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GLI ETERNI corno N.8 LA MACCHINA ASSASSINA ! kirby nova 2001 space odyssey omega


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collana Fantasy , EDITORIALE CORNO, 1978

Se qui da noi la definizione GLI ETERNI evoca irrimediabilmente entità immortali, inalienabili ed incombenti quali Giorgio Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi, Maurizio Costanzo, Pierferdinando Casini, Corrado Augias e Pippo Baudo, in america invece è una serie supereroistica a fumetti classica ed intramontabile ( ETERNALS in lingua originale ) che deve il suo successo e la sua popolarità non a scandali, processi , rumours di collusioni con mafia e malavita, presunti crimini dal colletto bianco e bustarelle ma solamente e immensamente ai magnifici disegni dell’ indimenticabile re JACK KIRBY

Questa è la favolosa serie gigante Corno che ha fatto conoscere in Italia la superba saga SF-fantasy , e ne è rimasta l’ unica pubblicazione nostrana per decenni, fino al masterwork integrale uscito pochi anni fa e puff !  oggi già disperatamente ed inesorabilmente esaurito

Tra l’ altro la collana ospita anche altro materiale eccellente, ristampato poco o addirittura mai, un po’ per dimenticanza, un po’ per pigrizia, un po’ per ignoranza , un po’ per accidia, un po’ per impedimenti oggettivi : MACHINE-MAN , NOVA , 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY , OMEGA , GUARDIANS OF GALAXY , LUNAR alias MOON KNIGHT alias IL CAVALIERE DELLA LUNA, CYBERNUS / DEATHLOK the demolisher ,  3-D MAN, e c’è persino un episodio di X-Men di Claremont & Byrne sull’ ultimo numero, il 29.

in questo numero : ETERNI – NOVA – OMEGA

prosegue inoltre la pubblicazione della espansione seriale di 2001 ODISSEA NELLO SPAZIO ad opera di Jack Kirby che segue a ruota la graphic novel della Treasury Edition in formato gigante con il suo personalissimo adattamento a fumetti del film di Stanley Kubrick ispirato a sua volta al romanzo di Arthur C. Clarke (quella di questa collana resta a tutt’oggi l’unica edizione italiana mai prodotta , infatti la miniserie non è tuttora ristampabile per il drastico ed inflessibile veto della casa di produzione cinematografica MGM detentrice dei diritti che non ha mai gradito questa stupenda versione considerandola invece una interpretazione arbitraria ed incoerente, poco aderente e troppo divergente dai canoni concettuali fondamentali e dai cardini di senso assiomatici dell’ opera originale, se non addirittura lesiva nei confronti della leggendaria pellicola)

condizioni : molto buone, in copertina usura nei bordi e piccoli frammenti mancanti nelle punte degli angoli inferiori, l’ albo non è di busta

a disposizione moltissimi numeri delle altre serie Corno , Star e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.

Eternals Vol 1 9

The Killing Machine!!” / LA MACCHINA ASSASSINA

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Ikaris, Makarri, and Margo return to Olympia and are greeted by an
array of illusions from Sprite. The Celestials start making their
presence known around the world. Thena witnesses a duel between the
Reject and Karkas which gets out of hand. 

The Celestial Eson attacks
Lemuria and drains the power from the city.

Nova Vol 1 8

When Megaman Comes Calling — Don’t Answer!” / LA MINACCIA DI MEGANOMO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




With Condor, Diamondhead, and Powerhouse
escaping with technology stolen from his ship that they plan to use to
try and oust the Sphinx, Nova finds himself trapped aboard the ship as
it rockets away from the Earth. However, Nova activates the ships
computers and orders it to stop. He uses the computers systems to check
on Condor and his men (who are attacking the Sphinx and his forces), his
father, and locates the missing Caps.

With Caps at risk of drowning after having been tied up in a
sewer, Nova rushes back to Earth and rescues the boy and drops him off
at the Rider hope where he makes a quick change back to his civilian
identity. When Caps enters, he has him reunited with Bernie.

Caps explains that his tormentor calling himself the Megaman,
however the Megaman is really Cap’s uncle Nathan Cooper. Caps explains
that during a camping trip, his uncle Nathan fell into a black pool, and
(as explained to him by the Megaman himself) and was transported to a
realm where he met the Protector. The Protector would recreate Nathan
into the Megaman, and Megaman returns to the Earth bent on getting
revenge on his nephew whom he blames for his current transformation.

That night, Caps rushes to Richards’s home in a panic because
Megaman has returned to take him away. Richard, having deduced this as a
possibility tries to tackle him as Nova. In order to get Nova off his
back, Megaman lights the Rider home on fire before fleeing with Caps.

2001 A Space Odyssey Vol 1 7

The New Seed” / IL NUOVO SEME !

Featured Characters:


  • Epsilon Eridan



Gordon Pruett is transformed by the Monolith
into a new seed. He traverses the galaxy until alighting upon a planet
where civilization has destroyed itself.

He observes a young couple
attacked by a group of looters and killed. 

The new seed takes part of
the essence of these two and transports it to a new planet far distant
to drop it off into the as-yet unliving oceans to begin the cycle of
life anew.

Omega the Unknown Vol 1 6

A Tug of the Wrench!” / UN COLPO DI CHIAVE INGLESE  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Protar humanoid (Dream)
  • Nick Delbello (Dream)
  • Thomas “Tank” Tyson (Dream)
  • Mamie (Only appearance; dies)
  • Alice (Gramps’ friend) 
  • Zach (vagrant)
  • Looie (pimp)
  • Dennis (Amber’s date) (Only Appearance)
  • Ethel (Mamie’s friend, Wrench’s mother) (Photo)



James-Michael awakes from a nightmare where he, as Omega, fails to prevent the murder of all his friends by Nick, Tank, and the killer robots he had previously envisioned Omega fighting. Ruth tries to comfort him, but quickly gives up against James-Michael’s uncooperative attitude, going back to bed after calling him a “robot”, a comment that hits home for the boy. He decides to sneak out for a walk around Hell’s Kitchen.

Meanwhile, Gramps has taken “Sam” out drinking with his elderly friends. Omega hasn’t tasted alcohol before and samples it reluctantly, not liking the dulling effect it has on his senses. They escort Gramps’ friend, Mamie home, and after she enters her building, Gramps tells Sam about how her friend Ethel was recently killed by a mugger. Before they can leave, a scream is heard from Mamie’s apartment and Omega flies through the window to find her struck down by a large man wielding a wrench. Wrench gets the drop on the inebriated Omega and escapes, but Omega follows him, observing that the man is mentally ill.

James-Michael spots Amber on a date during his walk and feels an inexplicable jealousy driving him to hide from her as she walks by. When Amber gets home to find James-Michael missing, she heads back out alone to find him, though she’s partially encouraged by the boy showing signs of working out his inner restlessness for once. 

Continued to next issue… 

  • Rudy’s Bar & Grill is a real establishment on 9th Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen, the same street as Gramps’ Pawn Shop. 

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