In avvio del nucleo saliente e fondamentale di avvenimenti della saga originale del clone, si parte in quarta con il clamoroso ingresso in scena del simulacro di Gwen Stacy che indossa sempre lo stesso stivaletto malizioso: la somiglianza è talmente incredibile e perfetta che turba e sconvolge profondamente Peter Parker facendogli radicalmente cambiare idea sulle bambole gonfiabili e sulle realdoll hi-tec, che prima disprezzava e adesso invece non può proprio farne a meno, a tal punto che anche le numerose trasgressioni erotiche di Parigi non gli fanno più il minimo effetto
contiene inoltre : IRON MAN – L’ UOMO LUPO / MAN WOLF (il figlio degenere, depresso e lunatico di J.J.Jameson che è ancora più belva del padre)

“The Delusion Conspiracy” / INCUBO O REALTA’ ?
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Cyclone
- his minions
Other Characters:
- Anna Watson
- Gwen Stacy (Clone) (First full appearance)
- Mary Jane Watson (Only in flashback)
- Paris policemen
- hotel clerk
- NATO official (Only in flashback)
After being defeated against the Cyclone, Spider-Man returns to the hotel room that he and Joe Robertson booked as Peter Parker. There he gets a call from his Aunt May, who checks in on him. After finishing her phone call with Peter, May and Anna Watson leave to go see a movie. While walking through the city, May happens to see a woman who looks just like Gwen Stacy, the uncanny resemblance causes May to faint in sheer fright.
Back in France, Peter is attacked by the men who are employed by the Cyclone, they subdue Parker and demand that he turns over the money to Cyclone, who has set up shop in the Notre Dame Cathedral. Peter complies, getting the one million dollar ransom and heads towards the meeting place. However, he stops at a shop to get some provisions before changing into Spider-Man and swinging into action.
At the cathedral, Cyclone tells Jameson and Robertson that he created his wind making device for the United Nations until he learned that the technology in the hopes of selling it to N.A.T.O. however, when he learned that NATO purchased it’s weapons from the United States only, he was soon fired, and grew to hate Americans. After explaining his origins, Cyclone is attacked by Spider-Man.
After a lengthy battle, Spider-Man manages to defeat Cyclone when he turns on a giant fan that creates a counter-wind that causes Cyclone to crash into a wall, knocking him out. Spider-Man departs after freeing Joe and Jameson, and when his timed tape recorder (with a pre-recorded message to eliminate any suspicion that Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person) goes off.
Shortly after, the three men return to the United States. Upon arriving home, Peter finds Anna Watson waiting for him outside his apartment. He tells her that Aunt May is in the hospital, but he should go and see what’s waiting for him upstairs. Running to his apartment, Peter is shocked to find Gwen Stacy in the apartment waiting for him.

Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- hospital staff
- Stark security guards
- Fred
- Charley Dobbs
- Iron Man Armor MK V
- Climatron
Iron Man visits Happy at the hospital but Pepper is upset and doesn’t
want to talk to him. Meanwhile, Blizzard attacks Stark International
looking for the climatron, a device for altering the world’s weather,
freezing security guards as he searches. Stark leaves the hospital where
Detective O’Brien confronts him, saying that he’s looking into his
brother’s death. He tells Stark there’s trouble at his factory. Iron Man
investigates to find Blizzard freezing the anti-particle safe,
destroying it and finding the climatron within. Iron Man fights
Blizzard, but his new armor is susceptible to the cold. Pepper returns
to the factory to warn Iron Man and finds Charley Dobbs frozen to death.
Blizzard overpowers Iron Man in the dynamo generator room and freezes
him solid as Pepper walks in.

“Moonbound” / LEGAME LUNARE (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
- Man-Wolf (John Jameson)
Supporting Characters:
- JJ Jameson
- Kristine Saunders (In a photograph only)
Other Characters:
- space station crew
- E. Hammond Preiss
- Pete
- Reynolds
- Jersey Cooper
- Other Realm rebels
- Robbie Robertson
- Simon Stroud
- Space Station
- New York City
the mansion and park where he had previously fought Kraven and Man-Wolf.
Guessing Turk had been Kraven’s employer Stroud tried to shoot him. JJJ
jumped to the side while Turk fled into his house, closing a massive
steel door behind himself. JJJ told Stroud that Turk had told him that
Kristine was inside the house and that he was afraid that Kristine would
die. Stroud promised that she won’t die, but without a way to get
inside the house he left with JJJ.
Continued to next issue…