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DEVIL corno N.77 LE CORNA DEL TORO nick fury shield iron man l' incredibile 1973


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contiene inoltre  :  IRON MAN e NICK FURY AGENTE DELLO S.H.I.E.L.D.


Daredevil Vol 1 78

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Man-Bull (First appearance)
  • “Itch”
  • “Freak-Face”

Other Characters:

  • Phil Hichock
  • George and Dia Alec
  • Un-Named Professor




Daredevil saves the lives of George and Dia Alec, who are in New York
to visit their friend Gardner and are attacked by a bunch of goons led
by a man named Bull. Meanwhile, Foggy has trouble of his own as he is in
deep and is making payments to a mysterious man who is threatening him
for not making his payments on time. when DD arrives with the Alec’s,
Foggy brushed them off. So instead, DD lets the Alec’s stay at the home
of Matt Murdock. When Dia answers the phone when Karen calls, Karen
hangs up thinking Matt has moved on and she soon seeks comfort from her
agent Phil.

While Bull seeks strength enhancement treatment from a doctor
whom is under the employment of the mysterious Mr. Klein, DD goes out on
patrol. DD finds the jeep the thugs who attacked the Alecs were driving
and soon battles them, and is injected with a chemical that knocks him
out. While the Alecs go out and are stalked by one of Bull’s men, DD
comes around in a strange house facing Bull, who has now mutated into
the fearsome Man-Bull.


  • George Alec has a writer friend named “Gardner” (who the
    narrator comments “Whoever the heck that is” during the course of the
    story) is probably a nod to DC Comics writer Gardner Fox.
Tales of Suspense Vol 1 88

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Continued from last issue…

While Iron Man fights off a creature which is akin
to a fire breathing dragon, the
Mole Man kidnaps Pepper and takes her back to the boring device. Iron
Man defeats the monster and catches up to them. The Mole Man orders Iron
Man to show him how the boring device works in exchange for Peppers
life. Iron Man instead instructs the Mole Man how to cause the device to
overload with radiation and explode, escaping with Pepper just before
it does so, seemingly killing the Mole Man in the process.

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 89

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Melter
  • Benny, the Melter’s cell-mate

Other Characters:




While rebuilding the Stark Industries building, there is an on site
accident that almost kills Pepper and Happy if not for the intervention
of Tony Stark. However, afterward, Pepper seeks Happy for comfort,
convincing Tony that she has finally chosen who she cares for more, and
so resumes the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy in order to forget
about her.

Meanwhile, at a nearby prison, the criminal known as the Melter
has built a new melting gun with the aid of a fellow inmate in order to
escape. When the weapon works, the Melter turns on his companion and
escapes by himself. Donning a new costume, the Melter goes to Stark
Industries in an attempt to force Tony Stark to build a new melting gun
that operates on his miniaturized transistors.

There the Melter battles Iron Man, a fight which Iron Man is
about to win when the Melter puts a number of Stark employees in danger,
forcing Iron Man to stop the fight to save them. Figuring that the best
way to stop the Melter is in his civilian guise, Iron Man rushes ahead
of the Melter and changes back to Tony Stark. There the Melter finds him
and forces him to begin building a melting gun..

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 2

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • SHIELD Fun House testing facility
  • Valhalla (Centurius’s Island), the Pacific Ocean


Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. vol.1 #2 (1968) - So Shall Ye Reap… Death!

An Oriental man heads into a circus funhouse – but things are not
quite what they appear. The funhouse is actually a series of death
traps, but Jimmy Woo is up to the challenge. After many harrowing
escapes and near misses, he emerges to find two men waiting for him –
Dum-Dum Dugan and Nick Fury! Jimmy has just passed the final test for
acceptance as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. It also appears there is a
history between Nick Fury and Jimmy Woo that has Dugan worried.

The next day Jimmy and Nick are flying to the SHIELD helicarrier
when suddenly a strange beam knocks their plane into a spin. Fury
ejects Jimmy, but stays with the plane to try and pull it out, only to
be forcibly removed by a bizarre insectoid alien creature moments before
the plane crashes.

Soon, Fury is greeted by the master of the creature, a humanoid
who goes by the name Centurius. While claiming peaceful intentions, the
man has his servants remove Fury’s weapon, but Fury is none to happy
about the loss of his plane or the weird circumstances involved.
Suddenly, Jimmy Woo also enters the room, and reveals that he was
grabbed by a strange creature as well. At this point Nick and Jimmy are
anxious to hear what Centurius has to say for himself.

Centurius, disgusted by human greed, and ridiculed by other
scientists for his theory that life “evolved from intranuclear space”,
set about creating this lab to develop an “evolution process”. His
process quickly produced many species, some of which were totally alien
and some of which were much like prehistoric creatures. Centurius is
then beaming pairs of these creatures into his Automated Rebirth
Colonizer (ARC, isn’t he clever), which is in orbit around the earth.
Fury tells him that the world would be thrilled to hear of these
discoveries, but Centurius reveals one final detail – he’s going to wipe
out life on earth with 40 days and nights of powerful radiation, and
then recolonize it with the ARC.

Continued to next issue…


Panel 9 & 11 on page 5 were redone by artist John Romita Sr. to conform to the current comics code. 

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