cod.FEA |
corriere della paura
redazionali : REINCARNAZIONE parte 2 (Cesare Medail)
la posta della strega di M.G.P.
la paura in celluloide : I MOSTRI MECCANICI di Giovanni Mongini
L’ ASTRANERO di Sargatanas
COVER : EARL NOREM (da Dracula Lives # 4 )
Finalmente il rimedio definitivo per le vostre
notti insonni , e non sto parlando di gigi marzullo o di enrico ghezzi !
i vostri incubi perduti e l’ angoscia più opprimente ed insopportabile
che ha caratterizzato i vostri giorni peggiori, arrischiandovi nella
temeraria lettura di questa memorabile e atipica serie corno, che
pubblicava coraggiosamente alcune gemme fumettistiche tanto prelibate
quanto azzardate, perlomeno per quanto riguardava la recettività di un
mercato tradizionalista, bigotto e poco duttile e permeabile come
quello italiano e soprattutto in quegli anni.
Il materiale è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult
come dracula lives , monsters
unleashed , the haunt of horror , tales of the zombie , vampire tales,
strange tales ,
i serials che appaiono sono cinicamente mutuati dalla frangia più
estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della
letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B ( Dracula,
Morbius, Satan la figlia del diavolo , Simon Garth lo zombie ,
Fratello Voo Doo , Lilith figlia di Dracula, The Man – Thing ,
Frankenstein ) , gli autori sono tantissimi e tutti leggendari e
magnifici : Neal Adams , Gene Colan, Syd Shores , Tom Palmer , Joe
Sinnott , Gil Kane , Tony De Zuniga , Enric Badia Romero , Val
Mayerick , Vicente Alcazar , John Buscema ,Alfredo Alcala, Pablo
Marcos, George Tuska, Billy Graham , Jim Starlin , Jordi Bernet ,
Esteban Maroto , Dick Ayers , Ernie Chua , Jesus Blasco , John Romita
senior , Alfonso Font , Ralph Reese e tanti altri
ciliegina sulla torta non potevano mancare gli ottimi, approfonditi e
congeniali articoli di Cesare Medail , Giovanni Mongini , Sargatanas
& friends ( or foes ? )
alla fine, stremati ed allucinati dopo aver letto anche il ventiduesimo
ed ultimo numero, potreste anche avere ottenuto la sospirata risposta
alla fatidica e suprema questione :
la vita è un incubo, o
gli incubi aiutano a morire meglio ?
- Characters:
- The Master (villain; death)
- Frankenstein Monster
- James
- Bruno
- Bernard
- Julia Winters
- Synopsis:
- The Master has captured both the Frankenstein Monster and Julia Winters. The Monster frees both of them.
“All the Faces of Fear” / TUTTI I VOLTI DELLA PAURA !
Featured Characters:
Haunted by nightmares of her encounter with the Man-Thing, Ellen
Brant wants to go into the swamp days before the bandages on her burned
face must come off. Her physician Leonard disagrees, however she manages
to convince him to accompany her.
In the swamp, they are tracked by the Man-Thing, who is drawn by
their emotions and when Leonard acts hostage the Man-Thing disarms him.
When Ellen confronts her fear, the Man-Thing takes off her bandages to
show a fully healed face underneath. Finally expunged of her fears,
Ellen is able to face the Man-Thing, and feel it’s touch without
burning. Sensing her sadness, the Man-Thing returns to the swamp. Ellen
and Leonard then return to town.
Featured Characters:
- Elizabeth Bathory
1606: A young woman flees from the castle of Countess
Elizabeth Bathory, the “Blood Countess”, pursued not only by Bathroy’s
guards and blood hounds, but an entirely separate stalker as well: Count
Dracula, who is out searching for his next evening meal. However,
spotting the guards that are after her, Dracula pulls off his chase to
see what they are up to. Learning that the Countess loves the sight of
blood, Dracula decides to investigate what is going on at Bathory’s
Waiting in the castle is the countess herself, a vein woman who
fears the ravages of aging. When her victim is returned, she has her
stripped naked and whips her all the while Dracula watches from the
window in his bat form. Elizabeth whips the girl until her blood
splatters all over Elizabeth’s face. Satisfied, she orders her guard to
whip the girl to death and throw her carcass on the dung heap. She
retires to her room, unaware that Dracula is following her, the vampire
lord witnesses the woman bathing in a bathtub filled with blood, which
she hopes will keep her vital and young. With the coming dawn, Dracula
returns to his castle meaning to return the following night to stop this
mad woman from taking from Dracula’s food supply.
The following day, Elizabeth continues her rituals of torturing,
killing, and draining young women of their blood and then bathing in it.
Eventually, her work comes to fruition as she starts seeing results.
The next night she joins her hunting party in finding a new fresh
victim. However, when they find one she is also being stalked by
Dracula. Dracula makes his presence known to Elizabeth. The Blood
Countess then orders her men to attack, however Dracula makes short work
of them and then goes after Elizabeth. Dracula bites her and drinks
some of her blood in the hopes that she will do his bidding. However, to
Dracula’s surprise somehow her bathing in others blood makes her immune
to Dracula’s control and she propose that the two form an alliance.
She offers to share her women, and allow Dracula to rest in her
castle so that they both can take advantage of her supply of young women
and fresh blood. However, Elizabeth double crosses Dracula the next
dawn when she has her slave women put cloves of garlic on top of his
coffin. When Dracula awakens, he finds that he cannot open his coffin
because of the garlic, however he manages to escape when he turns into
mist and seeps out of a crack in the floor. Resuming his human form,
Dracula decides to get revenge on the woman.
Dracula steals Elizabeth’s diaries that implicate her in killing
the women and bathing in their blood and turns them over to King Mathias
of Hungary. The following day the Countess is brought to trail and is
sentenced to be sealed away in a stone room with no exit. Elizabeth’s
pleas that she will grow old in the dungeon are ignored and she is
sealed away. That night, Dracula comes to her room and feeds upon her,
when her body is found the next day they find the corpse of an extremely
old woman.