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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.262 IL NEMICO DI GHIACCIO! iron man campioni angel ice-man


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parimenti a quanto a volte accade anche con coloro che vengono rintracciati dai carabinieri o dalla trasmissione “Chi l’ha visto?”, in alcune circostanze chi è scomparso non ha nessuna voglia di farsi ritrovare, e questo è proprio il caso del glaciale Ice-Man alias L’Uomo Ghiaccio che una volta scovato anzichè riabbracciare i suoi salvatori Spider-Man ed il compare Angelo degli X-Men si rivolta contro di loro con la ferocia di un surgelato sbrinato con la fiamma ossidrica

contiene inoltre : IRON-MAN (manco a farlo apposta affiancato dai vacillanti CAMPIONI DI LOS ANGELES)

Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 18
“My Friend, My Foe!” / IL NEMICO DI GHIACCIO !

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With Stuart Clark unconscious, his control over Iceman has been severed causing the hero to go on a rampage and attack Spider-Man and the Angel. During the fight, Iceman explains how Clark manage to take control of him during times that Iceman visited him in the hospital and facilitated his escape.

As Spider-Man takes the fight with Iceman outside the dilapidated Champions building, Angel is held up by representatives of the company that built the Champions building to discuss what to do about it’s current state. Spider-Man manages to defeat Iceman, and snap him back to his senses and take him to safety. The two return to the Champions Building to find that the Angel has “convinced” the building contractors to repair the shoddy work on the building for free. Afterwords, Angel takes Clark back to the hospital while Iceman decides to go on his own. Spider-Man later realizes that his camera was wrecked in the battle.

As Peter flies back to New York, back home Flash Thompson and Sha Shan spend time together, and Hector Ayala meets Holly Gillis, and at a prison, one of the inmates has seemingly disappeared leaving a blasted wall and a glowing lightbulb behind. 

Iron Man Annual Vol 1 4
“The Doomsday Connection!” / IL GIORNO DEL DISASTRO

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Having followed MODOK across the country, Iron Man bursts into a Nevada AIM base, but it’s empty. He starts to investigate an energy cradle but is attacked by two Guardian robots. After defeating them he concludes that this is an energy relay station, MODOK wouldn’t store the energy here, but the energy collection has all come from the East Coast, blacking it out. He travels to contact the nearby Champions, but they don’t get his warning signal due to the blackout. He is attacked by Ghost Rider but the misunderstanding is quickly cleared up by the Black Widow. Iron Man updates everybody on MODOK and AIM using his mini-projector and they split up into three teams to investigate three AIM bases. Black Widow, Hercules and Angel head to the National Redwood forest, where they’re attacked by AIM agents and captured. Iceman, Darkstar and Ghost Rider head to San Francisco, where they find an underwater AIM installation and are attacked by AIM agents and mutated sea creatures, and Darkstar is injured. Iron Man travels to the Mojave desert, where he comes across a Franciscan mission. He asks a friar if he’s seen any strange activity, but the friar attacks, revealing himself to be Stryke, a biologically reconstructed, powerful fighter. Realizing he’s been set up, Iron Man uses his image reproducer to confuse Stryke so that he can escape. He heads back to the Nevada base, contacting the Champions on his way. Having allowed themselves to be captured, Black Widow’s team breaks free and heads for Nevada. Iceman rescues Darkstar and puts her on life support in the Champscraft enroute. Iron Man finds MODOK at the AIM base, where he’s funneling all the stolen energy into his Doomsday Chair to amplify his mental powers. Once-Humans attack and the arriving Champions defeat them. MODOK escapes, destroying the installation behind him, trapping Iron Man and the Champions. Iron Man then uses the remaining energy in the energy cradle to supercharge himself. He breaks free and charges after MODOK, only to accidentally appear to destroy him. Afterwards, Darkstar is brought to the hospital.

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