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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.13 DEVO SALVARE NICK FURY ! originale 1973 x-men shield


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Anche se qualche menagramo sostiene che il 13 porta male, questo numero contiene ben 3 episodi di CAP disegnati da Kirby, alla faccia delle iatture, della crisi e della miseria

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Tales of Suspense Vol 1 92

“Before My Eyes, Nick Fury Died!” / DEVO SALVARE NICK FURY

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • AIM
    • Mecho-Assassin

Other Characters:




After returning from a mission with SHIELD, Captain America (in his
civilian guise of Steve Rogers) reports back with the Avengers back at
Avengers Mansion. While this is happening deep in the ocean aboard a
secret AIM submarine, Agent 13 is attempting to prove to the members of
AIM that she is loyal to them and that their target will be at a
designated barbershop for them to assassinate.

Meanwhile, Steve Rogers is on his way back to Avengers Mansion on
foot, lost in his thoughts when he notices an AIM android springing to
life and attacking Nick Fury at a nearby barber shop. Fearing the worst,
Steve changes into Captain America and stops the android from killing
Nick. Defeating it, the creature dissolves leaving no trace behind.

Afterward, Fury scolds Cap for getting involved because the
attack on Fury was all part of a SHIELD ruse to get a hold of one of
AIM’s robots. Now fearing that Agent 13’s cover has been blown, Fury
tells Cap that somebody is going to have to free her from AIM’s


  • A much mentioned typo takes place in the Captain America story. The Captain tells the Mecho-Assassin, “Only one of us is gonna walk out of her — under his own — AND IT WON’T BE ME!”.
Tales of Suspense Vol 1 93

“Into the Jaws of… A.I.M.!”” / NELLE FAUCI DELL’… A.I.M. !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • AIM
  • Modok (First appearance) (Voice only)


  • AIM’s Submersible Floating Base



Because he blew a covert SHIELD
Operation, Captain America must now travel to a secret AIM submarine in
the ocean in order to save Agent 13, who was posing as a double agent
attempting to earn the trust of AIM. However, he is detected and easily
When he is revived, Agent 13 manages to trick the AIM soldiers to let
her give him one last kiss before executing him, and she uses a device
to free him instead. Fighting off the AIM soldiers the two rush to find
Captain America’s shield, which AIM has stolen to find out it’s
AIM’s mysterious leader, Modok, orders the two champions to be killed
after they managed to get Cap’s shield back. During the fight, Captain
America is hit from behind from a paralyzer ray, and so Agent-13 allows
herself to be captured telling them that SHIELD knows about Modok. AIM
then sends Agent-13 down to Modok, while they find Captain America’s
immobilized body and prepare to execute him.. 

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 94

If This Be… Modok!” / CHI E’ MODOK ?

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • AIM Submersible Vessel



While attempting to save Agent-13 from
AIM, Captain America has been hit with a paralyzer ray, and while
Agent-13 is being brought to AIM’s leader, the mysterious Modok, Captain
America is about to be executed. However, the execution is stopped
under orders of Modok who demands Captain America be brought to him as

Now, free from paralysis and face to face with Modok — a being
with a giant head on a powerful hover chair — Captain America finds
himself in a battle against this being who can fire powerful mind bolts.
While Modok and Captain America battle it out, AIM takes this as an
opportunity to destroy Modok and free themselves from his slavery.
Preparing an escape craft, a group of AIM soldiers then travel to
Modok’s control room and fire upon their leader. Believing him to be
dead they then try to kill Captain America and Agent-13 who easily
defeat them.

Cap and Agent-13 then force themselves on board the escape sub
just as Modok — with his last ounce of strength — uses his mental
powers to set off a detonator which causes the entire base to explode.
Just managing to escape, Captain America forces the AIM soldiers to
surrender and turn themselves over to SHIELD.

