“…And the Nightcrawler Came Prowling, Prowling” / DUELLO ALL’ ULTIMO RESPIRO
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mysterious Killer (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Snake-Eyes
- Liz Allan
- Harry Osborn
- New York policemen
- Hennessy
- Spider-Man Clone (In a photograph only)
When reading about an old friend from his days in the circus had been
gunned down by a mysterious sniper, the X-Men’s Nightcrawler decides to
go to Coney Island to investigate. As fate would have it, Peter Parker
would also be spending the day at Coney Island on a date with Mary Jane,
when the sniper strikes again. This prompts Peter to excuse himself
from his date and change into Spider-Man and try and catch the sniper.
He ends up running into Nightcrawler, whom he assumes is the killer,
when he catches the mutant with the snipers weapon. Their fight takes
them across the amusement park, however Nightcrawler gets away with his
teleportation powers and Spider-Man is forced to flee when the police
Spider-Man goes to the Bugle to see if Joe Robertson has any leads on
who the shooter might be, Joe’s sources suggest that it may be the
Punisher. Jameson seeing that Spider-Man is in the building, rushes back
to his own office where he pulls out the strange pictures he had
received the day before: Photos of Spider-Man disposing of the
As the Punisher begins his own investigation on who’s been
besmirching his reputation, Spider-Man continues his search for
Nightcrawler. The teleporting mutant manages to get the drop on
Spider-Man, grabbing his camera and exposing the film, destroying the
“evidence” that he’s the shooter. As the two fight across NYC’s cable
car system, their fight is suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the
Punisher, who believes that one of the two combating heroes is the one
who has been framing him.
- This is the first time Spider-Man and Nightcrawler meet.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jasper Sitwell
- Krissy Longfellow
- Abe Klein
- Guardsman (First Appearance as the Guardsman)
- Ultimo
- Mandarin (Only in flashback)
- Mysterious saboteur (Identity Revealed)
Other Characters:
- Harry Key
- Senator Andrew Jackson Hawk
- Jonathan Rich (Jon) (Senator Hawk’s assistant)
- United States Senate
- Washington, D.C.
- New York
- China (Only in flashback)
Too weak to stand, Iron Man is rescued by Jasper Sitwell piloting a
SHIELD mini-jet. Meanwhile, Harry Key helps detective O’Brien break into
Stark International. Iron Man recharges aboard the mini-jet and attacks
Ultimo. As they’re evacuated, Hawk points out to his assistant that
when Ultimo attacked, Stark’s automated security devices went dead: he
wants a subpoena issued when this is over. As Iron Man fights, he
remembers that Ultimo was previously defeated with lava. Krissy spots an
intruder at Stark International and follows, but she’s attacked and
knocked unconscious. Iron Man’s attache case is retrieved by Jon Rich as
Iron Man begins to dig a tunnel with his repulsors. Ultimo follows him
underground. Iron Man eventually hits a lava flow, trapping Ultimo.
Krissy wakes up to find O’Brien in the Guardsman armor, planning to beat
a confession out of Iron Man and Stark over the death of his brother.
“What Is Happening?” / COSA SUCCEDE ? (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- John F. Kennedy (In a photograph only)
- Robert Kennedy (In a photograph only)
- US Army (In a photograph only)
- Gen. Theodore Gross (In a photograph only)
- JJ Jameson (In a photograph only)
- President Gerald Ford (In a photograph only)
- Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller (In a photograph only)
- Henry Kissinger (In a photograph only)
- Wally Tompkins, NBS anchorman (In a photograph only)
- Roger Bowne, CBC newsman (In a photograph only)
- Laura Lee Landers (In a photograph only)
- “Killer” Croesus (First appearance)
This long boiling plot started back when Foggy was running for District Attorney
and a bunch of fake ads came out, ruining his campaign. After the
election the broadcasts continued, now announcing weird news stories,
like the discovery that the Kennedys are still alive and that Vietnam
War never really happened, with the CIA instead hypnotizing soldiers to
fight illegal wars in South America. And it came to the forefront last
issue, with a video release of Daredevil mowing down cops. The police
themselves said it never happened but people are unsure what to believe.
The arc begins with a spread from the Daily Bugle reporting on all the stories .

Jester tries his darnedest to frame Daredevil as a murderer, and DD goes along with the plan.
Ed “Killer” Croesus, a professional boxer and heavy weight
champion who had fallen on hard times and was living on the streets of
New York as a drunk (and who will later appear in the Punisher’s first mini-series as a mob boss ), attacked the hero, hoping to the collect the bounty.
Continued to next issue…

- The first three pages of this issue contain articles from the Daily Bugle. It has pictures of Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and an editorial from J. Jonah Jameson.