Trapster, and get on the defensive. When the
Trapster brings the roof down in front of Cap, blocking his way, the
Avenger manages to free his hands. Before he can figure out what to do
next, a trap door opens and Captain America falls on a spinning cylinder
covered in the Trapsters paste. The Trapster then activates a device
that causes the cylinder to spin at a great speed and tells Sharon that
Captain America will be destroy if she continues to refuse to talk.
Before the Trapster can do anything more his control panel suddenly
short circuits and explodes.

Furious at this sudden setback, he goes down to check and see
what happened to Captain America to find that the hero broke free. Cap
gets the jump on the Trapster and beats him into submission. With his
foe sprawled on the floor, Cap demands that he tell him where Sharon is,
however the Trapster kicks a switch that drops a cylinder around Cap
and it fills up to his neck with paste, trapping him.

He explains to Cap that he has been trying to collect information
on Project Fireball for his employer, the Red Skull so that they can
sabotage it. When the Trapster attempts to dispose of Captain America by
spraying him with a chemical, it instead causes the paste trapping Cap
to become brittle and break. Captain America then beats the Trapster
into submission again, knocking him under a vat that ironically covers
him in his own paste.

When Cap rushes up to the Trapster’s control room he is surprised
to find that the girl pasted to the table is not really Sharon Carter
at all, but a Life Model Decoy of her. The Real Sharon comes out of the
shadows and reveals that she allowed the Trapster to capture the LMD
that was programmed to act just like her, and that while Cap was
fighting him she was the one making sure all of his traps were
sabotaged. With the mission over and Sharon save, the two lovers

  • Captain America attends the wedding of Hank Pym and the Wasp shortly after this story in Avengers #60 (in Italy in THC #73). 
X-Men Vol 1 22

“Divided… We Fall!” / DIVISI… CADIAMO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Warren Worthington’s Mustang
  • Unnamed freighter


The X-Men participate in another training session in the Danger Room
against the Professor’s newest creation yet: The gigantic robot named
Colosso. The X-Men attempt to attack it one-by-one to no effect, and
it’s not until they attack it as a team that they learn it’s weakness:
it’s sensory eye, and with the help of Jean’s telekinetic powers and
Iceman’s freezing abilities that they defeat the robot. With the test a
success, the Professor allows his students to go on another vacation
since their last one was interrupted when they were forced to deal with
Mimic. Warren asks Jean out to dinner before she goes visit her sister,
and when they invite Scott to tag along, he sheepishly accepts the
offer, even thought he knows Warren doesn’t want him present and
believing that Warren has won Jean’s affections. With his students gone,
the Professor allows himself a moment of weakness to break down and
lament the lost use of his legs and to express the envy of his students

Things for the X-Men are going to take an unexpected twist with
the return of Count Neferia to the United States. With his Maggia
connections, Nefaria is busy plotting another attack against the United
States. Reading a newspaper editorial about the X-Men that questions if
they are good or evil, Nefaria comes to the conclusion that the Mutants
must be evil and decides to try and recruit them as his allies.

Meanwhile, Bobby and Hank meet up with Vera and Zelda to go on a
movie date, while Jean, Warren and Scott have dinner together. The
dinner ends with Scott declining Warren’s offer to drop him off
somewhere, and the trio part company, Jean with Warren. In the car ride,
Jean worries if Scott will ever express any feelings toward her. Scott
is brooding on the same subject when he suddenly sees what he thinks is
Marvel Girl leaping into Central Park and decides to go and investigate.
Jean, after being dropped off by Warren hears a radio report about the
same thing and decides to go and investigate as well.

Changing into her Marvel Girl costume and traveling to the Park,
Jean is attacked by Plantman, now an agent of Count Neferia, who binds
her in trees and vines and then knocks her out with a chloroform gas. As
Cyclops (now in uniform) continues to search for who he thinks is Jean,
he then spots Angel flying in the sky. However, this is a fake as well
as Warren (still driving in his sports car) hears a similar news
bulletin and goes into action as the Angel to investigate the park as
well. He is soon captured by the Scarecrow, another minion of Nefaria.

Still out on their date, Bobby and Hank also hear a similar
report and Hank makes an excuse to leave early to look into things as
the Beast. Also arriving in Central Park, the Beast is easily defeated
by Porcupine, also in Nefaria’s employ. Returning to their hotel room,
Bobby finds that Hank had not returned and decides to go out and
investigate. Along the way he finds an illusion of himself going toward
the Park and follows after it. He is attacked by the Eel, who has the
advantage against Iceman, however with the timely arrival of Cyclops,
the villain is knocked out by Cyke’s optic blast.

They are then confronted by the Unicron who keeps them on the
defensive until Iceman manages to seal the crooks head (and unicorn horn
laser) in a block of ice. However this is a temporary victory as Bobby
is knocked out by an electrical jolt from the reviving Eel. Cyclops
attempts to knock out the Eel again, however, the Unicorn breaks free of
the ice around his head and uses his powers to knock out Cyclops as
well. The villains take their captives to a Neferia’s cruise ship where
they are locked up in the lower hold. Naferia commends his minions for
their work but is angry that they had to resort to force when he ordered
them not to harm the X-Men.

Meeting with the captive X-Men, he offers them to join him in his
latest plot: To steal an entire US city — Washington D.C. to be exact.
However, the X-Men refuse to betray their country by involving
themselves in such a plot. Despite the X-Men’s refusal to join him,
Nefaria goes to the controls and prepares to carry out his plot without
their aid.

  • Werner Roth penciled this issue under the pseudonym Jay Gavin.
  • credits:
    • Since Stan is on Vacation Now, Let’s see how a Swingin’ Staff Handles a Yarn all by Their Lonesome…
    • Editor Emeritus……Stan Lee
    • Script by……..Roy Thomas
    • Art by………..Jay Gavin
    • Inking by…….Dick Ayers
    • Lettering by…Artie Simek
    • Colosso by…..Irving Forbush Robotics, Inc.

  • Iceman is incorrectly named “Bobby Blake” in this story.
  • The X-Men previously encountered the Unicorn in Fantastic Four Annual #3 (in Italy in F4C #39).
  • Jean mentions her sister for the first time. 
Journey into Mystery Vol 1 102

“The Menace” / LA MINACCIA !


alien lands in a central European village and restrains the villagers
while he sets up a weapon. He uses the weapon to drive back an attacking
space fleet, and the villagers realize he was actually trying to help



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