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THOR E I VENDICATORI corno N.221 STILT-MAN il mitico solomon kane x-men


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contiene inoltre :  X-MEN e KANE (si rivede il miserabile, cinico e spietato giustiziere mercenario
affamato di gloria e di sangue creato dalla penna del recidivo Robert E.
Howard, che  probabilmente non si era sfogato abbastanza con Conan.
Avventuriero puritano fanatico e violento che se la prende sempre con i
poveri diavoli, viene periodicamente ripescato e riproposto dalla casa delle idee, sempre con scarsissimo successo)




Thor Vol 1 269.jpg

A Walk on the Wild Side!” / STILT – MAN

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Thor is reading the paper at a newsstand, when his fans start to mob
him for autographs. Elsewhere, the monstrous figure from last issue and a
mysterious figure address the former prisoner, and return to him an
adamantium replica of his former costume – Stilt-Man. Stilt-Man then
attacks a helicopter in mid air and after incapacitating the two pilots,
steals a heavily armored box, leaving the helicopter to crash. Thor
manages to save them, and they tell him about Stilt-Man. Back in Asgard,
the Warriors Three return with the captured Magrat, Kroda, and Snaykar.
Odin congratulates them, then tells them that he has another task for
them. Thor catches up to Stilt-Man, and while they battle, their
conflict is watched back at the mysterious figure’s complex. Stilt-Man
suddenly loses control of his armor, and Thor, using a lightning strike,
brings him to a halt. But before Thor can do anything, he is struck
from behind by Blastaar, and he loses his hammer.

X-Men Vol 1 112.jpg
Magneto Triumphant!” / IL TRIONFO DI MAGNETO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mesmero
  • Various circus bystanders – (Only in flashback)
  • Various unnamed circus workers – (Only in flashback)
  • Jorge Perez & Tirador (fighter pilots)




  • a flying gypsy trailer
  • Avenger’s Quinjet


After just freeing themselves from the control of Mesmero, the
X-Men had stormed the villains carnival trailer to find that he has been
already defeated by Magneto, who has hijacked the mutant hypnotists
revenge plot against the X-Men. When the X-Men try to back out,
Nightcrawler is sent ahead and he almost falls to his death upon
teleporting out of the trailer, as Magneto has lifted it high into the
air and is carrying it to some location miles away. With no other
choices, the X-Men learn of Magneto’s latest plot against them. The
Master of Magnetism tells the group that following his battle with them
on Muir Island (see X-Men #104 in italia su Capitan America Corno 127 e 128) he sought to get final revenge against them after a brief interruption with both Captain America and Dr. Doom (see Captain America Annual #4 and Champions #16 in italia rispettivamente su Thor Corno 195 e 196 e su Fantastici 4 Corno 189).
However, when he arrived at the X-Mansion he found it empty for quite
some time, and when the Beast arrived searching for his former comrades,
he followed along. Realizing that Mesmero was attempting to kill his
hated foes, he decides to steal away such a victory in retaliation of
Mesmero’s previous use of a robot in his own image (see X-Men #58 in italia su Capitan America Corno 62).

As the carnival trailer is followed by air fighters tracking it’s
progression, Magneto uses his magnetic powers to send Mesmero out of
the ship to get them off his tail. The X-Men are then taken to a volcano
in Antarctica. When the trailer lowers into the lava, it’s protected by
Magneto’s powers until they reach his secret base inside. There he
shatters the trailer, sending the X-Men sprawling. The group then
attempts to fight off Magneto, however they are all over powered easily.
Colossus’s metal body is tossed aside, Beast is shocked into
unconsciousness, Storm has a brief advantage using her weather powers
against Magneto until he blasts her as well. Even Nightcrawler, Cyclops,
Banshee and Phoenix are easily defeated by the Master of Magnetism.
Wolverine uses this distraction to slash Magneto from behind with his
claws. Angered by the feral mutant, Magneto uses his powers to try and
make Wolverine stab himself in the face. In order to save himself,
Wolverine sheaths his claws and ends up landing himself a knock out
punch instead.

With the X-Men defeated, he delivers the most ultimate revenge: For the indignity of being transformed into a child (see Defenders #16 , in italia su Hulk e i Difensori Corno 10 ),
Magneto in turn traps the X-Men in a similar fate: Strapping them into a
machines that restrain them, they are given collars that not only
neutralize their mutant powers, but also reduce their motor functions to
that of children while retaining their adult intelligence, to be waited
on hand and foot by a robot named Nanny that Magneto had especially
created for this occasion.


  • The names of the fighter pilots are Jorge Perez and Tirador.
    This is likely to be a play on George Perez, the issue’s cover artist
    and “Tirador” is Spanish for Shooter, a play on Jim Shooter, the issue’s


The Mark of Kane!” / IL MARCHIO DI KANE  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:



Adapted from Robert E. Howard’s “Red Shadows”

The time is the
16th century, and Imperial England is a world power. Puritans are a
hated and persecuted breed, and that is only part of what makes Solomon
Kane wander the Earth, seemingly purposeless, but ready to track evil to
its lair, and there, snuff it out. Kane has happened upon a victim or
tyranny in the woods, and watches as the life of an innocent woman fades
before his eye. A local band of men raid villages by night, working
under the evil direction of Le Loup.

Continued to next issue…

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