Se qui da noi la definizione GLI ETERNI evoca irrimediabilmente entità immortali, inalienabili ed incombenti quali Giorgio Napolitano, Silvio Berlusconi, Licio Gelli, Daniele Piombi e Pippo Baudo, in america invece è una serie supereroistica a fumetti classica ed intramontabile ( ETERNALS in lingua originale ) che deve il suo successo e la sua popolarità non a scandali, processi , rumours di collusioni con mafia e malavita, presunti crimini dal colletto bianco e bustarelle ma solamente e immensamente ai magnifici disegni dell’ indimenticabile re JACK KIRBY
Questa è la favolosa serie gigante Corno che ha fatto conoscere in Italia la superba saga SF-fantasy , e ne è rimasta l’ unica pubblicazione nostrana per decenni, fino al masterwork integrale uscito un paio d’anni fa e puff ! oggi già disperatamente e inesorabilmente esaurito
Tra l’ altro la collana ospita anche altro materiale eccellente che nessuno si è mai sognato di ristampare, un pò per dimenticanza, un pò per pigrizia, un pò per ignoranza , un pò per accidia: MACHINE-MAN , NOVA , 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY , OMEGA , GUARDIANS OF GALAXY , LUNAR , CYBERNUS / DEATHLOCK , 3-D MAN, addirittura c’è pure un episodio di X-Men di Claremont & Byrne sull’ ultimo numero, il 29.
in questo numero :
segnano il passo GLI ETERNI il cui mito di durata illimitata sta fortemente vacillando come già avvenuto per le pile duracell che si sono infine scaricate e per la famosa oca ed sandrén che pure ad un certo punto si è inesorabilmente ed irrimediabilmente afflosciata. In questo numero infatti si esaurisce definitivamente la saga originale di Kirby, con la pubblicazione della storia lunga ed estesa ma un pò molle e fiappa tratta dall’ unico Annual della serie, e che si sarebbe dovuta infilare nella cronologia dopo il n.12 ma forse se ne sono dimenticati o forse al momento aveva fallito per stanchezza o ansia da prestazione
continua però la formidabile saga fantastellare de I GUARDIANI DELLA GALASSIA tratta da Marvel Presents
mentre dalla pattumiera editoriale indifferenziata di Marvel Premiere stavolta viene invece raccattato un episodio unico di PALADIN il super-soldato di fortuna che purtroppo fa solo la fortuna di chi ha avuto la sorte di non averlo mai letto
condizioni : buonissime , l’ albo NON è di busta
a disposizione moltissimi numeri delle altre serie Corno , Star e Marvel, sono gradite le mancoliste.
Featured Characters:
- Jack the Ripper
- Tutinax
- Zakka (Death)
Other Characters:
- Georgie
- Janet
- Mrs. Papp
- Attila the Hun
Zuras discovers that the Deviant scientist Zakka has used his
inventions to snatch warriors from different time periods and is using
them to commit acts of chaos in major cities. He assigns Thena and the
Deviant refugees Karkas and Ransak the Reject to find Zakka and stop
Thena provides them all with civilian clothing and uses her
powers to make Karkas appear human. They go to New York and begin
investigating an apartment complex where Zakka was last known to be
operating. One of his time-displaced agents is the legendary Jack the
Ripper. Ransak encounters the Ripper just as the villain is preparing to
claim another victim. Ransak disarms him and tries to stab him Jack’s
own sword-cane, but just as suddenly as he appeared, he disappears again
– returned to his own time period.
The next threat comes from a pack of Mongol warriors who once
fought under the leadership of Atilla the Hun. Karkas sheds his disguise
and launches into the sword-wielding Mongols, pounding them into the
Humans who perchance witness the fight flee in terror at Karkas’
immense size.
Zakka emerges from his room, fires a laser into Karkas’
back, then flees by way of his Distortion Harness. He returns later and
uses his Time Projector to summon a warrior of Deviant legend – Tutinax
the Mountain Mover.
Tutinax appears in the small apartment, but he is not impressed
with what he sees before him. He destroys the apartment, including the
Time Projector and kills Zakka. Upon hearing the commotion, Thena,
Ransak and Karkas burst into the apartment, but they are too late.

