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CONAN E KAZAR corno N.30 IL MOSTRO DELLA CATACOMBA the golem red nails


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Nella giostra di sostituzioni per supplire all’ assenza dello scioperato KA ZAR , stavolta tocca addirittura allo statuario e roccioso GOLEM , plasmato ed animato appositamente per rimpiazzare ad interim il lurido e zoticone jungleman, mentre sempre per colpa sua al titolare CONAN il barbaro in questo numero tocca fare pure gli straordinari con 2 storie complete



Per la copertina di questo numero si è scelto di proporre in versione colorata lo stupendo frontespizio di ESTEBAN MAROTO per Savage Sword of Conan # 1

Savage Tales Vol 1 3

The Lurker from the Catacombs” / IL MOSTRO DELLA CATACOMBA

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Valeria


  • Prince Olmec
  • Princess Tascela

Other Characters:

  • Techolt
  • Tecuhltli (Flashback, Death)
  • Xotalanc (Flashback, Death)
  • Tolkemec (Flashback)
  • Yasala
  • Yanath (Death)
  • Topal (Death)
  • Xatmec (Corpse)


  • Xuchotl


Conan and Valeria are hired by Prince Olmec to defend his side of the strange walled city.


  • Part 2 of 3 for this comics adaptation from “Red Nails“, the last of the stories about Conan the Cimmerian written by American author Robert E. Howard. A novella was originally serialized in Weird Tales magazine from July to October 1936.
Savage Tales Vol 1 3

He Comes from the Dark” / LO SPIRITO DELLA MORTE

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Valeria


  • Prince Olmec (Death)
  • Princess Tascela (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Tolkemec (Death)
  • Techolt (Death)


  • Xuchotl


Tascela plans to use Valeria’s vitality to
restore her youth. Returning to
Tecuhltli, Conan finds Olmec bound and tortured. Conan releases him,
but Olmec attempts another betrayal and Conan slays him. Conan comes upon Tascela who has Valeria pinned to an altar. Conan,
caught in a steel trap, watches powerlessly as Tascela proceeds with the
sacrifice of Valeria. The scene is interrupted by Tolkemec who has
returned from the catacombs, wielding a wand of terrible destructive
power. Desperate for assistance against Tolkemec, Tascela frees Conan.
Conan is able to defeat Tolkemec. Valeria, freed, avenges herself upon
Tascela with a dagger thrust to the heart.

With the last inhabitant of Xuchotl slain, Conan and Valeria depart the dead city.


  • Part 3 of 3 for this comics adaptation from “Red Nails“, the last of the stories about Conan the Cimmerian written by American author Robert E. Howard. A novella was originally serialized in Weird Tales magazine from July to October 1936.
Strange Tales Vol 1 174

There Walks the Golem!” / LA’ CAMMINA GOLEM !  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Army deserters
    • Col. Omar 
    • Col. Omar’s men
      • Hassim
      • Abdul

Other Characters:

  • Judah Loew Ben Bezalel  ( flashback)


  • Middle-Eastern desert
  • Prague ( flashback)


In the deserts of the Middle East, Professor Abraham Adamson is
conducting an archeological dig to locate the long lost Golem. A living
statue created by Judah Loew Ben Bezalel centuries ago. It was the
champion of his people but eventually went to the desert and was lost in
the sands. Accompanying him on this expedition are his grandchildren
Jason and Rebecca, and Rebecca’s fiance Wayne Logan. They succeed in
uncovering the Golem prompting discussion about the creature’s legend.

Since the site of the dig was near a combat zone, the dig is
visited by deserters of an Arabian army. They ask if they can be guests
for the night. However, that evening it turns out their real intent is
to rob the dig of anything of value. When Logan tries to stop them, he’s
attacked waking up the others

Continued to next issue…

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