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DEVIL corno # 93 NESSUNO MI PUO' FERMARE iron man nick fury black widow shield


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all’ interno : IRON-MAN , NICK FURY


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Greg
  • Fred




Rising from the destruction of his own mansion, Damon Dran — now
called the Indestructible Man — grows in size powered by the Project 4
glove which hovers over his head. Dran then goes on a rampage through
San Francisco. Daredevil, Black Widow, Ivan and Danny French all
confront Dran at the Golden Gate bridge.

No attacks seem to effect Dran, who easily swats away his
attackers. While Dran is otherwise distracted, Danny French throws a
spear at the glove shattering it. The resulting explosion destroys
Dran’s powers and seemingly kills Dran. However, this victory comes at a
cost, Danny bore the brunt of the explosion and dies before DD and the
Black Widow.


  • On the cover of this issue, the Black Widow is mistakenly colored without her normal skin-tight dark gloves.
  • Matt Murdock officially joins as a partner with Broderick, Sloan, and Murdock. He replaces Larry Cranston who was recently revealed to be a criminal. Murdock will remain with the firm until her moves back to New York City in Daredevil #109 (in Italy in DEVC # 116-117). 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Continued from last issue…

When the Crusher attacks Stark Industries, Whitney enters the building
to try and steal one of Stark’s super-weapons. When Whitney is captured
by the Crusher, Jasper tries to save her forcing Iron Man to knock
Sitwell out so that he can deal with the Crusher without anyone getting
hurt. Using the centrifugal force device to make the Crusher weightless
and carry his foe over the ocean and drop him there, where his massive
bulk causes him to sink to the ocean’s floor. Returning to Stark
International, Iron Man finds a revived Jasper humiliated that Iron Man
saved Whitney from the Crusher, and the dejected Sitwell leaves to
“prove” himself to Whitney. 

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 10

Twas the Night Before Christmas” / ERA LA VIGILIA DI NATALE  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Harv
  • Luke
  • Dolly




December 24, 1968: Fury heads home, thinking how for some, holidays “can only hold the empty void left by a tragic past”. After a mugging attempt in which he sent his attackers packing, Fury arrives at his apartment and is surprised by Laura Brown, who tells him since neither one of them have families she thought it would be a good idea to spend the holiday together. Their celebrations are interrupted by a “condition red” alert. Aboard the Heli-Carrier, Fury finds Sitwell, who was given two days off for the holidays by Tony Stark, and decided to drop by to see if he could be useful. They’ve intercepted a transmission from The Hate-Monger, who intends to drop a “Germ Bomb” to wipe out the entire population of NYC! Fury takes the “Self-Orbiting Attack Craft” to a huge scientific complex orbiting the Earth. Fury tackles a large number of The Hate-Monger’s men single-handed, but is eventually brought down by numbers. On awakening, he finds himself imprisoned inside the capsule containing the “Germ Bomb”, as The Hate-Monger explains that once NYC has been wiped out, it will “set all the nations of the world against each other”, resulting in a nuclear holocaust that will “purge Earth of all living beings”– save those in his orbiting colony. 

Continued to next issue…


  • Plot by Friedrich and Springer, script by Friedrich.
  • Pencils: Smith (uncredited) did page 2 except for panel 1, page 3, and the first two panels of page 4. 

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


Casa Editrice

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