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DRACULA corno N.6 IL DOTTOR SUN la mummia vivente living mummy originale 1976


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viste le parcelle dei dentisti qui da noi, poco incoraggianti se non del tutto proibitive (e oltretutto poi avete anche il coraggio di lamentarvi se un fumetto costa 10 euro o poco più !), molti hanno iniziato ad andarsi a curare la bocca all’ estero, soprattutto nei paesi dell’ est dove le categorie professionali autoctone propongono prezzi molto competitivi e allettanti. la ragione è molto semplice : la scuola odontoiatrica in queste regioni ha radici antichissime, era molto sviluppata già nel medioevo e annovera nel suo invidiabile palmares interventi di rifacimento e protesi di prestigio a personaggi molto noti ed influenti quali attila, gengis khan, il conte ugolino, erszébet bathory e vlad III di valacchia detto l’ impalatore. Nella fase del blocco socialista, poi, sono stati ulteriormente perfezionati ed affinati il metodo e la tecnologia: poichè , come tutti ben sanno, i comunisti mangiavano i bambini, la popolazione di questi paesi aveva una estrema necessità di mantenere dentature sempre molto sane e robuste , ben funzionanti , in perfetto ordine e massima efficienza, per potere incidere, masticare, trinciare e triturare anche i soggetti piu’ tenaci, refrattari e coriacei. Da qui l’ origine del successo e il segreto del proliferare delle cliniche dell’ europa orientale, in particolare di romania, ungheria e bulgaria, che si sono fatte conoscere ed apprezzare in tutto il mondo per il talento, la capacità e la efficacia delle cure fornite dai suoi addetti e dal suo personale, oltre che per una politica di mercato altamente aggressiva e concorrenziale sul piano internazionale.
Ma attenti alle truffe: in alcuni centri vengono ancora praticate usanze locali molto antiche e poco conosciute, in cui il paziente, una volta addormentato, si risveglia poi ignaro di essere stato sottoposto a ripetuti salassi e di essere stato alleggerito di parecchi etti di sangue in meno, col risultato di tornare in patria e doversi curare una gravissima anemia con esiti disastrosi sul piano della salute e delle finanze.

corriere della paura



Dopo alcune presenze assai vaghe e fugaci, si palesa finalmente l’ avversario e concorrente Dottor Sun, cervellotico vampiro della cina popolare che pretende di competere con Dracula se non con i denti almeno platonicamente col pensiero 

contiene inoltre : LA MUMMIA VIVENTE

Il materiale pubblicato all’ interno di questa serie è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult come tomb of dracula , werewolf by night ( LICANTROPUS by Mike Ploog ) ,  supernatural thrillers ( LIVING MUMMY / LA MUMMIA VIVENTE) , tutti serials cinicamente e vergognosamente mutuati dalla frangia più estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B.

TOMB OF DRACULA prosegue qui con la cronologia da dove si era interrotta sugli A.S.E. ( gli Albi dei Super Eroi) , ovvero dall’ undicesimo episodio fino a giungere al trentanovesimo ( quelli dal 40° al 44° appariranno poi successivamente su Shang-Chi e i restanti sulla miniserie Star La Tomba di Dracula ). gli autori sono leggendari e magnifici : Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan,  Tom Palmer, Jack Abel, covers di Gil Kane




condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

The Coming Of Doctor Sun” / IL DOTTOR SUN

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Transylvanian Alps
  • North Ireland
  • Philippines  ( in flashback )


Dracula is trapped in the Transylvanian Alps, low on strength from last of sufficient blood and with Frank Drake and Rachel van Helsing chasing after him in a helicopter. Inside the chopper, Rachel explains that the only meal that Dracula has been able to get recently was a mountain goat and that the vampire lord is possibly at his weakest in years.

Dracula manages to evade them temporarily, however they find him and begin trying to shoot him with wooden bullets. This attack infuriates Dracula, who finds dying in this manner insulting. He manages to flee the chopper, and begins a desperate hunt to try and find fresh blood to boost his strength. Detecting a human being, Dracula arrives too late and finds that the man who’s sent he detected recently died due to exposure. Desperate, Dracula feeds on the body anyway, and finds it’s blood repulsive to the taste. Venturing further into the cave, Dracula finds a cash of gold and jewels and becomes furious because these things are worthless to him.

While back aboard the helicopter, Frank asks why Rachel is so devoted to destroying Dracula. He explains how her grandfather the late Abraham van Helsing was mortal foes with Dracula. One day when Rachel was still a young girl, Dracula returned to get revenge against the van Helsing family for all his plans they have foiled. He would kill Abraham, as well as Rachel’s parents. However, before Rachel herself could become Dracula’s next victim, she is rescued at the last minute by Quincy Harker, who’s modified wheelchair sends Dracula fleeing the scene. It was then that Quincy took Rachel into his care and trained her to be a vampire hunter like himself. With he story finished, and no sign of Dracula anywhere, they leave the area.

When Dracula notices their departure, he comes out of hiding and tries to fly away in bat form but finds he is too weak to fly in the snowstorm. He is buffeted around until he is finally knocked out of the sky. His last sign before blacking out is a man standing over him.

