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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.82 LA VENUTA DI KANGAROO ! 1973 hulk dottor dr. strange


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per un increscioso e deplorevole pasticcio tipografico TUTTE le copie di questo numero sono di dimensioni leggermente inferiori in altezza (-1 cm) rispetto al formato standard di questa collana, pertanto NON si tratta di albi rifilati o infeltriti ma solo di una bizzarra eccezione di cui anche i più pignoli, puristi ed ortodossi bisogna che se ne facciano in qualche modo una ragione 

contiene inoltre :  HULK , DR.STRANGE 


Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 81.jpg

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Running late to meet his Aunt May who is on her way back from a trip
to Florida, Peter resorts to web-slinging across the city as Spider-Man.
Arriving at the train station, May confuses Peter’s perspiration as
illness and demands that she looks after him. The two are unaware that a
man named the Kangaroo is about to be deported back to Australia. Peter
soon does know, when the men moving the Kangaroo out of the country are
suddenly attacked by the man, who exhibits abilities the same as his
name sake, and manages to escape.

As Peter is stuck at Aunt May’s, with Aunt May doting over him,
Peter finds himself “confined” to a bed. When news of the Kangaroo
stealing an experimental bacteria hit the air-waves, Peter decides he
must act. He makes a dummy out of webbing in the hopes that it will fool
Aunt May while he’s off fighting the Kangaroo as Spider-Man. However,
when May comes to give Peter some cold medication, the sight of the
web-dummy frightens her into a fainting spell.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man battles the Kangaroo across the city, and
manages to recover the vial of the bacterium before it can get broken
open by accident. Although the Kangaroo escapes, Spider-Man returns the
stolen viral agent back to the authorities. He then realizes how late it
is and rushes back to Aunt May’s house before she discovers his hoax.
He arrives to find her passed out on the bed. Spidey quickly changes
back to his civilian guise and disposes of the web-dummy. When Aunt May
revives, she dismisses the whole thing as her imagination and believes
that she must be getting senile in her old age. Peter blames himself,
and Spider-Man, for once more being the root cause of the problems in
his personal life.

Tales to Astonish Vol 1 80.jpg

They Dwell in the Depths!”  TYRANNUS !  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:



  • Southwest United States
  • Subterranean Caverns


  • The Octo-Sapien (Mole Man’s robotic weapon)
  • Mole Man’s Laser Cannons


Continued from last issue…
The Mole Man attacks with his octo-droid. The battle carries Hulk and
the robot to the Fountain of Youth and the battle ends with both
plunging into it followed by a large explosion. The end result destroys
the Mole Man’s robot and changes the Hulk back into Bruce Banner. Banner
wanders out of the Mole Man’s lair wondering how long he will remain

Tales to Astonish Vol 1 81.jpg


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Secret Empire (First appearance)
    • Number Five (First appearance)
    • Number Seven (First appearance)
  • Boomerang (First appearance)

Other Characters:


A terrorist organization known as the Secret Empire has hired Fred
Myers, The Boomerang, to steal the Orion Missile, hoping to avoid
confrontation with the Hulk. Deep below the Earth’s surface, Bruce
Banner tries to find his way out of the underground world. Running into
the aged Tyrannus, Banner manages to coerce the old man into revealing
that his matter transference device will get him back to the surface.
Banner heads towards the device, but has to wade through the combating
forces of Tyrannus and the Mole Man.

Meanwhile Rick, Betty, and Glenn manage to make it to the surface
where they are attacked by Boomerang who kidnaps Betty in hopes of
using her to get the Orion Missile as ransom. Back underground, Banner
is forced to become the Hulk in order to fight his way through the
battling armies, and succeeds in making it to the lab of Tyrannus.
Although the Hulk hates machines and begins to smash his way through the
various devices, he manages to find the matter transference device and
activate it to return him to the surface…


While the World Spins Mad!” / MENTRE IL MONDO TURBINA IN PREDA ALLA FOLLIA ! (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Lost in thought Dr. Strange is almost struck by a truck while
crossing the road, however a spell saves him at the last moment.
Returning to his Sanctum, Strange ponders further over a sense of dread
of some opposing force that is waiting to strike. After seeking the
advice of the Ancient One, Strange soon becomes aware of a presence in
his Sanctum.

Chasing this presence in his astral form, he is too late to stop
it from taking possession of his physical body. It attacks Strange, and
after a fierce battle, Strange realizes his astral form could touch his
foe, when his opponent tries to leap out of the Sanctum’s window,
Strange prevents it from falling, only to realize that the Sanctum had
been transported to another realm.

Continued to next issue…


Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


Casa Editrice


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