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CORRIERE DELLA PAURA corno N.21 MORTE DAL TICKY-TACKY brother voodoo the zombie


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redazionali : LA VAMPIRESSA Elisabetta Erzsébet Bathory (Cesare Medail) 
                  la posta della strega   di M.G.P.
                  la paura in celluloide – IL DOTTOR JEKYL E MISTER HYDE Jekill (Giovanni Mongini)
                  L’ ASTRANERO di Sargatanas

COVER : RICH BUCKLER + ERNIE CHAN  (da Strange Tales  # 173 )

Finalmente il rimedio definitivo per le vostre
notti insonni , e non sto parlando di gigi marzullo o di enrico ghezzi !

i vostri incubi perduti e l’ angoscia più opprimente ed insopportabile
che ha caratterizzato i vostri giorni peggiori, arrischiandovi nella
temeraria lettura di questa memorabile e atipica serie corno, che
pubblicava coraggiosamente alcune gemme fumettistiche tanto prelibate
quanto azzardate, perlomeno per quanto riguardava la recettività di un
mercato tradizionalista, bigotto e poco duttile e permeabile come
quello italiano e soprattutto in quegli anni.

Il materiale è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult
come dracula lives , monsters
unleashed , the haunt of horror , tales of the zombie , vampire tales,
strange tales
i serials che appaiono sono cinicamente mutuati dalla frangia più
estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della
letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B (  Dracula,
Morbius,  Satan la figlia del diavolo , Simon Garth lo zombie ,
Fratello Voo Doo , Lilith figlia di Dracula, The Man – Thing ,
Frankenstein ) , gli autori sono tantissimi e tutti leggendari e
magnifici : Neal Adams , Gene Colan, Syd Shores , Tom Palmer , Joe
Sinnott , Gil Kane , Tony De Zuniga ,  Enric Badia Romero , Val
Mayerick , Vicente Alcazar , John Buscema ,Alfredo Alcala, Pablo
Marcos, George Tuska, Billy Graham , Jim Starlin , Jordi Bernet ,
Esteban Maroto , Dick Ayers , Ernie Chua , Jesus Blasco , John Romita
senior , Alfonso Font , Ralph Reese e tanti altri

ciliegina sulla torta non potevano mancare gli ottimi, approfonditi e
congeniali articoli di Cesare Medail , Giovanni Mongini , Sargatanas
& friends ( or foes ? )

alla fine, stremati ed allucinati dopo aver letto anche il ventiduesimo
ed ultimo numero, potreste anche avere ottenuto la sospirata risposta
alla fatidica e suprema questione :

la vita è un incubo, o
gli incubi aiutano a morire meglio ?



Strange Tales Vol 1 173

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • New Orleans
  • Headtaker’s Hill
  • Castle of the Forsaken


  • Medallion of the Loa
  • Statue of the Dark Lord


To aid in his mission to try and find
Loralee Tate, Brother Voodoo pays a visit to an old woman named Mama
Limbo who apparently has clairvoyant abilities. Her visions tell him to
go and seek out Desmond Drew, who she believes has a connection to the
Cult of the Darklord.

As Brother Voodoo goes to check out this lead, at the police
station Samuel Tate and Pete Hawkins debate on what to do about Samuel’s
missing daughter. They finally decide that Brother Voodoo would hamper
their efforts to find her themselves and put out an APB to have him
arrested on sight.

Voodoo would find himself at Drew’s house where (after quelling
his guard dogs with his voodoo powers) is told by Desmond that he has
nothing to do with the Cult. Brother Voodoo has reason to believe him
and departs.

However, as he does leave he’s visited by the same spectral mist
seen by Loralee before she was kidnapped. He bounds back over into
Drew’s property where he’s attacked by members of the Cult. Although he
has the upper hand to begin with, he’s ultimately knocked out and taken
prisoner. When he revives he finds himself tied to an inverted cross
directly over Loralee who is intended to be sacrificed. After assessing
the situation, Brother Voodoo witnesses the entrance of the cults
apparent leader, a costumed man named the Black Talon.

Continued in Tales of the Zombie #6… (previously published in CDP # 8)

Tales of the Zombie Vol 1 8

A Death Made Out of Ticky-Tacky” / UNA MORTE DAL TICKY-TACKY !


Traveling through New Orleans, Layla and the Zombie stop when Layla
accidentally steps on broken glass and cuts her bare feet. She is then
attacked by a rat, however the Zombie is able to fight off the vermin,
killing it. Deciding to have the Zombie hide someplace where it won’t be
seen, she goes to find Papa Doc, a resident expert in Voodoo to see if
he can free Simon Garth from his curse of being a Zombie. He makes some
Gris-Gris in a bottle and sends her off to use it on the Zombie, however
when she arrives in the derelict building she had left him in, she is
shocked to find that the Zombie has left the scene.

The Zombie has been called by the Amulet of Damballa, that is in
the possession of Fred Miller, a fire fighter who found the amulet in
the a burning warehouse. While Fred is throwing a swingers party, he
holds the Amulet and has inadvertently summoned the Zombie. At first,
everyone is horrified, and Fred tires to kill the Zombie with a gun, but
it has no effect. Realizing that the Zombie is under his control, he
and his fellow singers decide to amuse themselves with the zombie by
ordering it to do tricks and other embarrassing acts.

When one of Miller’s neighbors goes over to complain about the
music, Fred has the Zombie attack him, and then acts as concerned
neighbor. Later they send the Zombie to scare the elderly Louis
Garrison, the owner of the Morrison Tool and Die Corporation, and the
boss of one of Fred’s friends. Their prank goes off well, however the
sight of the Zombie scares Garrison so badly, he has a heart attack and
dies. However, Fred and his cohorts shrug it off as though it were

Finally, they send the Zombie to attack a voodoo priestess,
ironically it turns out to be Layla. On his way out, the Zombie spots
the Gris-Gris and is about to grab for it, when Layla revives from her
blow to the head and pulls off the necklace of Damballa around the
Zombie’s neck, giving the creature free will. Furious at being used for
such horrible deeds, the Zombie then tracks down Fred Miller and his
party goers and beats them all the death. When the police arrive on the
scene they find the Amulet of Damballa among the dead bodies.

Vampire Tales Vol 1 5

The Vampire Viscount of France / IL VAMPIRO VISCONTE DI FRANCIA

comic story /



Doug Moench
Win Mortimer
Win Mortimer


A short and vane historical vampire story unusually hosted in inside front and inside back cover. It’ s about french Viscount Vincent De Morieve and his bloody maledition.

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