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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.14 I NEMICI DELLE STELLE casey at the bat parody


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale


all’ interno una storia completa di HULK ed una de I DIFENSORI

contiene inoltre :  una dissacrante parodia del Not Brand Echh su “CASEY AT THE BAT” l’ appassionato poema americano sul baseball di Ernest Lawrence Thayer. Protagoniste le spassose e ridicole macchiette di un pò tutti i supereroi marvel.


Incredible Hulk Vol 1 137

The Stars, Mine Enemy!” / I NEMICI DELLE STELLE !

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Cerexo


  • Outer Space


  • Space Craft Andromeda


Forced aboard the a ship of aliens hunting the alien creature Klaatu, the Hulk is once more face to face with his old foe the Abomination
who is First Mate aboard the vessel. Naturally, the Hulk and
Abomination begin fighting, however the fight is soon broken up by Xeron
who tells the Abomination that the Hulk will be useful in their hunt of
Klaatu. An alien named Cerexo takes the the Hulk with him and explains
that they have been all consigned to hunt down the illusive Klaatu and
that they had found the Abomination in their chase, and since his
addition to the crew the monster has killed his way into the position of
First Mate.

The Hulk spends his time thereafter being forced to row the giant
space ship, and live and work among the aliens, all the while the
Abomination is plotting his revenge on the Hulk. One day the Hulk is out
watching the Earth in the distance when the Abomination attacks from
behind, knocking the Hulk into space, Xeron and the others pull the Hulk
back aboard the ship and Xeron warns the Abomination not to try another
attempt on the Hulk’s life. Just then they are summoned to meet the
captain of the vessel, an alien named Cybor.

In Cybor’s presence, the Hulk is told by the half alien half
machine that he has been on a quest to destroy Klaatu ever since the
creature destroyed half his body. The Hulk is then sent back to his room
where he suddenly reverts back into Bruce Banner. Although he is
without the Hulk’s great strength, Banner is put aboard one of the
hunting vessels to row with the other aliens on their next trek to hunt
down and kill Klaatu.

During the hunt, Banner is knocked loose and is attacked by the
Abomination, causing him to transform back into the Hulk. Cybor
meanwhile harpoons Klaatu, but gets pulled and gets stuck on the
creature as it flies into the sun killing him and seemingly destroying
itself. Xeron and the others, on a damaged vessel, realize that their
fate is numbered as well, with no means of returning to their ship and
their artificial atmosphere on a limited supply, they too will meet
their eventual end.

The Hulk and Abomination continued their fight, their blows
bringing them close to Earth’s atmosphere to be pulled in by the planets
gravity sending them into a free fall to the planets surface. 

Defenders Vol 1 18

“Rampage!” / DISTRUZIONE

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Confronted by the Wrecking Crew, the Defenders are told of their antagonists origins: How the Wrecker busted out of prison with a number of fellow criminals and while standing together allowed lightning to strike the Wreckers enchanted crowbar, empowering them all. The group has been smashing down buildings in order to find a hidden Gamma Bomb.

Meanwhile, Valkyrie begins trying to find her identity, as she reflects back on her past as Barbara Norriss, she is unaware that the is being watched by somebody who knows her. As the battle between the other Defenders and the Wrecking Crew rages on, the Hulk joins the fight. When Thunderball unearths the shell casing of the Gamma Bomb, all are shocked when upon opening it, it is realized that the canister is empty. 


  • Valkyrie is seen next in Marvel Two-In-One #7 ( in Italy in HULK E I DIFENSORI Corno # 16) . She will not appear in the next issue of Defenders. 

Not Brand Echh Vol 1 9



A spoof recreation of the Ernest Lawrence Thayer classic, using popular Marvel Comics characters and others (from Disney and Peanuts universe), visually standing-in for the baseball-player protagonists of the otherwise faithfully rendered famous poem “Casey at the Bat“. The inedible Bulk plays the part of Casey.

Mystic Vol 1 7

Beware…the Bees! / ATTENZIONE… ALLE API

comic story / 4 pages 


Mort Lawrence
Mort Lawrence
Job Number:

Content Information

science fiction; horror


A man takes a serum in order to work unmolested around bee hives which produces results akin to the those of the movie “The Fly.”

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