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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.177 NELLA MORSA BIANCA frankenstein iron man l'uomo lupo


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Davvero un periodo orribile per l’ arrampicamuri che ormai passa da un mostro all’ altro con cinica e rassegnata disinvoltura, e adesso al ripugnante Frankenstein si aggiunge anche il lunatico UOMO LUPO / MAN WOLF che nel frattempo aveva già abbondantemente marcato il territorio su queste stesse pagine con la sua miniserie personale parallela che pure continua

contiene inoltre :    IRON MAN – L’ UOMO LUPO / MAN WOLF


Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Balkans



Ludwig von Shtupf has just unleashed
the Man-Wolf on Spider-Man, SHIELD agent Judith Klemmer, and
Frankenstein’s Monster. After a brief battle with the Man-Wolf, the
creature grabs agent Klemmer and smashes out of a window, escaping into
the mountains. Before Spider-Man and Frankenstein’s Monster can go after
them, they are knocked out by von Stupf.

Waking up shackled to a device, von Sthupf reveals his plan: With
his dissector device, he plans on breaking down Spider-Man,
Frankenstein’s Monster, and Man-Wolf into their base components and
create an army of monster. Meanwhile, the Man-Wolf brings Klemmer to a
remote part of the mountains, where the beast defends her from attacking
wolves. When she believes the Man-Wolf is trying to make her its mate,
she convinces it to get her food. While the creature catches her some
food, she escapes into the woods hoping to get to safety.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man and Frankenstein’s Monster manage to break
out of their shackles and get the drop on the sleeping von Shtupf.
Leaving Frank behind to watch over von Shtupf, Spider-Man goes after the
Man-Wolf and Klemmer. He finds and battles the Man-Wolf until Judith is
once more attacked by wolves. The Man-Wolf rescues her again, but is
seriously injured and falls off a cliff, but is saved by Spider-Man.

Afterwords, the Man-Wolf is take into SHIELD custody, when
Spider-Man talks about how hard it must be for somebody to love a
monster, Frankenstein’s Monster — unintentionally hurt by Spider-Man’s
comments — walks away from the scene, Spider-Man doesn’t realize the
damage he’s done until after they notice that the Monster is not aboard
the SHIELD ship when it lifts off. 

There’s a scene at the end where the Frankenstein Monster is just sort of forgotten about which is done fairly well.

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Carrie
  • Keith
  • Zero 




On his way to Stark International, Iron Man rescues Keith, Carrie and
Zero when a tree, struck by lightning, lands on their van. He calls
Pepper to delay his meeting and rents a car as Tony Stark to drive the
couple to a motel. All are full except for the Murder Mountain Lodge.
Stark foots the bill for the night, but he’s awakened by screams and
investigates as Iron Man. The lodge manager is actually mad scientist
Professor Kurarkill, her strongman assistant is Quasar the Future Man, a
mutated ape. Iron Man fights Quasar and loses, waking up in a stasis
field with Keith and Carrie. Zero disrupts the stasis field, freeing
Iron Man, who defeats Quasar while Zero chews on some wiring. Kurarkill
releases her neo-apes to attack but the faulty wiring opens the control
booth, and they kill the professor. After Iron Man corrals the neo-apes,
Keith and Carrie wonder how Zero knew what to do, as if she were
intentionally trying to kill Kurarkill. Zero meows with enthusiasm.


  • This is another fill-in issue which does not continue Iron
    Man’s participation with “The War of the Super-Villians” or his apparent
    conflict with the Black Lama. The continuation of these storylines occur next issue.

Deathgame!” / BATTAGLIA MORTALE !  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • unnamed Lieutenant of NYPD 30th Precinct Station
  • Spider-Man (Only in flashback)



Continued from last issue…

Stroud secretly followed J. Jonah Jameson
and Kristine Saunders to a park and protected Jameson from Man-Wolf.
Kraven knocked out Stroud from behind, then continued his battle with
Man-Wolf. Back on his feet Stroud knocked out Kraven with a gas grenade
and then handcuffed him while Man-Wolf ran away to transform back into
John Jameson under the rising sun. Reunited with his father and
Kristine, John was arrested for by Stroud for going AWOL.

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