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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale

all’ interno una storia completa di HULK ed una de I DIFENSORI



Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



After confessing his love of Jarella, Bruce Banner finds himself
stranded in the desert by a heart broken Betty Ross and Glenn Talbot.
Banner becomes so angry he turns into the Hulk and the Hulk follows
after his two friends. He watches at Glenn stops the jeep and the two
give into a moment of passion and share a kiss. Witnessing this, the
heart broken Hulk walks quietly away.

Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., General Ross is before a Senate
committee to protest the funding cuts being put upon Project: Greenskin.
While Senator Roger Dutton wants the funding to go toward more worthy
causes, Senator Morton Clegstead is pushing in support of Project:
Greenskin. When the hearing cannot make a conclusion they retire for the
day, and Clegstead returns home. There he almost faints, and as it
turns out he is suffering from a rare form of cancer and hopes that the
information learned at Project: Greenskin from the Hulk could find him a

His doctor, Lathrop has been able to smuggle out a sample of
Bruce Banner’s blood taken from his last incarceration at Project:
Greenskin. He pressures Lathrop to fore go any animal testing and inject
him with the formula he created in the hopes that it might cure his

Meanwhile, Bruce Banner has been traveling the rails and finds a
newspaper that identifies that Henry Pym is going to be giving a speech
at George Washington University and decides to go there to see if his
old colleague can help him shrink down to size and return to Jarella’s
world. Arriving at the auditorium he learns from the janitor that the
even had been canceled. When the janitor begins to hassle Bruce, he gets
upset enough to cause him to transform into the Hulk and go on a
rampage through Washington D.C.

As General Ross mobilizes an army to face the Hulk, Senator
Clegstead finds the news the perfect opportunity to prove his claim and
will solidify his bid to run for president. With Lathrop leading him to
his car, Clegstead boasts about his position and is overheard by Dutton
who confronts him. The two come to blows and Clegstead finds that he has
superior strength, however it comes at a price: his hand has become
horribly mutated. As Lathrop drives away, Clegstead mutates into a
gigantic cancerous mass that consumes him.

Their car crashes right in the middle of a military stand off
with the Hulk, spewing the mass that was once the diseased Clegstead out
onto the street where it begins consuming everything on the spot. The
Hulk attacks the mass, but finds that whatever he does only causes him
pain as the mass attempts to consume him. The Hulk finally defeats the
creature by ramming a metal pole into it. When lightning strikes the
pole it incinerates the creature and in all the confusion the Hulk makes
an escape.

General Ross is confronted by Senator Dutton who explains to him
that he came across Lathrop’s notes that indicate that curing the Hulk
may provide great medical breakthroughs that are the benefit to everyone
and agrees to motion that Operation: Greenskin’s funding be continued. 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Clea
  • Wong
  • Harold Holliman
  • residents of Holliman’s building
    • Elena and her baby




While on his way to see the Defenders, Yellowjacket happens upon a
number of the Sons of the Serpent about to attack Dr. Strange’s home,
taking them out easily, Yellowjacket manages to nab one of their members
and brings him into Strange’s Sanctum for questioning. They learn that
the Sons intend to take over a television station to spread their
message of hate. Yellowjacket spots somebody else spying on them and
stuns them before they can get away. This person turns out to be Jack
Norriss, Barbara’s estranged husband who has come looking for her.

The Son’s address on television is one blaming minorities and
immigrants for the problems plaguing the United States and declare war
against these groups. Going back to the slums, the Defends end up in a
pitched battle against the Son’s who have returned with an arsenal of
high-tech weapons. The Defenders are ill prepared for the assault and
are all taken down, even the Hulk. The Sons then take Dr. Strange,
Valkyrie, Yellowjacket and Nighthawk prisoner, leaving the Hulk behind
as he changes back to his human form of Bruce Banner. 

The Gargoyle from the Fifth Galaxy!/ LA CREATURA DELLA QUINTA GALASSIA

comic story /


Stan Lee (plot) ?; Larry Lieber (script) ?
Don Heck
Don Heck
Stan Goldberg
Job Number:
T-345 ?

science fiction


frightening alien lands on Earth and is driven off, but it was really a
peaceful visitor that wanted to give humanity the technology of its
advanced civilization.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


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