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THOR E I VENDICATORI corno N. 218 IL GIORNO TERRIBILE capitan america x-men


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contiene inoltre : CAPITAN AMERICA e X-MEN




Avengers Vol 1 166.jpg

Day of the Godslayer!” / IL GIORNO TERRIBILE

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Thor and Count Nefaria face each other in single combat. The count
covets Thor’s hammer, thinking it the source of his immortality, but
when he momentarily downs his foe, the Vision intervenes in the
struggle. After Prof. Kenneth Sturdy and his colleagues had given
Nefaria his superhuman powers. Nefaria had smashed their lab and
believed he had killed them. Now, however, the badly injured Sturdy
appears and reveals that a side effect of his process has greatly
accelerated Nefaria’s aging. At this, Nefaria goes berserk and resolves
to destroy the city before he dies. The Avengers pummel the count, but
he refuses to fall, until the Vision, his density increased to the
ultimate, drops on him from a mile overhead. rendering him unconscious.
Ironically, the heroes then learn that Sturdy had lied about Nefaria’s
rapid aging.

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Monumental Menace” / MONUMENTALE MINACCIA !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Walter Rogers (Only in flashback)
  • Elizabeth Rogers (Only in flashback)
  • Mike Rogers (Only in flashback)




A Volkswagen Beetle crashes through Captain America’s third story
window and chases Cap around his apartment. Cap escapes and uses a
neighbor’s phone to check in with the Avengers and Nick Fury, finding
both Veda and Falcon uncharacteristically MIA. After Cap leaves, the
neighbor removes her mask revealing Veda underneath, who checks in with
Kligger. As Steve Rogers, he travels to the Pentagon to resume his
search for his deraty. vnch eads him to an unfamiliar Maryland home.
Steve investigates at the local newspaper office, the “Weekly Splay.”
The paper’s editor, Will Quigly, knew the Rogers’ and tells Steve his
parents died in a plane crash in 1955, their older son Mike died at
Pearl Harbor and their younger son Steve hasn’t been heard from in
years. Retreating to the Lincoln Memorial to think, the Lincoln statue
comes to life and attacks. Cap fights back reluctantly, destroying the
statue. Animus emerges to kill Cap personally.


  • In this issue false memory implants appear to convince Steve
    Rogers that he is from Sayville, Maryland. It is also implied that his
    father was Walter Rogers, a diplomat, a mother named Elizabeth, and a brother Mike
    who perished at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This infomation is
    corrected later and the false memory implants were discovered in Captain America #247 (in Italy in CAPST # 1).
  • As seen on page one, this issue is Story#C-843.
  • This issue’s revelations about Captain America’s family are largely debunked in Captain America 247 (in Italy in CAPST # 1)  as well as Captain America 255 (in Italy in CAPST # 9) and all corresponding origin tales of Steve Rogers.

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The ‘X’-Sanction” / SANZIONE “X”  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





Continued from last issue…

After taken Moira down with a
tranquilizer dart, Warhawk makes a run for the Danger Room computer controls
and begins rigging something in the circuits when he is telepathically
reminded by his mysterious employer that he will only retain his sanity
if he succeeds in his mission.

Meanwhile, the X-Men finish up their baseball game, and Cyclops
takes the team into the Danger Room for a training session. Jean doesn’t
join them and when the Professor asks why she skirts around the real
reason: that the power of the Phoenix scares her and that she has come
to enjoy using her powers. Warhawk manages to get the drop on them and
knocks them both out with gas. While down in the Danger Room, the X-Men
find themselves victims of Warhawk’s trap: they are locked in the Danger
Room and the various traps run wild, forcing the group to fight for
their lives. Cyclops attempts to activate the emergency shut off but
finds that someone has deactivated it. Pressed for options, Cyclops
orders Nightcrawler to teleport himself and Wolverine outside and shut
off the Danger Room from the control room. Nightcrawler complies,
however his lack of experience teleporting himself with another
individual causes both he and Wolverine to black out in the hallway.

As the other X-Men fight for their lives against defenses that
become more and more difficult to fight off, Wolverine revives and kills
the master power to the Danger Room. He is then attacked by Warhawk,
and while Wolverine’s caught off guard, his Adamantium claws are able
cut through Warhawk’s steel skin. 

Continued to next issue…

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