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I FANTASTICI QUATTRO 4 corno # 149 CATACLISMA capitan marvel


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prima serie Editoriale Corno


Episodio principale con i F4 : per dare davvero di più si celebra il natale (almeno qui in italia) con una storiellona lunga ed estesa (e senza interruzioni pubblicitarie) tratta dal gigante (buono) n.2 , dove il piatto del giorno è il solito anacronistico ed inverosimile paradosso spaziotemporale che rimette in carreggiata per qualche minuto il buon patriota anarcoinsurrezionalista George Washington, però resta insoluto l’ eterno dilemma di chi in america e nel resto del mondo buttasse i propri soldi per simili balorde fregnacce, e se quel denaro proveniva proprio dalle loro tasche e dai loro salvadanai, oppure l’ avevano rubato o fprse trovato in un portafogli per strada (magari dentro ad una borsa che a sua volta si trovava dentro una macchina, un appartamento, un bar o una banca)

contiene inoltre :  CAP. MARVEL

Con l‘ ingombrante presenza de L’ OSSERVATORE / THE WATCHER  a far girare le balle planetarie in entrambe le storie !


Giant-Size Fantastic Four Vol 1 2.jpg

Cataclysm!” / CATACLISMA !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



While in orbit above the Earth testing out a new space shuttle for
NASA, the Fantastic Four witnesses a bright flash of light that envelops
the entire planet. This causes Ben to be blinded and they crash land
back on Earth. However, they find that the entire planet has regressed
into a prehistoric jungle. They are confronted by the Watcher who
explains that someone had accessed Dr. Doom’s time machine within the
Baxter Building and altered history in such ways that it caused all of
humanity to never develop into the society it’s in today. The FF agree
to being sent back in time to prevent these things from happening.

The Watcher sends Reed and Johnny back in time to the days of the
Revolutionary War, disguising themselves as locals from that era, the
two quickly learn where history changed in this reality: George
Washington has been captured by the British army, and the Americans are
at risk of winning the war. Attacking the British military base, Mr.
Fantastic and the Human Torch easily free Washington from his prison.
After getting Washington to safety, they learn that he was captured due
to the appearance of a man who appeared in a bright flash of light. This
event spooked his horse enough to buck him off and be captured by the
British. With Washington free, Reed and Johnny are transported out of
that time, leaving Washington to resume his proper role in history.

Medusa and Thing are transported to the 1930’s prior to the
depression, where Ben is amazed to find that he’s been changed back into
his human form. Stealing some clothing, they begin to look for point
where history has changed. They find it in a speak-easy where they find
Willy Lumpkin, the FF’s mailman sitting with some gangsters. Realizing
that Willy may tell them about the financial future of the world during
this time and thereby give organized crime another edge during the
depression, Ben and Medusa grab Lumpkin and run. The mobsters chase
after them as Ben steals a car and tries to drive away. However he
crashes the vehicle, but then changes back into the Thing and makes
short work of the mobsters tailing them. With Willy secure, the trio are
transported out of that point in history.

The FF and Willy are not returned to their own time however, they
are brought to the timeless realm of Tempus. Tempus tells them all he
had manipulated events in the hopes that all the time paradoxes created
by Willy would cause all reality to crumble apart and thus end his
millennial long existence. Desiring to destroy the Fantastic Four, they
find that Tempus’ control over time can cause them to rapidly age.
However, they manage to defeat him by tripping him up causing him to
shatter. Soon after the world of Tempus crumbles as well, however the
Fantastic Four and Willy are transported back to their own time,
everything seemingly restored back to normal. The Watcher then erases
Willy’s memories of the whole situation before departing.

Captain Marvel Vol 1 38.jpg

— No Way Out!” / NIENTE DA FARE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Captain Marvel is captive of the Watcher and the Lunatic Legion on the
Moon. The Legion turns out to be radical right-wing Kree supremacists,
and Mar-Vell overcomes them. Uatu turns himself in for judgement by his
own people.

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