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IL SETTIMANALE DELL’ UOMO RAGNO corno N.13 iron man la cosa dr.strange deathlok




la storia principale di questo albo è ancora una volta di quelle di categoria promiscua, prassi fumettistica molto in voga ancor oggi sebbene a forte rischio di trasmissione di malattie e sfighe, il partner di turno in affiancamento a Spiderman stavolta è il poco spiritoso ma molto spiritato DOTTOR STRANGE , con tanto di ectoplasmi al seguito e anche la povera Clea cui tocca pure di reggere il moccolo


tanto di contiene inoltre : IRON MAN (con ennesima reiterata replica di tutta la solfa delle origini) – LA COSA insieme all’ infocato QUASAR e alla algida THUNDRA contro una taroccatura di DEATHLOK (Cybernus)




a disposizione moltissimi numeri di tutte le altre serie Corno , Labor, Star, Play Press e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.

Featured Characters:

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When Peter Parker and his date are attacked by a strange wolfman, it
takes all of Peter’s skill to fight the monster off without exposing
himself as Spider-Man. After the fight he finds Dr. Strange’s Eye of
Agamotto and takes it into his possession. After making sure his date is
safe in the hospital, Peter pays a visit to Dr. Strange’s Sanctum
Sanctorum as Spider-Man.

However, Clea answers the door, and quickly shuts it in Spidey’s
face when he starts asking questions about Doctor Strange. Recalling his
last adventure with Strange in which Marie Laveau warned that the
prophecy they experienced was not yet done, Spidey decides to go and get
a Tarot card reading to find out if there is any validity in that
claim. The reading only confirms his suspicions.

Finding Dr. Strange and tracking him back to his Sanctum, Spidey
smashes in right as Strange lashes out against Clea. Spider-Man helps
knock out Dr. Strange as he begins to transform into a lupine form. With
Strange knocked out, Clea uses the Eye of Agamotto to probe Strange’s
mind and learn that he has been cursed with some sort of werewolf-like
transformation. Telling Wong and Spidey that they can get help from a
Tibetan monastery, the two load Strange into a car and take him to
Kennedy Airport.

However, the aircraft does not even get airborne before it
crashes to the ground, the lupine Strange emerging from the wreckage.
While back at Strange’s Sanctum, Clea is visited by Satana, who has come
to help with the problem.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




After saying goodbye to the Sub-Mariner, Jim Rhodes and Bethany Cabe,
Iron Man flies off en route for home. Along the way, he reflects upon
the events that made him into the man he is today.

Tony Stark is in a secluded laboratory within the U.S. defense
perimeter in Vietnam during the war. He demonstrates his revolutionary
new transistor technology to a U.S. general and shows how it can amplify
the power of a single magnet to tear down a solid steel door.
Later, Tony accompanies an army platoon through the jungle. He
trips on a land mine and the explosion kills every man in the unit and
nearly kills Tony as well. A piece of shrapnel embeds itself in his
chest where it is lodged dangerously close to his heart. A North
Vietnamese warlord named Wong-Chu takes Tony Stark back to his bunker
where he makes him an offer: In exchange for having Wong-Chu’s surgeons
save his life, Tony must agree to develop weapons for the NVA. Tony has
little choice in the matter but to comply. Wong-Chu partners him with an
elderly scientist named Ho Yinsen.
Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen labor for many weeks, but they do not
develop a weapon to be used by the Vietnamese. Instead, they secretly
create a rudimentary battlesuit made from scrap metal and various
electronics. When Professor Yinsen is alerted to the arrival of
Wong-Chu’s men, he rushes out into the corridor to create a distraction,
enabling Tony enough time to power up the armor. Emerging from the
table as the “Iron Man”, Tony hears gunfire and knows that Professor
Yinsen is dead. He breaks free of the compound and stalks off into the
nearby village to confront Wong-Chu.
He finds Wong-Chu entertaining himself by wrestling captured
villagers. Iron Man grabs the warlord, hoists him up into the air, and
spins him about before slamming him back onto the ground. Wong-Chu’s
troops open fire on Iron Man, but their bullets are ineffective against
Tony’s armor. Wong-Chu flees in panic, but Iron Man ignites a nearby
ammunitions dump which explodes, seemingly killing Wong-Chu.
Back in the United States, Tony Stark makes several upgrades to
the armor and eventually has a heart transplant, eliminating the need
for a transistorized chest plate. As the super-hero Iron Man, he becomes
a longtime member of the team known as the Avengers.

As Iron Man approaches Long Island, his flight path is monitored by
the criminal industrialist Justin Hammer. Hammer is pleased with his
past attempts to control Tony’s armor, but now he is preparing for the
biggest test of all.


  • This issue recaps Iron Man’s origin as originally presented in Tales of Suspense #39 (in Italy in DEVC # 23). Since the time of publishing, the setting of Iron Man’s origin has been retroactively changed from Vietnam to Afghanistan.
  • The last detailed origin of Iron Man was given in Iron Man #47 (in Italy in URC # 136).

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Continued from last issue….

During the fight with Quasar , the cyborg suffers severe damage to it’s body, even
more so when Pegasus security arrives along with a medically treated Ben
Grimm. When Quasar hears that Deathlok has activated a self destruct
device he uses his Quantum Bands to destroy it’s body, leaving it’s head
intact for questining. However, the cyborg has forseen this possibility
and causes it’s head to self destruct leaving nothing behind to
determine the cause of Deathlok’s attack on the facility.

While back in New York City, Thundra has began practicing for her
new career as a female wrestler for Oglethorpe, and is pitted against a
group of female wrestlers known as the Grapplers (Titania, Poundcakes,
Letha, and Screaming Mimi) all of whom Titania manages to defeat easily.

Back at Pegasus, Thomas Lightener has ventured down into the
Radioactive Displosal section to check and see if the Nth Projector had
been discovered. Finding it unmolseted, he calls his leader at Nth
Command who demands that Lightner finish constructing the device himself
and to initiate their contingancy plan that they had organized in the
event that Deathlok had failed in it’s mission.

As Ben and Quasar greet Bill Foster (who has come to bring the
villain Atom Smasher into the Project’s custody for study) Lightner
sneaks into the cell of another radioactive menace: Nuklo, the mutant
son of the Whizzer and Miss America. He awakens the child like creature
and opens up his cell in the hopes that the mutant will cause enough
destruction around the compound for him to finish his plan.


  • This is the first appearance of the Grapplers
  • While originally believed to be the Luther Manning Deathlok, this issue’s villain is revealed to be merely a robotic copy created by the Brand Corporation.

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