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DEVIL corno # 59 L' UOMO CHE SCONFISSE DEVIL ! iron man nick fury shield NO RESA


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contiene inoltre : IRON MANNICK FURY


Daredevil Vol 1 62.jpg

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Nighthawk
  • Jo-Jo and Weepin’ Willie, two gangsters

Other Characters:


When trying to stop two crooks from robbing the box office of a movie
theater, Daredevil runs into Nighthawk, who captures the crook and
takes all the credit. Afterwards, Nighthawk returns to his home, a large
mansion where he recounts how a formula gave him his powers and how he
was once recruited by the Grandmaster to fight the Avengers.

This starts a series of episodes where Daredevil is upstaged by
Nighthawk, which discredits DD in the public eye and gives Karen more
ammunition to pressure Matt into giving up his Daredevil identity.
However, realizing something fishy is up, DD tricks Nighthawk into
boasting how he’s been staging the crimes to discredit DD and also reap
benefits from crime at the same time into a recorder which broadcasts
his words to the people on the street.

This leads to a fight between DD and Nighthawk which takes them
to the New York subway, where Nighthawk manages to escape by jumping
between an oncoming subway train to make his escape, vowing to one day
get revenge on Daredevil.

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 74.jpg

Featured Character(s):

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:




Iron Man has been left for dead in an
ancient castle by the Black Knight who lured the Golden Avenger there by
kidnapping his friend Happy Hogan who had been getting treatment for a
critical injury caused by the Titanium Man. With no option left, Iron
Man attempts to contact somebody in his lab, reaching Pepper Potts who
is looking for her boss Tony Stark following an confrontation with
Senator Byrd over the revelation of Iron Man’s secrets to a Senate

Coming to rescue Iron Man, she drives him back to Stark’s lab
where the iron hero recharges his batteries before snubbing Senator Byrd
on the phone and flying off to retrieve Happy from the castle.
Returning him to the hospital, Iron Man loans a device called the
Enervation Intensifier to treat Happy’s injuries.

Instead of just healing him, the device changes him into a
monstrous creature which is dubbed “The Freak”, and goes on a rampage
through the hospital, all the way to a power station. Iron Man tracks
the monster there, vowing to stop his friend even though his power is
once again low.


Crisis!” / CRISI !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




  • Alpha Rays
  • Invisibility Pen
  • Hallucination Cube
  • Satan’s Claw


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Strucker announces that the impregnable dome over Hydra Island will
keep them safe from the “Death Spore” plague, and plans to use Fury’s
body as the basis for an army of HYDRA androids to “police” the world,
once he’s dead from the Alpha Ray beam. But Fury escapes! As SHIELD
searches the Heli-Carrier for the bomb with no result, Fury, “playing it
by ear”, takes on one group of HYDRA thugs after another, until
Strucker faces him one-on-one. Thanks to his deadly “Satan Claw”,
Strucker gains the upper hand, and it looks like it might be the end.


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