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MARVEL 1989 – THE YEAR IN REVIEW Time Magazine Parody


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MARVEL – 1989 The Year in Review

A sofisticated parody for everyone who loves Marvel comics !

Speciale americano della Marvel (ovviamente in lingua originale inglese) sulla falsariga delle tradizionali monografie editoriali di fine anno prodotte dalla rivista Time e dai grandi magazines o quotidiani mondiali con il riepilogo, i consuntivi e la carrellata retrospettiva di tutti i fatti principali, gli avvenimenti salienti e le figure di spicco che ne sono stati protagonisti.

Ma anzichè la cronaca, la politica, l’economia, lo sport o altre aree ed ambiti di interesse del mondo reale, l’ argomento specifico della pubblicazione sono i personaggi, le storie e gli eventi dei comics della casa delle idee

Anche le pagine di inserzioni pubblicitarie sono fittizie ed adattate all’universo fumettistico, con aziende immaginarie talmente radicate nella cultura collettiva per cui risulta abbastanza faticoso demarcare il limite tra fantasia e realtà : troviamo ad esempio AIR LATVERIA , ROXXON OIL, STARK ENTERPRISES e il COLISEUM CASINO di Las Vegas

Questo che vi proponiamo relativo al 1989 è il primo annuario che fu realizzato, ne seguirono poi altri 5, sempre a cadenza annuale, fino al 1994 compreso

MARVEL-YEAR IN REVIEW Vol 1 No 1 , published by Marvel comics, december 1989, spillato, formato cm.20,9×27,8 , 48 pagine + copertina, tutto a colori




The “Marvel: Year in Review” titles are written rather tongue-in-cheek, from the
point of view of those living in the Marvel Universe.

In Detail…

Marvel: The Year in Review 1989

Editor:  Bobbie Chase
Writer:  Bobbie Chase,
David Wohl,
Dwayne McDuffie,
Dwight Jon Zimmerman,
Evan Skolnick,
Hank P. McCoy,
James DiGiovanna,
Janet Van Dyne,
Marc Siry,
Mark Gruenwald,
Matt Wayne,
Michael Ellis,
Renee Witterstaetter
Artist:  Bob McLeod,
Bryan Hitch,
Dale Keown,
Herb Trimpe,
Hilary Barta,
Lee Weeks,
Michael Mignola
Cover Art:  Todd McFarlane
Cover Design:  John Romita, Sr.

This issue is from 1989, and the ads and content are to match. Advertisements
appear from the likes of Roxxon Oil and Damage Control. Spider-Man appears on
the cover, speaking out against super hero registration. Of course, nearly
twenty years later he joined Iron Man on the other side in Civil War,
with devastating consequences.

There’s a “Business” section, featuring (among others) a short article about
Thomas Fireheart’s purchase of the Daily Bugle. There’s a series of
features in the “Nation” section related to Atlantis Attacks, the
cross-annual storyline. The “Homefront” section covers Acts of Vengeance,
the new SHIELD team under Nick Fury, and the shelving of the Super Powers

The “Science and Technology” section cover the Vault, Time-Travel, the Space
Shuttle Hijacking, and Stark’s nerve-regrowth surgery. “International News”
mentions Excalibur in Great Britain, also Madripoor and Wakanda. The
“Government” section has four more pages on the Super Powers act, while
“Profile” features the She-Hulk as “Woman of the Year”.

A second “Science” section feature Quasar’s power bands, then a two page article
on Spider-Man’s recent acquisition of cosmic power. There’s a “Grapevine”
section featuring celebrity gossip, who’s dating who, including Johnny
Storm’s recent marriage to Alicia Masters, former girlfriend of The
Thing. Confused yet?

There’s a “Feature” on Tony Stark’s recent shooting wounds, while “Literature”
features books by Professor X, and the “Sidekick” autobiography from Rick
Jones. Then there’s a “Milestones/Transitions” which gives a nod to some of
the other story-lines of the year, including the death of John Walker, the
stand-in Captain America.

More Milestones… The “death” of the X-Men at the conclusion of Fall of the
Mutants, Patch in Madripoor (is he related to Wolverine), and the grey hulk.
Then there’s a three page interview with The Wizard, as he talks with pride
of his involvement in the Acts of Vengeance. That feature references
Spider-Man, naturally.

To conclude, there’s a page of recipes (Mephisto’s devil food cake, anyone?)
and a best-dressed and worst-dressed list. Mary Jane Watson made number one
on the
worst-dressed, with her tacky new look courtesy of Todd McFarlane. Ouch! Then
there’s one last feature, on the Vision, a nod to the real-world Hulk TV
series and Dolph Lundgren Punisher movie project, seamlessly merged with the
fictional She-Hulk movie project.

The last page is Classifieds. “I have 8 arms to hold you.” Lonely but
fun-loving SWM seeking megalomaniac SWF for serious relationship. Contact “Oc.”
Box 204.

In General…

This magazine is clearly a labor of love. There are no paid real-world
advertisements. The text is clever, fun, informative, and frequently very
amusing. There are forty-eight pages, counting perhaps a dozen pages of fake
ads, but even the fake ads are perfectly produced and guaranteed to raise a
smile. Roxxon’s slogan – “There’s plenty more where that came from.” Brilliant!

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