X-Men Vol 1 11

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed landlady
  • Unnamed New Yorkers
  • Charlie & partner (both of the NYPD)


  • Magneto’s New York hideout



Professor X calls the X-Men when his Radar-Image Beam picks up the
energy signature of a very powerful being. However, before they can get a
better analysis the being suddenly disappears in a flashing explosion.
Suspecting this being as a super-powerful Mutant, the Professor and
Scott concern themselves with the potential of such a powerful being.
Iceman and Beast however don’t take this finding very seriously and
begin horsing around again, prompting Marvel Girl to use her powers to
break up their rough housing, which leads to the Professor scolding
Bobby for inciting the situation.

Elsewhere in New York, the object of the X-Men’s concern is a
strange man in a suit that has taken up residence in a rooming house.
When the landlord comes by and demands full weeks rent in cash up front,
the man pulls a large wad of money out of his coat and hands it to her.
Deciding to explore the city, this man, this Stranger, walks in the
very air over the city to examine the people. The citizens of New York
are shocked to find that there is a man walking right up in the sky. Not
wishing to attract anymore undue attention the Stranger flees the
scene, but feels himself compelled to enter a particular building.

Walking through the wall, the Stranger finds Magneto and his
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants inside waiting for him. As the Stranger
meets the Brotherhood, the X-Men search the city for this supposed new
Mutant. As Angel scours the sky, the rest of the X-Men search the
ground. As Scott searches the streets, he attracts unwanted attention of
the police who find is skulking about suspicious. In a scuffle, Scott’s
ruby quartz glasses are knocked askew causing his optic beams to fire
wildly, smashing a fire hydrant and one of the officers guns. Scott is
then pulled out of the harry situation by Beast and Iceman who reunite
him with Marvel Girl. The group then decides to continue looking for
their query together.

Back in the building where the Stranger has met with the
Brotherhood, the Stranger is offered membership with Magneto’s team of
evil Mutants. When the Stranger asks why he should join up with
Magneto’s group, the Master of Magnetism gives the Stranger a show of
power, with Magneto binding him with metal and Mastermind using his
illusions. However, the Stranger sees through the illusion and breaks
free of Magneto’s binding. He then fires a bolt of energy at Mastermind
which converts the illusion casting mutant into solid matter, causing
him to break through the floors of the building, causing the owner to
call for help.

This alarm attracts the attention of the X-Men who go to
investigate to find the Stranger with their mortal foes. Magneto then
orders Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch to attack the X-Men.
Quicksilver strikes first, however he is quickly stopped when Iceman
coats him with ice. Wanda then counter attacks with her hex bolts which
trip up both Beast and ICeman. Angel attempts to get close to the
Stranger but finds himself repelled by a magnetic barrier put up by

Growing tired, the Stranger decides to leave, turning into vortex
to escape, Magneto wishes to go with him and is allowed, so he
(followed by the ever loyal Toad) enter the vortex as well and it phases
through the wall, eluding the X-Men. Cyclops and the others go to lend
Iceman and Beast a helping hand, putting a stop to the Scarlet Witch’s
attack. Freeing Quicksilver from his frozen bond, the two Brotherhood
members realize that they have been abandoned by Magneto. Cyclops offers
them a chance to join the X-Men and help them stop Magneto, however the
two Mutant siblings decline, having had enough of the constant conflict
and leave, vowing to one day return.

Meanwhile, the Stranger has taken Magneto and Toad to a secluded
spot, impressing Magneto with his abilities. The Stranger has a shock
for Magneto though: He reveals that he is not a mutant and that he
intends to subjugate them with his power. Suddenly, the Stranger grows
in size and envelops both Magneto and Toad in an anti-magnetic membrane.
While at the X-Mansion, Professor X examines the transformed body of
Mastermind and is shocked to find that his molecules have been
transformed into dense matter.

This story is continued next issue….


  • This issue features the final appearance of the original
    Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. The Stranger leaves Earth with Magneto and
    the Toad at the end of the story.
  • Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver will make their next appearance in Avengers #16 (in Italy in THC # 24).


  • The title is ironic. Magneto’s triumph is that he finds the Stranger before the X-Men do.

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