While back in Ireland, now fully completed his training Lucas Brand is finally allowed to meet Dr. Sun. Brand is taken to Sun’s laboratory and is shocked to find that Dr. Sun is merely a brain encased inside a glass container. Elsewhere, Dracula revives to find himself in a strange location bound to a pillar with cloves of garlic. He is met by a man named Professor Morgo, an aid of Dr. Sun. He explains that they have been attempting to learn and capture Dracula for the past four years. Morgo reveals the person who has helped Sun track Dracula down: Clifton Graves.

Graves reveals himself, and strikes at Dracula and mocks the defeated vampire king. He explains that after being left to die on an exploding cruise ship he was rescued by the forces of Dr. Sun who were trying to track Dracula. They would recover Grave’s body and give him immediate medical attention, saving his life even though he would be horribly scarred for the rest of his life. When Graves mocks Dracula further by spilling blood in front of the hungered vampire, Dracula strikes Clifton with his foot. Morgo stops the fight by impaling Dracula through the chest temporarily.

While outside, Frank and Rachel discover a man-made structure on the mountains and decide to search it to see if Dracula is inside. Inside this self same building, Dracula breaks free and fights off both Graves and Morgo. While Graves is down, Dracula feeds on Morgo getting his much needed blood. Resuming his attack on Graves, the battle is interrupted by the arrival of Dr. Sun’s guards and Frank and Rachel. Rachel attempts to stake Dracula with an arrow, however Dracula sings Clifton around and uses his body as a shield.

With Clifton and Sun’s guards are dead, Frank and Rachel prepare to resume their attack on Dracula when suddenly Dr. Sun arrives with Lucas Brand and they use a device to paralyse them. Dr. Sun then explains to Dracula that he intends to challenge the immortal for the throne as king of vampires.


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • Transylvanian Alps
  • London
  • China  ( in flashback )


Frank Drake, Rachel van Helsing and Dracula have been captured by Dr. Sun and Lucas Brand. Sun has been attempting to capture Dracula for some time to try and take his mantel of lord of the vampires. Sun has Brand explain his origins to the others: That in 1966 he was a prisoner of the Chinese government during the Cultural Revolution and forced into an experiment where his brain was removed from his body and placed into a anti-matter container and wired into a computer in the hopes that his powerful mind would be used as a weapon for the Chinese government. However, they got more than they bargained for as Dr. Sun would exert his massive mental powers to kill the men who did this to him. He would soon learn that his brain required fresh blood to survive, much like a vampire, and devoted himself to learning about vampires since he learned of their existence and created his own army to carry out his wishes.

With the story done, Sun orders Lucas Brand to bring him the blood of Rachel van Helsing, however as Brand seeks to carry out this task, Sun unleashes Dracula as a final test of Brand’s abilities. Dracula and Brand lock in a fight to the finish, during the fight Brand picks up a wooden stake and rams it into Dracula’s heart.

While back in London, England, at the home of Quincy Harker, Quincy tries to convince Blade to stay and continue their quest to destroy Dracula. Blade declines the offer, feeling that he should get back on the case of the vampire responsible for killing his mother, and departs.

Back at the headquarters of Dr. Sun, Dracula has had the stake removed from his chest and he has been wired up into a machine. Dr. Sun explains further of his need to constantly have fresh blood pumped into his body and seeks to have dominion over all vampires so that he can have an army of minions that could collect bodies for his own blood needs. As part of his plot, he had one of his men seek out the body of Lucas Brand to learn all he could about vampires in the hopes of learning a way to best Dracula and seize control of all the worlds vampires.

Having Brand hook himself into the devices as well, Dr. Sun intends to transfer all of Dracula’s memories into not only Dr. Sun’s data banks, but also into the mind of Lucas Brand in the hopes that Brand would become his medium to control the vampires of the world.

With the majority of the information transferred over to Brand, Lucas decides to break free early and destroy Dracula. Dracula is freed and the two fight, with Brand having the upper hand due to Dracula’s weakened state. Dracula breaks free and feeds upon one of Dr. Sun’s scientists regaining some strength and continues his fight with Brand.

Deciding that utilizing Brand is a failure, Dr. Sun decides to terminate his project and frees Frank and Rachel and gives them their weapons. As the battle between Dracula and Lucas continues, Brand knocks Dracula into some equipment causing an explosion which starts a massive fire. When Rachel and Frank attempt to kill both vampires, Brand grabs and destroys their weapons.

Brand then turns on Dr. Sun and attempts to kill him but is struck down by a mental bolt. As the fire rages on, Dr. Sun teleports away while Frank and Rachel escape in their helicopter, believing that Dracula is dead. Dracula, however is far from dead, and makes his own escape by changing into bat form and flying away seconds before the mountain explodes.

Pyramid of Peril!” / LA PIRAMIDE DEL PERICOLO  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Asp (First appearance)




Continued from last issue….

When the pyramids traps don’t work either, the Living Pharaoh uses his restored powers against the Mummy, however during the fight the Scarab is stolen by an unknown party who makes an escape. Furious, the Pharaoh tries to use his powers to destroy the Mummy, but finds that they are slowly fading. Once they are completely gone, the Mummy decides that the Pharaoh is no longer a threat and goes after the man who stole the Scarlet Scarab. While high in the air Dr. Skarab, Janice and Ron are arriving in Egypt by plane, hoping to secure not only the Mummy, but the Scarab for themselves.

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