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DEVIL corno N.29 ATTENZIONE AL COLEOTTERO daredevil iron man nick fury 1971


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Contiene inoltre : IRON MAN – NICK FURY

e la pin-up de I nemici di Devil : ELECTRO


Daredevil Vol 1 33

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Tom, a security guard
  • Chris, a security technician


After failing to stop the Beetle in an armed robbery, Matt, in his
guise of “Mike” Murdock travels with Foggy and Karen to the 1967 World’s
Fair in Montreal Canada. On the train ride north, the shipment of
jewels is robbed from the train by the Beetle, who is pursued by
Daredevil once more. Their battle taking them off the train, DD follows
the Beetle to a small town where he is tackled by the Beetle’s goons and
held at gun point.

Amazing Spider-Man Annual Vol 1 1

Electro / I nemici di Devil : ELECTRO

A Gallery of Spider-Man’s Most Famous Foes!

character profile /



Stan Lee
Steve Ditko
Steve Ditko

Content Information


Tales of Suspense Vol 1 45

The Icy Fingers of Jack Frost!” / IRON MAN CONTRO JACK FROST !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mike (mechanic in Tony’s pit crew)




As Iron Man
whizzes down the highway at high speeds using his jet-skates, he draws
the attention of a pair of traffic police, who try to chase him down. He
arrives at his sports car further down the road and and changes into
Anthony Stark. Stark arrives at the speedway just in time to climb
behind the wheel of “The Stark Special” and begin the race. Sometime
into the race, he feels his heart seize up on him, causing him to spin
the car out of control and crash. As the car bursts into flame, Stark
finds that he is trapped and cannot move. A bystander braves the flames
and pulls him out of the wreckage and drags him to safety. Stark begs
the man to quickly take him to his hotel room and not ask any questions.
The man agrees and they take off in his car.

At the hotel, Stark plugs his chest plate into a wall outlet,
which begins to stimulate his heart back to normal function. He
remembers the man who rescued him and decides to offer him a handsome
reward. That man, Happy Hogan,
is a retired boxer who rips up Stark’s check for $50,000, stating that
he would prefer a steady job with three weeks vacation and a pension
plan. Stark in turn offers him a position as his chauffeur, which Hogan
eagerly accepts. They head over to Stark’s main office in Flushings, New
York, where he introduces Hogan to his secretary, Pepper Potts.
The bickering between Pepper and Happy begins almost immediately!
Although they bicker, Hogan confesses an attraction to Pepper Potts, who
rebuffs him saying she’s saving herself to be the future Mrs. Tony

Stark excuses himself and goes to his private office to test out
his Iron Man armor. He goes through checks on a few of his latest
innovations, when suddenly an alarm goes off. As Iron Man, he immediately heads to the basement where he discovers one of his employees, Professor Gregor Shapanka,
trying to break into a vault. Shapanka fires a gun at the approaching
hero, to no avail. Iron Man apprehends Shapanka and shoves him into the
vault, closing it secure behind him. A few minutes later, Tony Stark
arrives with armed guards, and explains that he’s letting Shapanka go
free because of the brilliant work he had done in the past, since he
could no longer trust him with the vital secret projects that Stark Industries
was involved in, fired him. As Shapanka is being escorted away, he
insults Stark, who makes a comment warning him to leave now before he
“gets cold feet.” This comment makes Shapanka laugh out loud and thank
Stark for helping him mentally “connect the dots” on a solution to his
money problems. Thinking Shapanka “nuttier than a fruit cake’, he is set

Weeks later, Shapanka is working in his private laboratory. He
has developed a process to prolong human life by freezing a person
within a block of ice. Using Stark’s comment for inspiration, he
develops a special freezing suit that lowers his body temperature
without placing him within a block of ice. The suit also gives him the
ability to freeze objects near him. A week later, Shapanka walks into a
bank wearing his new “ice suit” and encases the armed guards and
customers within blocks of ice. He robs the bank vault and then saunters
outside, icing up nearby policemen (and the bullets they are shooting
at him). The newspaper headlines scream about the new threat of “Jack
Frost.” Enjoying his newfound power and fame, Shapanka decides to make
his next move against Tony Stark.

Covered in ice, the newly anointed Jack Frost walks into Stark Industries‘ main office and encounters armed guards, who open fire at him. Nearby, Pepper Potts
uses the telephone to warn Stark that that Jack Frost is breaking in.
In his office, Stark quickly changes into Iron Man. Meanwhile,
Happy Hogan
rushes in Pepper’s office and picks up one of the fallen guard’s
rifles. As he races inside Stark’s office to check on his boss, he is
frozen solid by Jack Frost. Iron Man immediately recognizes Jack Frost’s
voice as Shapanka’s. He triggers a trap door to open beneath Jack
Frost’s feet, but he grabs hold of the side of the door and uses his ice
powers to climb out. Iron Man then uses a heat ray from his chest plate
to melt Jack Frost’s icy coating, stalling him long enough to assemble a
miniature transistorized furnace from his utility belt. Placed on the
ground, the furnace emanates a heat wave that disables Jack Frost’s
powers and melts all of the ice that he has generated. As the defeated
Jack Frost is arrested, Happy Hogan is left to ponder whether he’s given
up prize-fighting for the wrong vocation!


  • This issue introduces a number of supporting elements to the Iron Man series:
  • Jack Frost is Iron Man’s first costumed superpowered foe.
  • Stark refers to Iron Man as a “good friend” who drops by when
    he’s in the neighborhood. Stark will later refer to Iron Man as his
  • This issue features the first time Iron Man utilized his armor’s Jet-powered Boot Skates and uses his Monobeam as a Heat ray.
  • Stark Industries’ main plant is identified as being just off
    the Grand Central Parkway, “near” the new baseball stadium and the 1964
    World’s Fair.


  • Not long after suffering an almost fatal heart attack, Anthony Stark is seen smoking a pipe!!

Strange Tales Vol 1 136

“Find Fury or Die!” / TROVARE FURY O MORIRE !  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




  • Fury’s throat-mike
  • Fury’s hypno-beam
  • Hydra’s portable X-Ray scanner 


  • Hydra-ram


Nick Fury is on his way back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters when he
realizes that Hydra has a tail on him and will assassinate him as soon
as he reveals their headquarters. He calls into the barbershop to get
them prepared and when he arrives, leaves a note that the next two
patrons will be Hydra agents.

Back at Hydra base, a Hydra-Hunter sends the assassin squad into
position and sends the two undercover agents inside. Fury captures them
and hypnotizes them into believing they had succeeded in shooting him
and that the barbershop isn’t actually the headquarters but an old

Continued to next issue…

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Casa Editrice







Titolo Serie


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