
“He Who Laughs Last…!” / L’OMBRA NERA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Green Goblin (Bart Hamilton) (First appearance as Green Goblin)
Other Characters:
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Newhope Memorial Hospital
- Dr. Hamilton’s Office
- Flash Thompson’s Apartment
- New York City
- New York
- United States of America

Following Spider-Man’s battle with the Hitman, the wall-crawler
returns J. Jonah Jameson to his office. The publisher is less than
thankful about Spider-Man’s rescue attempt, and Spider-Man literally
gives Jameson a spin after he chews out Spider-Man, before leaving.
The next morning, Peter awakens to find that his arm is
completely healed, he decides to go see his Aunt May and finds a note on
her apartment staying that she’s participating in a Grey Panthers
protest. Going to meet up with her there, Peter witnesses Aunt May get
into an altercation with a police officer, when she suddenly has a heart
attack and passes out. Throwing the cop aside, Peter comes to her aid
and he eventually leaves with her in an ambulance. At the hospital, Mary
Jane arrives to comfort Peter and to check in on Aunt May.
After learning of Aunt May’s condition, Peter and Mary Jane visit
with her briefly before departing. On his way home, Peter happens upon
Burton Hamilton’s office and finds it in shambles. Figuring that Harry
may have reverted to his Green Goblin persona, Peter decides to seek out
his friend as Spider-Man.
At the apartment shared by Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn, Flash
returns home to find the place trashed and the Green Goblin present.
Believing that it’s Harry, back in his Goblin guise, Flash tries to talk
sense into him when Spider-Man shows up.
This leads to a fight between
the Green Goblin and Spider-Man.
The fight takes a turn for the worse
when the Goblin grabs Flash Thompson and throws him out the nearby
- Jameson complains about how his office windows were broken recently. That happened in Amazing Spider-Man #174 (in Italy in URC #246).
- Aunt May suffers a heart attack, she has had a heart condition since Amazing Spider-Man #34 (in Italy in URC #28).
- Spider-Man suspects that the Green Goblin is Harry Osborn, who took on the mantle in Amazing Spider-Man #135–136 (in Italy in URC #159-160). The true identity of the Goblin is revealed in Amazing Spider-Man #180 (in Italy in URC #260).
- Inks (story pages): Mooney (uncredited) page 1, DeZuniga pages 2-17.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Mystery man in Gamma Base (Secretly the Leader)
- Betty Ross (Only in flashback)
- Jim Wilson (Only in flashback)
- Experimental battlevest
The Hulk has been tricked into attacking the Bi-Beast who has taken
over the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier on a mission to destroy life on Earth.
The Bi-Beast has managed to hold the Hulk at bay with a battery of
lasers that threaten to set the man-monsters blood boil. Watching this
from a monitoring station are General Ross, Clay Quartermain and
S.H.I.E.L.D.’s technical guru known as Gaffer. With the Hulk’s death
imminent, Gaffer activates a trap floor to save the Hulk’s life.
However, it delivers the Hulk into the same room they are in. Seeing
General Ross again puts the Hulk into a frenzy. The Hulk picks up Ross
and is about to dash him into the wall when Gaffer convinces that Hulk
that they had brought him aboard the Helicarrier to help save the world.
Considering the idea that the Bi-Beast intends to destroy all life
makes Hulk recall Betty and Jim, his only friends, and agrees to help
stop the Bi-Beast. However, as they have been busy convincing the Hulk
to help, the Bi-Beast has activated the countdown that will send nuclear
missiles at targets across the world in under ten minutes.
Meanwhile, at Gamma Base, Doc Samson checks on the mystery man
who appeared on base. He thinks about how they have not been successful
in restoring his memories. As he leaves the man to sleep through the
night, Samson vows to never stop until he succeeds. However, as soon as
Samson is gone, the amnesiatic man wakes up in a trance and sneaks out
of his room. He makes his way to one of the labs and locks himself
Back aboard the Helicarrier, the Bi-Beast tries to trap the Hulk
and the others in the monitoring station, but the Hulk holds the door
open allowing his uneasy allies to escape. With three minutes left,
Gaffer leads them all to the main computer network. After Hulk smashes
through the door they have ninety seconds. With no time to manually shut
down the computer, Gaffer directs Hulk to the main power source and
tells him to rip it out. Even though thousands of volts flow into his
body, the Hulk succeeds in pulling out the main circuit with only
seconds to spare. With the main power source cut, the Helicarrier begins
to plummet from the sky. Although the emergency props kick in Gaffer
still has to race against the clock to redirect the power to re-activate
the propulsion systems.
To make matters worse, the Bi-Beast has managed to get access to
some experimental body armor and is on a rampage through the ship. When
it bursts into the networking room, the Hulk squares off the two-headed
monster. Their battle takes them to the flight deck of the ship, buying
Gaffer the time he needs to reactivate the power on board. When the
Helicarrier’s propulsion starts back up, the sudden jolt throws both the
Bi-Beast and the Hulk over the edge and they are soon lost in the
clouds below. Although Clay and the others are celebrating the victory,
General Ross is not happy with the decisions they had to make that day.
- The mystery man at Gamma Base is actually the Leader in disguise as revealed in Incredible Hulk #223 (in Italy in URC #267).

“And In the End…” / LA FINE (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Madame Masque
- Jasper Sitwell
- Jean DeWolff
- Jack of Hearts
- Guardsman
- Marianne Rodgers
- Eddie March
- Abe Klein (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Night Phantom (Android) (Only in flashback)
- Soulfather (Only in flashback)
- Super Adaptoid (Only in flashback)
- Cyborg Sinister (Only in flashback)
- Kevin O’Brien (Only in flashback)
- Demitrius (Only in flashback)
- Slasher (Only in flashback)
encases him and his allies in gold with his Abe Klein-designed golden
touch. Gloating, Midas, who extorted Abe Klein’s cooperation by implying
he would reunite him with his lost wife and daughter, callously tells
him his family is dead. Jack of Hearts’ powers counteract the golden
Continued to next issue…