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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.44 SOLO UNO SI SALVERA' i guardiani della galassia


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale

All’ interno le solite abituali e rispettive due storie complete, però questo è l’ ultimo numero per quanto riguarda la presente collana, che cessa infatti così le pubblicazioni, quindi HULK dovrà emigrare sulla più florida testata dell’ Uomo Ragno mentre I DIFENSORI tenteranno incautamente di mettersi in proprio cercando a lungo garanzie e fideiussioni fino ad azzardare un’ altra effimera impresa editoriale in proprio con alti indici di rischio e scarse probabilità di successo. Intanto il ciccione verde commemora il saluto definitivo al caro giornaletto estinto con una atroce sfida all’ Uomo Cobalto (ultima drammatica, esasperata e disperata evoluzione del villain marvel prima del tassello estremo e definitivo, ossia il Superommemmerd) , invece il quintetto degli illusi paladini brinda e festeggia insieme ai loro altrettanto fessi e sprovveduti colleghi GUARDIANI DELLA GALASSIA , esultando in coro alla rottamazione di un odioso simbolo della oppressione, dello sfruttamento e della dittatura corno che comincia a dare i primi allarmanti segni di cedimento 



Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Cobalt Man Armor (Destroyed) 


Following his battle with the Cobalt Man, the Hulk has reverted
back into Bruce Banner, just as the ship he was aboard begins taking on
water and is sinking. Banner begins to panic as the ship fills with
water. But then, the Cobalt Man smashes through the ship to rescue him
because he considers Banner to be a victim of radiation like him and
pulls him to safety. Taking Banner to the life raft on the surface, his
brother Ted tries to talk sense in him. Rejecting this Ralph leaves
Banner and swims off to teach the world a personal lesson in the dangers
of nuclear weapons.

They are picked up by a US military helicopter containing General
Ross, Colonel Armbruster and Betty Talbot aboard. Ross is told by Ted
about the danger of his brother, but Armbruster dismisses it as a
problem of the Australian government, whom has to be nearby, and they
fly off to Sidney to land. While out at sea, the Cobalt Man realizes the
full potential of his powers and uses his new atomic energy blasts to
carry himself into the air, allowing him to reach his intended
destination of Sydney, Australia even faster.

There, Bruce Banner awakens to see Betty sitting by his bed side.
The sight of Banner alive and speaking her name upsets Betty enough to
make her run out of the room in tears. As Banner begins freaking out
about the threat of the Cobalt Man, the so0ldiers in the room try to
restrain him while Ross calls out to get tranquilizers to keep Banner
under control.

At this time the Cobalt Man arrives and begins laying waste to
the city of Sidney with the intent of building up his energies until he
reaches critical mass, self destructing and destroying the entire city
with him. As he rampages through the city the Australian authorities ask
Ross and Armbruster to help fight him off as part of the mutual defense
agreement between Australia and America.

Meanwhile, Ted Roberts goes to Betty Talbot and asks her to help
him get Bruce Banner to turn into the Hulk so that he can battle the
Cobalt Man and stop him. While Ted keeps the guard outside Banner’s room
distracted, Betty enters the room and finds that Bruce has been drugged
up. Finding pills that will counteract the tranquilizers that Banner
has been given, she leads Banner to the roof. As they make their escape
Cobalt Man continues his rampage, destroying everything in his path,
when news cameras arrive he announces to a listening world that he
intends to show them the horrors and insanity of nuclear devastation.

While up on the roof of the hospital, Betty decides the only way
to get Bruce to change into the Hulk is to try and push him off the
building. He stops her before she can, but he is so doped up he stumbles
off the ledge on his own and as he falls transforms into the Hulk,
saving himself from a fatal fall. Remembering that he has a score to
settle with Cobalt Man, the Hulk tracks him down and the two begin to
fight across the city. Ultimately, Cobalt Man attempts to kill the Hulk
by carrying him up into the atmosphere in an attempt to suffocate him in
the vacuum of space. This doesn’t work and only works to work Cobalt
Man to critical mass, making him explode high in the atmosphere causing
no destruction, seemingly killing them both.

Back in the United States, President Nixon and Vice President
Kissinger having received the report on the Cobalt Man scenario, decide
that they should get into development of a cobalt bomb as soon as
possible. While high in the air, the Hulk, having survived the blast is
hurtled across the planet falling back into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Next issue in Italy will be published in URC # 186.


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





Vance Astro and Valkyrie are transported to Earth where they manage
to free Nighthawk, Martinex and Charlie-27 from a Badoon firing squad.
As they prepare a counter-attack against the Badoon, Dr. Strange’s
spirit form finds the Hulk and Yondu just as the Hulk smashes through
his challenge on that worlds game show. The two are transported to join
the others in their battle against the Badoon just before Hulk has a
chance to strike the host of the gameshow.

While elsewhere, Starhawk meets with his children briefly on his
home planetoid, before leaving to join the others on Earth. Joined also
by Dr. Strange and Jack Norriss, the Defenders and the Guardians of the
Galaxy in their battle against the Badoon. Looking into Starhawk’s eyes,
Jack and Dr. Strange realize that the key to winning the revolt against
the Badoon rest somehow with Starhawk, and Strange then transfers the
Defenders back to their own time, leaving the Guardians to welcome
Starhawk into their ranks.

While back in the present, Nighthawk is upset about being pulled
out of their battle in the future, Dr. Strange however leaves Jack to
explain Strange’s reasoning for returning them home. 


A scientist invents a cosmic magnet which brings down a ghost-like
inhabitant of space. His partner thinks that capturing such a being for
study is cruel and he knocks the magnet so that it tilts downward and
pulls a similar dense creature up to the surface from the Earth’s core.

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Titolo Serie


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