“The Lizard Lives!” / LIZARD VIVE !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- New York City
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
- Florida
With the Lizard on the rampage, all the beast can remember is it’s defeat at the hands of Spider-Man and vows to get revenge against the wall-crawler. Meanwhile, Spidey returns the Connors to their home and vows to Martha and Billy that he will find Curt and change him back to human form. He then returns home and returns to his guise of Peter Parker. He checks on his Aunt May who is resting in Florida, and briefly runs into Harry who’s on his way out for another date with Mary Jane. Peter later meets with Gwen, who asks Peter to share his secret with her because his disappearances have gone on far too long. Peter promises he’ll tell her soon, but not yet. When they return to Gwen’s home before going out on a date, they find that George Stacy and Joe Robertson have been talking about Spider-Man. George asks Peter to come back sometime soon and discuss what he knows about Spider-Man, having taken so many pictures of the wall crawler.
The next morning, when Peter hears reports of a giant lizard on the radio, he goes out on the prowl as Spider-Man in hopes of capturing the Lizard before anyone else does. Sure enough Spider-Man finds the Lizard. However the creature is so determined to remain as it is, and bent on revenge on Spider-Man that it manages to over power the wall-crawler and beat him into submission. As the Lizard dangles Spider-Man over the edge of a building, the Human Torch arrives just in time to save Spider-Man from being dropped to his death. With Spider-Man still out of it, the Torch decides to fight the Lizard on the wall-crawlers behalf. Spider-Man powerless to stop what he thinks will be the destruction of the Lizard.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- New York City
- Gramercy Park (First appearance)
- Midtown Hotel room
The Human Torch has gotten in the middle of Spider-Man’s fight with the Lizard, and is bent on destroying the creature, unaware that Spider-Man wants to avoid such a conclusion. Try as the Torch might to try and stop the Lizard, Spider-Man stops him from causing the Lizard any harm. Meanwhile, Billy Connors, having heard of the Torch’s inclusion in the battle goes after the fight to try and talk the Human Torch into not hurting his father. Their fight takes them to the water front, where the Lizard is knocked into the water, and is knocked out from the excessive heat of the Torch’s flames and Spider-Man’s struggle with the Lizard underwater. When Spidey pulls the Lizard out of the water, he finally convinces the Torch to buzz off by pretending that he has “Spider-Sonic Hearing” and picked up a distress signal from the Fantastic Four, prompting the Torch to leave to help out his comrades. Spidey then carries the Lizard to what he thinks is a safe place and begins looking for something that will change the Lizard back into Curt Connors. When Billy arrives on the scene, the Lizard breaks free and threatens the boy. Spider-Man uses a dehydrating powder on the Lizard, causing the creature to change back into Connors. With the Lizard once more defeated, Connors is reunited with his family, who once more thank Spider-Man for helping them. Afterwords, Spider-Man returns to the city where he wonders what will happen when the Torch realizes he’s been tricked.
- When the Lizard turns back into Curt Connors he calls his son Bobby instead of Billy.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Prowler (Hobie Brown) (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Mindy McPherson (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Mr. Clark (Hobie’s Boss)
- Night Watchman
- New York City
- Daily Bugle Building
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
Swinging through the city, Spider-Man is lost in thought, thinking over the past couple of days. When he stops to call Gwen, he’s hassled by a man who wishes to use the phone booth that he’s using. When the man realizes that Spider-Man is using the booth, he runs off scared. Alas, it’s for naught, because when Peter asks Gwen to meet with him, she tells him she’s busy, Pete completely unaware that she has Flash Thompson over for a visit. Web-Slinging back to the apartment he shares with Harry Osborn, Peter has to wait outside while he waits for Harry to get off the phone with Mary Jane and retires for the night before re-entering his apartment.
Peter tries to study, but finds that he cannot get Gwen off the brain, and decides to go and see her anyway, coming up with an excuse for his visit. However, along the way, he spies Gwen with Flash Thompson when he walks pass the Coffee Pot cafe. Unaware that she’s seeking advice about Peter and his secret, Peter assumes that the two of them have become an item and storms off. When two tough guys try to give him trouble, he unconsciously brushes them off with his spider-strength before he realizes what he’s done, and rushes home.
Meanwhile, Hobbie Brown, a young African-American inventor who has to work as a window cleaner to support himself and his girlfriend is cleaning the Daily Bugle Building. However, J. Jonah Jameson comes and asks him why he’s been daydreaming at one window for so long. Hobbie’s racist boss enters the room and the trio get into an argument about Hobbie’s job (Jameson siding with Hobbie.) Eventually Hobbie gets his fill and quits. Finally fed up with his constant struggles to make ends meet when he has such a brilliant mind, Hobbie converts specially made talons and fluid shooters which he created for his window cleaning job into instruments for crime and makes a costume. Thus, the Prowler is born.
As Peter unsuccessfully tries to get a loan from J. Jonah Jameson, the Prowler attacks the Bugle building in order to score some publicity. When Peter’s spider-sense warns him of the Prowler’s presence, he decides that he doesn’t have time to change into Spider-Man and goes to find out what’s going on. He finds the Prowler in the process of stealing the payroll bag from one of the officers. Peter tries to stop the Prowler, but Jameson suddenly enters the room to see what all the commotion is. Peter is now in a dilemma because any feat of strength could possibly tip Jameson off to his secret identity.
In an usual show of humaneness, J.J.Jameson puts down Hobie Brown‘s racist boss, Mr. Clark.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
While struggling with the Prowler, Peter Parker has to curb any feats of strength when J. Jonah Jameson bursts in the room. Peter allows the Prowler to toss him out of a window, and uses his spider-powers to avoid falling to his death. The Prowler, only wanting to steal the Bugle payroll, is mortified that he will be labeled a murderer and tries to escape.
Continued to next issue…