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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.220 TUTTI GLI UOMINI DI KINGPIN hulk scottish loch devil


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nell’ episodio principale di questo numero torna il gangster ciccione obeso Kingpin, ah no scusate, rettifico: “ciccione obeso” è politicamente scorretto, discriminatorio ed offensivo, allora facciamo “cicciottello diversamente magro”, ok ?

all’ interno : HULK stavolta in gita premio ad una lacustre cittadina scozzese popolata come classico stereotipo vuole da indigeni avidi e taccagni e dal solito repellente mostro anfibio squamoso usato dagli spilorci del posto come attrazione turistica a pagamento in alternativa ai noiosissimi fantasmi del castello

contiene inoltre :  DEVIL  


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




While riding on top of a city bus, Spider-Man notices an unmarked
helicopter flying in the sky and finds it suspicious enough to check
out. Sure enough, he witnesses the helicopter capture a shipping truck
and take it into the air. Spider-Man hitches a ride, and finds himself
fighting off a bunch of costumed thugs which he’s fought a number of
times prior. As he is distracted fighting a number of the thieves, they
manage to steal the device the truck was shipping. With their mission
accomplished, they drop Spider-Man and the truck back to the ground.
Spider-Man manages to survive the fall by wrapping himself up in a

Resuming his civilian guise, Peter Parker tries to pay a visit to
Mary Jane with some flowers, but finds that she’s not home. Feeling
rejected, he returns to his apartment where he finds that Mary Jane,
Glory, Harry, Flash, Liz, Mrs. Muggins, Joe and Randy Robertson are all
waiting there for him with a surprise: They’ve all chipped in for
furniture for his apartment. When Flash Thompson keeps on butting in for
time with Mary Jane, the annoyed Peter goes up to the roof of his
building to think over his love life. There he almost intrudes on Harry
Osborn and Liz Allan having a private moment alone.

Later that night, Spider-Man is out checking his leads on the
thieves who stole the device. His search takes him to an abandoned movie
studio. Inside, he finds that his old foe the Kingpin (no longer
catatonic) is alive and well. The Kingpin and the wall-crawler end up
battling each other. Spider-Man gains the upper hand in their one-on-one
fight, however it ends quickly when the Kingpin uses the gas in his
lapel to incapacitate the wall-crawler. When Spider-Man revives, he
finds himself attached to a machine with Richard Fisk, the Kingpin
boasting about how he will not only kill Spider-Man but bring his son
back to life as well.

Incredible Hulk Vol 1 192

The Lurker Beneath Loch Fear!” / IL LAGO DELLA PAURA !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Angus Mactavish
  • thugs
  • Sarah Mactavish



Loch Fear, Scotland, Angus Mactavish is out seeking to capture the
sea-creature that lives within the Loch. Instead he pulls out the Hulk,
who had been transported into the Loch by the Shaper of Worlds following
his battle with the Toad Men. 

The Hulk is furious at being pulled out
of the water and being attacked by this man, but Angus realizes that the
brute is just a poor confused creature and makes friends with him.
Offering him something to eat, the Hulk turns down fish and demands that
he is fed beans. Mactavish decides to take him home to his wife Sarah
for supper. Along the way he explains to the Hulk that his family has
been hunting the creature of the Loch for generations every year of the
Serpent’s Moon, this year if he fails it will be the last of the
Mactavish line as he is the last male.

When Angus takes the Hulk to his home, his wife Sarah is at first
frightened by the Hulk, however she soon comes to accept him and they
sit down to dinner. After the meal, the Hulk is given a bet to sleep in,
and having calmed down he reverts back into Bruce Banner. That night a
group of thugs break into the Mactavish home and take Angus and Banner
prisoner, taking them to Castle MacAwber. ALong the way, Banner explain
to the confused Mactavish as to why he (and not the Hulk) was sleeping
in his home. They are taken to the castle where they are greeted by it’s
owner Jaimnie Macawber who intends to lock them up in the tower of his
high tech castle.

Back in America, General Ross, Betty Talbot and Clay Quartermain
take the brain dead Glenn Talbot back to Hulkbuster Base in New Mexico
from Washington D.C. to be examined by their old ally psychiatrist
Leonard Samson, who is determined to figure out how to restore Glenn’s

Meanwhile, at Castle Macawber, the lord of the castle explains
that he has come to prevent Angus or anyone from slaying the beast of
the Loch because it’s continued existence brings tourist dollars to
their sleepy town, which in turn makes Macawber rich. Locking them in
their cell and exposing them to hypnotic strobe lights, Macawber did not
anticipate that one of his prisoners is secretly the Hulk. Instead of
incapacitating Banner, the strobing lights trigger his transformation
into the Hulk, who smashes himself and Angus free and begins to smash
his way through the castle. Reducing the castle to rubble, the Hulk
overhears Angus had escaped and bounds off to find his fried. Macawber,
realizing that Angus has gone after the Loch beast organizes his minions
to go out and stop him. The Hulk gets to Angus first, finding him
loading up his fishing boat with weapons, including a TNT lined harpoon
which he intends to use to kill the beast.

Back at Hulkbuster base, Doc Samson gets a moment to examine
Glenn Talbot and realizes that the only person who can restore Glenn
back to normal is none other than the Hulk.

Finally, back in Scotland, the Hulk and Angus are out on the lake
searching for the Loch beast when the creature smashes their boat
sending them both into the water. 

As the Hulk fights off the Loch beast,
Angus manages to get on the creatures back and stab it with his harpoon
and set the TNT to explode. Macawber hops into the beast as well and
attempts to stop Angus from killing it. Angus is knocked into the water,
leaving the Hulk to battle Macawber alone on the beasts back. The TNT
then explodes, causing a strange transformation: A combination of the
Hulk’s gamma spawned nature and the TNT explosion had transformed
Macawber and the Loch monster into stone. Changing back to normal, Bruce
Banner points out the transformation and the absolute irony: Macawber
got the tourist attraction he wanted, and became part of it. Loch Fear
can now continue to attract tourists, and the Mactavish legacy has been
full filled. 

Continuity Notes

  • Hulk mentions his love of beans here. He discovered a taste for them in Incredible Hulk #182 (in Italy in URC #194).

  • Mention is made to the fact that Hulkbuster Base was heavily damaged in Incredible Hulk #186 (in Italy in URC #198)
Daredevil Vol 1 137.jpg

The Murder Maze Strikes Twice!” / L’ ASSASSINO COLPISCE DUE VOLTE  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Wally Tompkins




Bombarding New York with false news reports, the Jester led the public
at large to believe DD was a cop killer. He murdered several of his own
henchmen, had a large mechanical version of himself chomp rival crime
bosses into pieces, and capped his spree by inciting a mob to lynch DD.

the regular people turn on the Jester, his whole big plan basically
goes up in smoke and he’s forced to flee. Then he tries the whole thing
again in a different part of the city, and it’s kind of pathetic.

Continued to next issue…

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