Tutinax tears a hole through the wall and leaps away.
The Eternals chase
after him and prepare for a final battle. Thena knows that since
Zakka’s time projector was destroyed, its effects will soon wear off and
Tutinax will return to his own timeline. She stalls the battle as much
as possible despite the eagerness of Karkas and Ransak. Before the fight
actually takes place however, Tutinax disappears and is sent back to
his native era.
- Despite the story was published between The Eternals #16 and #17, the events from this issue take place between Eternals (Volume 1) #12 and #13. (in Italy in ETERNI 11 and 12)
“In Manhattan, They Play for Keeps” / GIOCO PESANTE A MANHATTAN
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Marsha Connors
- Phantasm (Dennis Sutton)
Dennis, the man who would have become
Phantasm, loved Marsha Connors, her girlfriend. She found him fascinating but
often he beat her. He started to neglect Marsha.
Dennis worked as temporary mason for the State Industry of Plutonium. His
superiors sent him to work in the
more hazardous places, and one day he was accidentally exposed to radiation. The
exposure was fatal, and the doctors told him that he was dying. The
responsibility for the accident wasn’t given to anybody, so Dennis sought
vengeance against the “system”, the “bureaucracy,” and the
national economy.
He started experiments with radioactive isotopes and neon gas
to gain power; while doing so he neglected Marsha even more. The experiments
increased his disease and his decay (and probably his madness). Eventually
Dennis bought a costume inspired by the Mr. Fear’s costume and became Phantasm.
Dennis revealed
his plans to Marsha. Marsha Connors left Dennis, who had become mad and dangerous, and
hired she Paladin to be protected by Dennis’ madness.
Some months later, during the last
night of the Chinese Calendar’s Year of Snake 4675 (presumably topical,
though I don’t quite understand the whole deal with the Chinese Calendar), Phantasm and his men went to
Marsha’s apartment in Manhattan to kill Marsha. Phantasm assaulted Marsha; he was
choking her with his glowing hand’s grip, but Paladin intervened. Dennis
thought Paladin was Marsha’s lover and tried to kill him. They fought, and Paladin killed
a couple of henchmen, but Phantasm nearly caused him to fall off the building when
Marsha’s distracted her ex-boyfriend. The monstrous man hit his ex-girlfriend
and tried to kill her with his deadly touch, but Paladin intervened again. This
time, bored, Phantasm disappeared in the night.
reappeared with his men on the top of the bridge on the 59th, observing
the Electric Central and revealing his purposes to destroy it
and after, in the ensuing chaos due to the black-out, destroy the whole
Street and so the national economy.
The Year of the Snake finished, and the Year of the Horse
started. That night, Phantasm and his men destroyed the Electric Central of
Roosevelt Island. New York fell in darkness and Phantasm went back to Marsha’s.
He had his men knock Paladin out while he killed Marsha.
While running away Phantasm and
his gang were stopped by a tramp, and Phantasm hit him.
Then, Phantasm and his men mingled in the
crowd of the Chinese New Year’s Day’s parade, but Paladin found them.
Phantasm hit the hero and Paladin shot to him. Three shot passed through Phantasm who closed his
cloak and, shining, reappeared behind Paladin.
The dreadful man pulled Paladin to the ground, choking him. Paladin,
seeing the Great Dragon of the parade approaching them, shot in the air,
frightening the people, who left the Dragon falling on top of Phantasm.
Wounded, and immobilized by the Dragon’s weight, Phantasm confessed to have not killed Marsha, but to have only drugged her.
This Paladin one-shot story takes place between DAREDEVIL #152 and 154 (in Italy in URC # 263 and 266)
“Embrace the Void!” / UN ABBRACCIO NEL VUOTO (1a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:

Star Hawk leads the Guardians visiting the Convent of Living Fire, a nunnery run by a sisterhood of
green reptile race webbed-handed zealots whose religion involves a process of psychic
self-immolation resulting in oneness with the universe, as well as
eventually collapsing into a pile of ashes.
needs to enter this flame state, encouraging her to undergo the ritual that
will result in her combustion, in sacrifice to the Topographical Man, an enormous human creature whose body spans light years
and who holds twin stars in his grasp.

when he collapses to the floor. And then there’s yet another jump: a shattered biodome
floating through space with a frozen horse suspended lifelessly within.
This is apparently Starhawk’s home,
Continued to next issue…
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