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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.4 MOGOL ! dottor dr. strange originale 1975


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale


Nella storia principale di questo albo si evince che nonostante Battisti non sia ancora morto, ad esistere è ormai il solo Mogol, con cui il bestione verde si confronta in una sfida estrema sul fronte a lui ostico ed avverso dei versi poetici, delle citazioni erudite, delle metafore ermetiche, delle parafrasi evocative e del lessico sofisticato, ma anche sul versante più consono e favorevole di rutti e scoreggioni dove è sempre pressochè imbattibile anche in discese ardite e risalite a fari spenti nella notte
Il versatile paroliere sarà pertanto così aspramente strapazzato e ridimensionato, da convincersi a tornare definitivamente a fare da colossale tutor alle giovani marmotte

contiene inoltre : DR. STRANGE (che ritorna da solo a difendere l’ onore e a tenere caldo il posto di lavoro del collettivo dei Difensori)


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Mogol (Only appearance; dies)


Other Characters:

  • Harry
  • Mike

Races and Species:




Wandering New York City following his encounter with Dr. Strange,
Bruce Banner is lost in thought when he is clipped by a speeding truck.
The blow causes him to transform into the Hulk who then goes on a
rampage. However, the Hulk becomes confused and stops his temper tantrum
when the people around him, including the police officers try to stop
him suddenly vanish. The perplexed beast is totally unaware that his old
foe Tyrannus has been trying to teleport the jade giant to his
underground kingdom with a new experimental teleportation ray, however
has yet to be successful.

Needing an anchor to lock onto the Hulk, Tyrannus sends his
mysterious new agent the gigantic powerhouse named Mogol to travel to
the surface and attempt to get the Hulk to join his ranks in his attempt
to take back control of the Fountain of Youth which has been captured
by Tyrannus’ enemy the Mole Man. Teleporting Mogol near the Hulk on the
surface, Mogol’s request to the Hulk to help Tyrannus is denied when the
Hulk — vaguely remembering his old foe attacks Mogol. Their fight
takes them smashing through the street into a subway tunnel below. When
they are almost struck by a subway train the Hulk tries to destroy it.
Finding such an action pointless, Mogol tries to stop the Hulk and their
battle begins anew. However, during the fight, Mogol lands on the third
rail of the train track, which although does not hurt the giant,
somehow holds him in place. Mogol manages to convince the Hulk to not
only stop fighting and help him, but convinces the Hulk to be his
friend. when the two take each others hand in friendship they are
teleported to the kingdom of Tyrannus, during the time Mogol and Hulk
form a solid and genuine friendship.

The underworld ruler then has the Hulk assist in constructing
battlements for his army before pushing a campaign against the Mole Man.
Having anticipated such an attack, and knowing the “secret” regarding
Mogol’s past the Mole Man sends an army of Moloids on the counter
attack. During the fight the Moloids fire a heat ray at Mogol revealing
his secret: That he is a robot programmed by Tyrannus that had no idea
about it’s origins. Feeling betrayed, the Hulk attacks Mogol, ripping
the robot apart. Despite it’s claims that it is truly the Hulk’s friend,
the Hulk rends it to pieces the Hulk crushes it’s computer memory. With
Mogol destroyed, Tyrannus commands the Hulk to destroy the Mole Man’s
palace, the Hulk complies then jumps to the realm of Tyrannus and gives
it a similar treatment. With both kingdoms destroy, the depressed and
confused Hulk wanders off into the darkening tunnels below the Earth. 

Continuity Notes

  • Tyrannus mentions his ongoing feud with the Mole Man, recounting the events of Tales to Astonish #8081 (in Italy in URC # 81-82), although it has continued since in the pages in X-Men #34 (in Italy in CAPC # 36). 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




Dr. Strange returns to the Ancient One’s sanctum, there he tells Hamir of the events that led to the death of the Ancient One, and Strange’s adoption of the title Sorcerer Supreme. Strange then tells Hamir to close down the temple for good.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Finding Dr. Strange in the desert, Clea and Wong learn of the fate of
the Ancient One, the defeat of Shuma-Gorath and Strange’s ascension to
the title of Sorcerer Supreme. Returning to Strange’s Sanctum in New
York, Strange decides to take Clea up as his disciple and then leaves to
make peace with Baron Mordo.

Arriving in Transylvania, Strange begins to look for his old foe
and becomes captured by the Gypsy Queen, who hates all magicians after
Baron Mordo seduced her only to steal the Book of Cagliostro. She then
uses the enthralled Strange to travel with her to Baron Mordo’s castle,
where he fights the Living Gargoyle to gain possession of the book.
During the fight the Gypsy Queen is knocked out, freeing Strange from
her control. When she sees for herself how noble Strange is, she
sacrifices her life to help stop the Living Gargoyle. After the battle,
Strange looks over the Book of Cagliostro and learns that its power
could disrupt the pillars of the universe because Cagliostro learned a
spell on how to change the past without altering one’s future. Strange
then travels backwards in time to find and stop Baron Mordo.


A crook steals a bike from a time-traveler that has come from the
year 1992, forty years in the future. He robs a bank and pedals into the
future but is recognized anyway and shot as he attempts to flee. His
body is deposited in 1952 minus the bike and the police wonder which one
of them got him that caused the wound on the dead man’s forehead does
not appear to have been made by a normal revolver caliber 38.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


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