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L'UOMO RAGNO seconda II 2a SERIE CORNO 31 DOVE CI SONO DEI! dr.strange F4 miller


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Seconda parte della lunga e bellissima storia tratta dall’ annual # 14, magistralmente illustrata da Frank Miller, che vede Spiderman affiancato dall’ ascetico prestidigitatore DOTTOR STRANGE a tentare di contrastare le minacce esoteriche, esasperanti, esose e poco esotiche del bieco DR. DESTINO

Ai più perspicaci ed accorti non sarà certamente sfuggito che il titolo di copertina di questo numero è riferito alla storia di appendice dei F4, mentre l’ immagine usata in cover non so proprio da dove cavolo venga, potrebbe essere tratta da uno dei tanti albi antologici-celebrativi o una pin-up riadattata, chi ne sapesse di più prego si accomodi, il vostro saggio e competente contributo delucidatorio sarà più che gradito e verrà ricompensato con una bella pacca sulla spalla, o anche altrove, se preferite

contiene inoltre :  I FANTASTICI QUATTRO



The Book of the Vishanti” / IL DESTINO TI ASPETTA  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





Continued from last issue…
Escaping four-armed creatures, Spider-Man scales the Sanctum to try and
find an alternate way in and finds a huge hole blasted through all the
building’s floors and roof. Lowering himself inside, he finds Wong who
has just revived. Not finding Dr. Strange, Spider-Man is told by Wong
that the Doctor was able to send a message which meant nothing to him:

Meanwhile, at his secret hide out with in the famous punk rock
venue, Lucious plots to use Dr. Strange as his sacrifice for casting the
Bend Sinister at midnight. Spider-Man arrives at CBGB’s and changes
back into Peter Parker, walking amongst the crowd gone to listen a band
named Shrapnel, Peter is stopped by a girl who thinks she recognizes
them. The Parker luck rings true when at that momeny Debra spots Peter
talking to this girl and figures he ditched her for someone else and she
storms out. Peter chases after and tries to do damage control, running
into Lucious on the way out, and takes Debra to dinner. However, when he
spots the band members of Shrapnel leading a crowd chanting about the
Bend Sinister he once more ditches Debra to change into Spider-Man.

Following the crowd, he finds them chanting and dancing in front
of the Latverian embassy, where Lucious appears on it’s roof with Dr.
Strange, who is mystically bound to a giant gem that is central to the
spell that is being cast. When Spider-Man tries to save Strange, he is
attacked by the magical robot. During the fight, Peter realizes that the
robot is unbeatable and is only there to make sure he doesn’t interrupt
the spell. Using his smarts, Spidey tricks the robot into flying into
the gem, smashing it to bits and freeing Dr. Strange. Strange then
unleashes his mystical fury on Lucious who erects a mystic shield and
tries to flee. However, this doesn’t save him from doom when a portal
opens and a giant hand grabs him and pulls him into another dimension
before disappearing. Strange thanks Spider-Man for his help and flees
the scene without much explanation, leaving Spider-Man very exasperated.

While back in Latervia, Dr. Doom has brought a small gem with a
miniature Lucious trapped inside, he places it with a group of others
and determines that using the Bend Sinister is too risky to use again.
However, while this was a failure, Doom has other plans…

Fantastic Four Vol 1 216.jpg

Where There Be Gods!” / DOVE CI SONO DEI !  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





Continued from last issue…

As Red,Ben and Johnny approach, Blastaar confronts the Futurist and tricks him
into thinking he is under attack by the FF. The combined might of the
Futurist and Blastaar is enough to subdue the FF’s attack, and the pair
head for the Baxter Building. Inside the FF’s headquarters they attack
Sue, rendering her unconscious, and as Blastaar sets about trying to
destroy the portal to the Negative Zone, an incensed Franklin intercedes
and uses his vast mutant powers to transport Blastaar through the
portal and back into his home dimension. The Futurist reveals that,
contrary to expectations, he is not so out of touch with everyday human
experience as Reed thinks, for it was he who caused Sue’s
unconsciousness out of a desire to protect her and to see Franklin’s
powers manifest themselves against Blastaar. With that the Futurist
departs to seek his greater destiny among the stars. As the FF are
dumbfounded by what they have witnessed, Reed is concerned by who or
what could have activated the computer controls to the Negative Zone to
free Blastaar in the first place. Unseen by the quarter, HERBIE the
robot lurks ominously in the shadows.


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