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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.41 CATTURATO! x-men origini ciclope cyclops vietnam 1974


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si tratta sostanzialmente di un piccolo incidente di percorso, e se è capitato più volte a Fabrizio Corona e a Lele Mora figuriamoci se allora non può succedere anche al buon CAP di essere accalappiato e messo in gattabuia, come malauguratamente avviene nell’ episodio principale di questo albo per mano degli spregevoli vietcong al servizio del malvagio Mandarino 

contiene : X-MEN con un episodio regolare + la terza storia breve del ciclo di backup con le origini uno per uno dei mutanti (in questo numero continua la narrazione della commovente favoletta di Scott Summers detto CICLOPE adolescente problematico con esagerate fissazioni sia mentali che oculari)




Captain America Vol 1 125
Captured in Vietnam!” / CATTURATO !

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:




Upset that his relationship with Sharon Carter has ended over a
believed betrayal, Steve Rogers tries to get his mind off Sharon and
decides to watch the six o’clock news. The top story of the night is
about the disappearance of Dr. Robert Hoskins a medical doctor that has
been helping the wounded on both sides of the Vietnam conflict.
Realizing that this will agitate both sides into more conflict, Captain
America decides to get involved and find Hoskin before it’s too late.
Using his Avengers ID card, Captain America gets an audience with the
director of the Defense Department and arranges to take the next plane
into Vietnam.

Flying over the region in a B-52 Bomber, Captain America
parachutes into the jungle below, where he changes into his uniform. He
soon finds himself in the middle of a firefight between opposing sides
and is forced to duck into a ditch to avoid getting shot and the danger
to pass. Cap soon realizes that coming to a jungle in his Captain
America costume might not have been one of his greatest ideas. Searching
the jungle, he spots a trip wire and pretends to fall for it to see who
attacks him. To his surprise, he is attacked by a group of Asian men
who are not wearing uniforms that belong to either the north or south
Vietnamese armies, making him wonder who is behind the kidnapping.
Captain America allows himself to be captured to see where they take
him. To his surprise, he is taken to a castle that is presently being
occupied by Iron Man’s old foe the Mandarin. The Mandarin explains to
Cap that he captured Hoskin in order to increase the conflict to
decimate both sides of the war so that he can take over the region

Captain America breaks free, an manages to fight off the
Mandarin’s troops and faces off against the Mandarin one-on-one.
Although the Mandarin has the superior power of his rings, Captain
America is able to deflect the different blasts with his shield. When
one of the Mandarin’s blasts causes a fire, Captain America uses it’s
cover to escape and find th dungeon where he frees Hoskin’s from his
cell. As they are exiting from the castle draw bridge, the Mandarin
blocks their path. However, Captain America deflects the Mandarin’s ring
blast with his shield, causing it to strike one of the drawbridge’s
chains breaking it and sending the Mandarin into the moat below. Jumping
to safety, Captain America and Hoskin manage to get free and he is
reunited with the people he’s come to help. In the aftermath, Captain
America is glad that Hoskin’s is back and that his aid can help bring
peace to the troubled region. However, Captain America has a bleaker
outlook of his tomorrows as he walks in the rain to the the plane that
will take him back to America. 

X-Men Vol 1 40
The Mark of the Monster!” / IL MARCHIO DEL MOSTRO

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Frankenstein’s Monster (Only in flashback)
  • Dr. Powell (First appearance)
  • Unnamed scientists (Only in flashback)
  • Unnamed museum curator & guard
  • Unnamed New Yorkers
  • NYPD
  • Unnamed captain and crew of a freighter
  • Unnamed aliens and alien race (Only in flashback)




  • Unnamed cargo freighter
  • Professor X’s Rolls-Royce


The X-Men are training in the Danger Room. When the Beast begins to
showboat before the others, Iceman decides to pull a prank on his
friend. This is not very well received, but the training session is cut
short when they answer the mental summons of Professor X. The Professor
reveals to the X-Men that he has uncovered the location of
Frankenstein’s Monster, long thought a myth due to the fictions of Mary
Shelly, but an astonishing reality. The Professor recounts the tale as
it is known, but tells his students a startling revelation, that the
monster is really a high tech android, and he suspects that the
“Monster” is the creation of a mutant. He explains that the discovered
android is currently attempting to be thawed from the Arctic ice it has
been trapped in for centuries, and orders his X-Men to prevent the
scientists from doing so to avoid any humans being harmed.

Although they rush there as quickly as possible and try to gain
entrance with the Professor’s credentials, they are barred from entry by
the security guard. Even though Jean uses her telekinetic powers to
knock out the guard, the X-Men are too late as the over eager Professor
Powell ignores his colleague’s warnings of caution. The android breaks
free prompting the X-Men to change into their uniforms and approach the
creature. It attacks them directly, and the X-Men attempt to match its
fighting, however find that it’s strength is superior to theirs and that
it has eye beams that are more powerful than Cyclops’ optic blasts. The
Monster makes short work of the X-Men and leaves the scene.

