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THOR II 2a seconda serie corno n. 4 ANCHE GLI DEI POS


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seconda serie Corno  1982 – 83

Questa seconda, forse superflua e pleonastica ma ugualmente affascinante e pregevole,  serie Corno di Thor ristampa materiale già pubblicato in precedenza, la fascia proposta è quella che corrisponde alle storie del periodo dei migliori Stan Lee e Jack Kirby, ovvero quelle uscite nella prima serie dal n. 25 al 93 corrispondenti nell’edizione americana a Journey into Mistery / The Mighty Thor da 126 a 188 oltre a  Mighty Thor Annual 2.



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If Asgard Falls..” / I DISTRUTTORI  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




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…continued from last issue…

Back on Asgard, the tournament gets underway starting with a
battle royal to see who is the bravest warrior of them all.
Participating in the event are Thor, the Warriors Three, Tyr, Brok, Galp
and Drom. As planned these eight warriors pair off fighting their
supposed equal opponent to see which one is the better of the other. As
this contest goes on, the Destroyer armour arrives on the Bifrost
Bridge, and Heimdall proves to be little match to stop it from crossing
into Asgard.

The Destroyer enters the arena where at that time the Warriors
Three, Thor and Tyr and his goons are all fighting each other. The
Destroyer soon breaks up the fight, easily dispelling all the contenders
and making it’s way toward Odin himself. Dropping their battle with Tyr
and his crones, Thor goes after the Destroyer, attacking the enchanted
armour all by himself. Like in his previous encounter with the Destroyer
armour, Thor finds that he does not have sufficient power to be able to
stop it.

When the armour gets to Odin, Loki reveals that he is the one
that is piloting the suit and prepares to destroy Odin with a blast from
the armour’s disintegration ray. Before he can do so, Balder — whom
Odin sent off to locate Loki’s physical body — returns with the
location of the body. Odin then casts a spell of forgetfulness on Loki’s
inert form blocking out all of his thoughts. With no mind or memory to
remember how to pilot the armour, Loki’s soul returns to his body
rendering the Destroyer armour inert once more.

With Loki’s plot foiled, Odin addresses his subjects and declares them all heroes.

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Rigel – Where Gods May Fear to Tread!” / ANCHE GLI DEI POSSONO TREMARE

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ego, the living planet (First appearance)



  • Mjolnir
  • Rigellian Structural Dissembler/Restorer


  • Rigellian Space Cruiser


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Continued from last issue…

Rocketing towards the planet Rigel in a Rigellian ship, Thor
hopes to stop the Rigellian colonization of the planet Earth. Along the
way he is intercepted by a Rigellian Sky-Station which demands he
identify himself. Thor demands that they release their Space Lock on the
Earth. Instead of complying with the Thunder God’s demands, the
Rigellians aboard the Sky-Station board his shop instead. The aliens
rely on their superior forcefield technology to try and stop Thor,
however this does not work and he easily defeats them in battle with his
hammer. He then forces this crew to take him the rest of the way to

While on Earth, the Rigellian Colonizer Tana Nile uses her vast
mental powers to get a police escort to the United Nations building.

Back on the planet Rigel, the Rigellian Colonizers send a robot
Indestructible to deal with Thor. The robot blasts it’s way aboard his
ship and engages in battle against the Thunder God. As the fight rages,
with Thor being unable to stop the robot, not until Thor turns it’s own
disintegration device on itself, deactivating it. Thor demands the
vessel go further, when the ship is struck from a bolt of energy from
the Black Galaxy, destroying part of their vessel.

When the Rigellian Colonization Controller learns of Thor’s
progress, he decides to get involved directly and goes to the Power
Planet, the planetoid that controls their Space Lock to insure that it
is protected at all costs. Thor arrives shortly after and makes short
work of the Rigellians and is about to destroy their Space Lock device
when he is stopped by the Grand Commissioner.

The Grand Comissioner explains that there is a far greater menace
in the universe coming out of the Black Galaxy. The Grand Commissioner
informs Thor that if he ventures into the Black Galaxy and eliminates
this threat, they will free the Earth from their control. Thor agrees to
do so, and the Rigellians ask that Thor take one of their Recorder
robots to document his travels.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Jane Foster (still acting on the hypnotic
suggestion of Tana Nile) is on an air plane to Europe. She confides in
her fellow man — a piggish looking man named Porga — that she felt
compelled to take this flight, a sensation that he himself can relate

While back in space, Thor and the Recorder robot travel into the
Black Galaxy and find that it is structured in an almost organic
fashion, dubbed by the Recorder as a “Bio-Verse.” Following their
navigation they come before Ego the living planet, who tells the two
that it has been waiting for them.

This story is continued in next issue 

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