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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.81 SULLA PISTA DEL CAMALEONTE 1973 hulk dr. strange ercole


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contiene inoltre :  HULK (impegnato in un aspro e rude match contro lo sprezzante ed altezzoso Ercole che si crede un dio) e DOTTOR STRANGE 


Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 80

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





At his apartment mulling over how to deal with what he believes is a
relationship going on between Flash Thompson and Gwen Stacy, Harry comes
home with Flash. Peter loses his temper and almost pummels his former
rival, when Flash explains the truth of what happened: That Gwen came to
him for advice over her troubled relationship with Peter. Realizing
what a fool he’s made of himself, Peter calls Gwen to apologize and the
two make up and agree to go to the Midtown Museum exhibit that her
father is in charge of guarding priceless paintings. Peter rushes there
as Spider-Man so he can meet Gwen on time.

When Peter and Gwen steal a kiss, Peter’s spider-sense goes off
but it appears to only be George Stacy, although Peter finds it strange
that George walked by as if he didn’t recognize it. When the painting
that was on display turns out to be stolen, Peter and Gwen realize that
George is nowhere to be found. They rush back to the Stacy home where
they find a dazed and confused George Stacy with no recollection of
making it out to the museum.

In reality, the “George Stacy” at the museum is really the
Chameleon, who had disguised himself as Stacy to steal the painting, and
now gloats over his victory in his secret hide out. That night Peter
mulls over who could have possibly framed George Stacy and comes to the
conclusion that it could only have been his old foe, the Chameleon.

Web-slinging to the Daily Bugle, Spider-Man asks Joe Robertson’s
help to make a special transfer of a million dollars worth of bonds the
front page of the next edition in the hopes that it will flush out the
Chameleon. There, Peter is assigned as photographer under the watch of
J. Jonah Jameson. However, Peter slips off to change into Spider-Man and
begins looking for the Chameleon. He interrupts the meeting and is
disappointed when all the men transferring the money are not the
Chameleon. However, Spidey finally spots the Chameleon because he made
the mistake of disguising himself as the one person Spider-Man would
know has to be a fake: Peter Parker.

Spider-Man chases after “Parker” who tries to get away, however
Spider-Man captures the Chameleon, and unmasks him, clearing George
Stacy’s name. After mocking Jameson at the scene, Spider-Man flees the
scene without explaining how he knew that the Chameleon was disguised as

Tales to Astonish Vol 1 79
The Titan and the Torment!” / IL TITANO E IL TORMENTO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • Mid-West


The Hulk is being attacked by
Bruce Banner’s Gamma Base replacement, Konrad Zaxon. Zaxon has built a
suit of armor and a weapon to siphon the Hulk’s powers in a scheme to
try and take over the world. During the fight with the Hulk, Zaxon is
overpowered and his weapon is knocked from his hands. Its beam is
directed at Zaxon, killing him instantly. Military police arrive shortly
after and attack the Hulk for killing Zaxon, so the Hulk flees the

Meanwhile aboard a train bound for Hollywood, Hercules and his
new agent are discussing the hiring of Hercules to act in motion
pictures. The two discuss the potential publicity if Hercules were to
battle the Hulk. Coincidentally, the Hulk (fleeing the Air Force) ends
up damaging the stretch of track the train carrying Hercules is on.

The two end up battling each other, both able to withstand the
attacks of the other. The fight is evenly matched until the Air Force
finds the Hulk and drops bombs on the two of them. Both men survive, and
the Hulk retreats into the desert hoping to escape his tormentors. As
the Hulk hides in a cave, Hercules helps move his train past the damaged
part of the railroad so that it can continue its course to Hollywood.


  • Hercules previously appeared in Thor #126 (in Italy in THC # 25) and next appears in Thor #128 (in Italy in THC # 27).

Tales to Astonish Vol 1 80

They Dwell in the Depths!”  TYRANNUS !  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • Southwest United States
  • Subterranean Caverns


  • The Octo-Sapien (Mole Man’s robotic weapon)
  • Mole Man’s Laser Cannons


While hiding out in the desert, the Hulk is suddenly teleported into
the subterranean laid of his old foe Tyrannus. Tyrannus has reverted
into an old man due to his inability to access the Fountain of Youth
which is currently occupied by his foe the Mole Man. When Tyrannus asks
the Hulk to help beat the Mole Man, Hulk refuses.

Hoping to get the Hulk to cooperate, Tyrannus kidnaps Rick Jones,
Glenn Talbot, and Betty Ross. The Mole Man prepares to strike at his
foe with his octo-droid. When Tyrannus tries to coerce the Hulk into his
doing his bidding by showing him his prisoners, Hulk isn’t interested
as he considers all who have been captured as the people who hound him.
When Betty mentions Banner’s name, the Hulk goes on a rampage.

During said rampage, Rick and the others are freed and the Mole
Man attacks.
Continued to next issue…

Marvel Feature Vol 1 1

“The Return!”“/ IL RITORNO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





In a story that takes place prior to the formation of the Defenders,
Dr. Strange returns home to his Sanctum Sanctorium after a long
absence. There he finds that Wong is still looking after somebody who
claims to be Dr. Strange. However, during the battle the powerless
Strange is easily defeated and knocked out by his imposter. While
unconcious, Strange is visited by the Ancient One who restores Strange’s
mystical powers. Strange then attacks his imposter once more and easily
defeats the foe. Unmasking him, Strange finds that his poser is none
other than his mortal enemy Baron Mordo. Realizing that he cannot leave
his place unattented, Strange resumes his position of master of the
mystic arts.


  • This issue sees the return of Dr. Strange since his series was canceled after Dr. Strange #183 (in Italy in URC # 20-21-22) and his long absence since Incredible Hulk #126 (in Italy in H&DIF # 3).
    Right away they decide to dispose of the “mask” the Strange decided to
    wear close to the end of his series, and change his last name from
    Stephen Sanders back to Stephen Strange.

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