Recovering, they are spotted by another professor who blames the
X-Men for the damage done on the scene, Iceman temporarily freezes him
and the mutant heroes flee the scene. With the Professor’s mental
probes, the X-Men track the faux-Frankenstein Monster to a sea
freighter. When they board the vessel, they are attacked by the crew
whom the X-Men easily subdue and get “permission” to search the cargo
hold for the creature. They find the monster and it attacks them once
more, and the X-Men fare no better against the monster than their
previous encounter with it. However, the creature is convinced to break
off its attack when the Professor mentally contacts the creature and
tells it that he is the one that commanded the X-Men to attack. Turning
his attentions to the Professor, the android is distracted long enough
for the Professor to command Iceman to cover the robot in ice, once more
threatening to put it in a state of suspended animation. Attempting to
break free, the robot strains itself too much and suddenly explodes,
ending its threat.

In the aftermath, the Professor explains to his X-Men that he
learned the android’s origin from probing its mind. It was the creation
of an alien race from a tropical world that sent it to Earth to act as
an ambassador some 150 years ago. The robot malfunctioned however and
its creators were forced to trap it in the Arctic regions of Earth, the
cold being it’s only weakness. The Professor goes on to explain that the
android attacked his X-Men so readily because it confused their
colourful costumes with those of its creators. With their mission
accomplished the X-Men return home.

  • In the first story, Warren asks if Jean and Professor X have
    been working on a “hush-hush” project. She replies, “Yes and no”. The
    project she is referring to is revealed to be preparation for a Z’Nox
    invasion. A story which takes place in issue #65 (in Italy in CAPC #69).

  • The Frankenstein monster in this story is shown to have been an
    android all along made by an alien culture 150 years ago and sent to
    the Earth as it’s first interstellar ambassador. The writers even go as
    far as giving the monster optic beams with more force than Cyclops’ and
    magnetic boots. However, when Marvel created the short-lived Monster of
    Frankenstein series in 1973, that idea was dropped, and they just
    adopted the version from Mary Shelley’s novel. One of the flashbacks in
    this issue has to be a reference to the original Frankenstein, not the
    robot, so it technically counts as his first appearance in the modern
    Marvel Universe.  
X-Men Vol 1 40

The First Evil Mutant!” le origini degli eccezionali X-Men : IL PRIMO MUTANTE CATTIVO

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed policemen
  • Unnamed medical personnel – (Only in flashback)




Young Scott Summers has been lured to the home of Jack Winters, a
mutant with incredible mental powers, who intends to use him to rule
over mankind. With the police seeking out Scott, Winters uses his mental
powers to teleport them away. While they manage to elude the police,
they do not escape the notice of Professor X as their travels are picked
up by his prototype mutant detector Cyberno, however the signal is lost
before the Professor can pinpoint it.

Jack and Scott are teleported to a nearby nuclear plant where he
intends to use the nuclear energy in the plant to boost his powers. Jack
explains to Scott that one night not long ago, he broke into a chemical
lab to steal something of value so that he can pay off his gambling
debts, when grabbing a beaker of radioactive material it exploded in his
hands. Surviving and considered lucky to be alive, Jack was released
from the hospital where he found that the explosion activated his latent
mutant abilities endowing him with mental powers and another power to
his damaged hands. Finishing his story, Jack reveals that the explosion
had turned his hands into diamond.

Rechristening himself Jack O’Diamonds, Jack theorizes that a
greater exposure to radiation would turn the rest of his body into
diamond as well. Before they can go further, they are approached by
Charles Xavier who warns them to cease their criminal activities with
his mental powers. Jack orders Scott to kill the Professor with his
optic blasts, but the frightened boy cannot bring himself to kill
another with his mutant powers.

Calling the boy a coward, Winters decides to tackle Xavier on his own, pitting his mental powers against that of Xavier.

  • The story reveals that Professor X originally named his
    mutant detection machine ‘Cyberno’. This prototype is only seen in this
    story and is later rebuilt as the well-known ‘Cerebro’. This is a
    retcon, explaining a mistake in an earlier issue in which Xavier refers
    to his invention as Cyberno. 
Strange Tales Vol 1 107
The Treasure of Planetoid 12” / IL TESORO DELL’ ASTEROIDE 12 !


In the year 2100 a criminal hijacks a spaceship to be the first man
to claim the treasure of planetoid 12. When he gets there, he finds
nothing but water and mud. He thinks maybe it’s oil or something
valuable, but after he drinks it, he knows that it is merely water. The
pilot that he forced along at gunpoint thinks he knows where the
treasure is, but the criminal refuses to believe there is a treasure on
planetoid 12 at all until he reverts back into an infant. The pilot has
realized the treasure is the fountain of youth.

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