da sempre il sogno americano offre una gamma di possibilità sterminate ed inimmaginabili per riuscire ad affermarsi e sfondare nella vita, infatti negli Stati Uniti chi non ha voglia di faticare può scegliere tra tre alternative: fare il pornodivo, la rockstar, oppure il super-eroe.
non particolarmente dotato per quel che riguardava le dimensioni dell’ attrezzo nè per le sue prestazioni endurance, e soprattutto essendo irrimediabilmente e scandalosamente stonato, Steve Rogers optò per la terza soluzione, e si dedicò all’ attività di buffone mascherato, indossando un bel costume tutto a stelle e strisce proprio come la bandiera della Bolivia
non essendo mai stato un modello di continuità e assiduità , cominciò però ben presto a prendersi delle lunghe pause di riposo e a rimanere spesso e volentieri a casa in mutua adducendo le patologie più disparate e insolite grazie a certificati medici compiacenti, mentre in realtà non aveva nulla e stava benissimo, negli anni del dopoguerra marcò visita addirittura per circa 15 anni consecutivi, finchè Stan Lee non lo trovò indecorosamente ubriaco in un bar del bronx nell’ orario della visita fiscale, e lo precettò costringendolo a tornare al lavoro. ma il lupo, si sa, perde il pelo ma non il vizio, e così anche ultimamente ha tirato indietro le sue chiappettine incartapecorite facendo finta di essere morto, gli hanno anche fatto il funerale, ma tanto non ci crede nessuno, si tratta invece certamente di una raffinata strategia di tanatosi mimetica, cui ricorrono anche molti animali come l’ opossum, il cinghiale, l’ insetto foglia o il serpente muso di porcello, insomma è tutta una vile e diabolica scusa per non fare un bel nulla
nelle edicole italiane il n.1 di CAP uscì il 23 Aprile 1973, ovvero alla immediata vigilia della famigerata austerity, e già questa piccola ma non trascurabile coincidenza avrebbe dovuto far toccare le palle a qualcuno all’ interno della Corno. infatti anche qui da noi svernò parecchi anni da vero e proprio mangiapane a tradimento, stipendiato senza fare un cacchio, finchè non ha provveduto la Madia a sistemarlo con uno dei suoi provvidenziali ed inesorabili decreti anti-fannulloni
Nella storia principale continuano le incalzanti ed ostinate avances dell’ Agente 13 al secolo Sharon Carter a rendere insofferente l’ asessuato ed eunuco CAP mentre a combattere insieme a loro la solita tracotanza fanatica e nostalgica dei neonazi capeggiati dall’ improbo ed inverecondo Teschio Rosso c’è ancora una volta l’ irrequieto ed informale sbirro dello S.H.I.E.L.D. NICK FURY
contiene inoltre : X-MEN (con la terza ed ultima parte del trittico delle Sentinelle)
“The Sleeper Strikes” / BATTAGLIA DISPERATA !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Red Skull
- Fourth Sleeper (Nazi Robot)
- Exiles (Shadows)
- Baldini (First appearance)
- Gruning (First appearance)
- Cadavus (First appearance)
- Iron-Hand Hauptmann (First appearance)
- Krushki (First appearance)
- General Ching (First appearance)
- Gottfried
- US Naval Hospital
- Exile Island, Sargasso Sea
- US Atlantic Coast
Captain America has failed in stopping the Red Skull from awakening a fourth Sleeper robot (which can become intangible and is destroying strategic US locations with its power blasts) but he has succeeded in retrieving the sonic key needed to control the Sleeper. As Cap and Agent 13 try to track the Sleeper on its path of destruction, the Red Skull sends his troops to try and stop the heroes from destroying the robot, an effort which is ended in failure. Captain America and Agent 13 locate the sleeper and with the sonic key manage to coax it above ground where Cap battles it. It’s a losing fight because Cap is unable to cause the powerful robot any harm, however Agent 13’s powerful feelings for Cap have an effect on the sonic key causing it to shatter and the fourth Sleeper to disintegrate, defeating it once and for all and saving the United States from further destruction at its hands.
January, 1966 |
“The Supreme Sacrifice!” / IL SUPREMO SACRIFICIO !
