contiene : HULK e DEVIL
contiene inoltre : Le avventure di Toro Farcito n. 24 la girella di cemento (pubblicità Motta a fumetti)
“Nightmare in New Mexico!” / INCUBO NEL NUOVO MESSICO
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Major Tremain
- His Rogue “Government” Troops
- Liberty, New Mexico
- The “X-Shuttle”
Finding a deserted town in New Mexico, the Hulk decides that is an
ideal place to stop and rest for the night. The Hulk wonders why he
doesn’t see any humans around and why the place smells so bad. He is
unaware that he is being watched by the Woodgod. In his searches, the
Hulk rips open the door of a truck and a dead body falls out. The Hulk,
not realizing that he’s talking to a corpse attempts to talk to it but
to no avail. When Woodgod makes his presence known, originally mistaking
the Hulk as his father, the Hulk attacks him.
While not far away, the X-Men are giving Spider-Man a lift back
to New York following their encounter with the Nest. Along the way, the
X-Plane’s radar detects some unconventional aircraft heading their way.
When the Professor sends Storm and Banshee to investigate they are
attacked by the crafts, prompting the X-Men to fight back, destroying
the attacking ships. The resulting explosions knock Spider-Man off the
X-Plane, however he is rescued by Banshee. They then pick up a video
feed from Major Tremen, who is warning of a breach of the “Quarantine
Zone” in Liberty, New Mexico has been breached. They are then patched to
a video feed showing the Hulk and Woodgod battling it out. Seeing the
potential for a great story for the Bugle, Spider-Man is taken down
nearby by the Banshee and the X-Men bid Spider-Man farewell.
As Spider-Man and Banshee travel to Liberty, the Hulk and Woodgod
duke it out. In the course of the fight the Hulk lifts a car in the
air, connecting it to a live power line. The resulting electrical jolt
causes the Hulk to revert back into Bruce Banner and pass out. The
Woodgod is confused by this transformation but gets no information from
Banner, and then flees when more Dragonfly fighters arrive.
Meanwhile, Banshee takes Spider-Man as close to Liberty as
possible before he cannot carry him any farther. With his powers failing
the two drop into some trees and avoid a nasty fall thanks to
Spider-Man’s quick thinking. Carrying on his own, Spider-Man arrives
just in time to see Woodgod smack away a number of dragonfly fighters,
and save the pilots from a crash. They are surprised to see Spider-Man
still standing as the area was recently decimated by a powerful nerve
gas that should have killed him.
When Spider-Man demands to know what’s going on the two soldiers are
not forthcoming, and he is then suddenly attacked by Woodgod.
Spider-Man attempts to bind Woodgod with his webbing, however it
proves to be no match for Woodgod’s superior strength. To make matters
worse, Bruce Banner has awaken and transformed into the Hulk once more.
Hulk, remembering Spider-Man from a previous battle decides to stop
fighting Woodgod and turn his attentions to the Wall-Crawler.
This story is continued next issue…
- This issue contains the first published John Byrne artwork on the X-Men.
“The Shangri-La Syndrome!” / LA SINDROME DI SHANGRI-LA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Collector (Apparent Death)
Other Characters:
- Captain Cutlass
- His pirates
- Akbar
- Everglades, Florida
- Gamma Base, New Mexico
Continued from last issue…
The Hulk has been captured by the Collector after a titanic
battle against his slaves, the Glob and Man-Thing in the Florida
Everglades. Taken to the Collector’s ship, the Hulk is placed inside one
of his habitats and is shackled with a device that prevents him from
escaping. He is put on display in a swamp like environment with both the
Glob and Man-Thing. In “payment” for helping the Collector capture the
Hulk, Captain Cutlass and his pirates are returned to the miniature ship
in a bottle they have been prisoner in for hundreds of years since the
Collector first captured them.
Left to slumber in his new habitat, the Hulk reverts back to his
Bruce Banner form. Since the leg shackle was designed to fit the Hulk,
Banner easily slips it off and leaves the habitat and begins exploring
where he is. Banner finds to his horror that the Collector has captured
an enslaved many beings from Earth and other worlds from various points
in history and has made them all his slaves for his own personal museum.
Listening to their pleas, Banner agrees to try and free them from their
captivity. As Banner rushes off, he runs into the Collector who
recognizes the Hulk’s alter ego and offers him a proposition.
Back at Hulkbuster Base, General Ross meets with Clay Quartermain
to tell him that the base has been officially retitled and reclassified
as Gamma Base where they would expand their focus on trying to cure all
creatures mutated by gamma radiation, and not just hunt down the Hulk.
Ross happily informs Clay that he has been appointed SHIELD liaison at
Gamma Base. Looking out the window, Clay spots Doc Samson out on another
walk with Betty Talbot, and comments grimly that he finds his new
assignment is “just swell.”
Back aboard the Collector’s ship, the Collector shows Banner
around his ship and shows him his first line of defense should any of
his prisoners escape: Akbar, former bodyguard of Kubla Khan. The
Collector explains to Banner that his travels have been lonely and that
he seeks a companion to travel the stars with and offers Banner that
position, offering to cure him of being the Hulk. Deciding that he has
nothing to hold him on Earth, Banner accepts. When the Man-Thing and
Glob manage to escape from their cells (Their shackles slip off their
mailable forms) it sets off an alarm. Hearing the Collector refer to the
people he has captured as merely “exhibits”, Banner changes his mind on
his offer forcing the Collector to set Akbar on him.
Banner transforms into the Hulk and easily fights off the
barbarian warrior, and sets his sights on the Collector. When the
Collector offers the Hulk the serum to change him back into Bruce
Banner, the Hulk angrily smashes the vial and continues his advance. The
Collector seals the Hulk in a powerful force field, and when the Glob
and Man-Thing arrive on the scene, sends an army of various creatures
and humans from different time periods under his control against them.
As the battle rages on, the Hulk manages to free himself and join the
fight, causing damage to the controls that kept the Collectors prisoners
trapped. In the confusion, the Collector makes his escape and the
princess that convinced Banner to try and free them manages to talk
everyone into stopping the fight. They all free the ship as the
Collector flees to repair his ship and prevent his captives from
escaping. The Glob follows after him and seemingly kills him, stopping
his efforts to stop them.
As the captors escape outside, the man years of captivity catch
up with them as they begin to rapidly age once outside of the ship. As
the princess thanks the Hulk for freeing them — as death was a better
choice than eternal slavery — the Man-Thing shambles off into the swamp
leaving the Hulk to try and make sense of what he has just witnessed.
- In this issue, Hulkbuster Base officially becomes Gamma Base.
“A Night In the Life” / UNA NOTTE DI PAURA (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
- Dr. Barret
- Joyce Hillary
- Sally (Only in flashback)
- Archer Emmet
- Slate
DD tries to find the junkie wife of a mad bomber who is devastating the city as well as a runaway boy with hemophilia.
This story is continued next issue…
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