Featured Characters:
- Dr. Bolivar Trask (Death)
- Sentinels
- Master Mold
- Sentinels (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 1/Section Leader (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 2 (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 3-D (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 3-R (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 4 (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 5 (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 6 (Destroyed)
- Sentinel 7 (Destroyed)
- Sentinel F (First appearance) (Destroyed)
- Sentinel T (Destroyed)
- Sentinel O (Destroyed)
- Magneto (Shadow only)
- Professor X’s Rolls Royce
- Police helicopter
The X-Men have been defeated and captured by the Sentinels leaving Professor X the only member of the group uncaptured. Having recovered from his failed attempt at trying to shut down Master Mold with his mental powers, Charles witnesses the Sentinel base once more retract back into the ground, and decides to take a different approach to defeating this robotic menace. Deciding to go back to examine the deactivated robot at the Television station to try and find a clue that will lead to the Sentinels defeat, Xavier mentally summons a passerby to pick him up and drive him into the city.
Meanwhile, the X-Men have been imprisoned in a transparent cage, pinned to its surface by artificial gravity. Try as they might, they cannot break free. When Master Mold gets all the information he can from the Beast, he deems the X-Men a paltry threat and orders the Beast be put in with his comrades. When Bolivar Trask asks Master Mold what he intends to do with the X-Men, the robot responds by telling him that he intends to eventually destroy them as per Trask’s programming. Having realized the errors of his ways, Trask denounces this, however Master Mold is unswayed and he then threatens to destroy a nearby town if Trask doesn’t agree to build more Sentinels after showing him the power of his disintegrator beam.
While back in New York City, the Professor is brought to the television station where he first encountered the Sentinels where one of their numbers still lays inert. Secretly probing the robot with his mental powers before a perplexed police officer, the Professor learns that the Sentinel has a receiver unit much like a television set and that something must have caused interference. Looking out the window he notices that the cause is a giant crystal on display atop the Crystal Products Building. This gives the Professor just the idea how to destroy Master Mold and the other Sentinels.
Back at the Sentinel base, the other X-Men feel the artificial gravity of their cell weaken as the Sentinels prepare to put the Beast in the cell with them. Cyclops organizes the X-Men and when a small opening is made in their transparent prison, they attack and break free of their imprisonment. The Sentinels are caught off guard and trip over themselves as the X-Men gain the advantage and take out their captors with their Mutant powers. The X-Men make a break for it, however the Sentinels recover and fire their stun beams at the young Mutants, knocking them out. They then prepare to kill the X-Men when suddenly they collapse. It is because at that very moment outside, Professor X and the authorities have arrived in three helicopters carrying a giant crystal. Suddenly, the high tech pillbox that defends the Sentinel base rises out of the ground and a giant cyclone firing cannon begins to attack.
Inside, the X-Men revive and are alerted telepathically by the Professor of the Sentinels weaknesses. Rushing off to face Master Mold, the X-Men are startled when the lights begin to go out as some giant machine beneath their feet begins operating, causing fuses all over the complex to blow. This is because Trask has begun the operations that allow Master Mold to create new Sentinels. Master Mold harnesses powerful electrical energy, channeling it into a device that will construct eight new and more powerful Sentinel robots.
Realizing that with enough power, Master Mold can go on producing Sentinels forever and dominate all mankind, Trask finally decides that he cannot allow such a thing to happen, no matter the cost. Denouncing Master Mold one more time and finding that his life is sacrifice, Trask smashes a vital machine in the lab causing a massive explosion. The X-Men, just in the outside corridor, are rocked by the explosion. The heat from the flames causes Iceman to pass out, prompting Beast to rescue his friend before he can get crushed under falling debris. As the complex is falling down around their heads, the X-Men manage to escape the destruction with the help of Marvel Girl’s telekinetic powers.
Outside, there is a close call as Beast carries Iceman out of the complex when the wall beings to crumble. Passing his unconscious comrade to the Angel, Beast quickly runs down the side of the complex by himself just moments before it explodes. Watching the destruction, the X-Men wonder what might have happened down there, completely unaware that Trask had learned the errors of his ways and sacrificed himself in order to save humanity from Sentinel domination.
With the threat of the Sentinels over the X-Men are completely unaware that back at their mansion, someone lurks in the shadows waiting for their return to pose as a new threat to the group of Mutants.
- A new Sentinel model (Sentinel Mk II) makes its first appearance in X-Men #57 (in Italy in CAPC # 61).
- Werner Roth helped pencil this issue under the pseudonym Jay Gavin.
“The End of the Universe” / LA FINE DELL’ UNIVERSO !
In the year 3000 a faster than light space ship is developed to take man to the very end of the universe. Since the scientists think the chances of returning are slim, they choose a pilot with an unhappy life of no family, friends, or job who doesn’t really care if he can return as long as he learns the secret of the universe. He makes it all the way to the end and the ship actually does return to Earth, but when they bring out the pilot all he can repeat over and over is “I know!” The scientists realize they must abandon their quest since the pilot’s mind has snapped with his realization, but observe that at least he has finally gained some measure of happiness.