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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.154 TRA DUE FUOCHI iron man morbius man-wolf l'uomo lupo


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La storia principale di questo numero tratta da GIANT SIZE SUPER HEROES # 1 del 07/74 vede SPIDERMAN affrontare in un colpo solo MORBIUS e L’UOMO LUPO insieme.
Per toglierseli dai piedi e sbarazzarsene l’ arrampicamuri alla fine accetterà di mollarli tutti e due a Paolo Ferrari in cambio di un solo fustino di Dash

contiene inoltre :    IRON MAN – MORBIUS il vampiro vivente


Giant-Size Super-Heroes Vol 1 1

Man-Wolf at Midnight!” / TRA DUE FUOCHI

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




While out for dinner with his fiance Kristine, John Jameson spots
Spider-Man swinging through the city. The sight prompts memories of the
time where Spider-Man helped cure him of becoming the Man-Wolf. After
their dinner, he puts Kristine in a cab and sends her home. John is
suddenly struck with a headache like when he was bonded to the
Moon-Stone and fears the worse. While elsewhere, Spider-Man captures
some jewel thieves taking pictures for the Bugle. Taking them to Joe
Robertson, Joe shows him reports about vampire-like attacks across the
eastern seaboard and a photo of his old foe Morbius the living vampire,
apparently alive and well after all this time. When J. Jonah Jameson
enters and treats Peter with praise. This difference in attitude puzzles
Peter, when Joe tells him that Peter has been nominated for
photographer of the year.

Meanwhile, John Jameson stumbles into a diner, where he suddenly
transforms into the Man-Wolf and attacks the waitress working there. The
Man-Wolf then follows the urge to go to a nearby warehouse, there the
creature is attacked by Moribus, who gets the better of the beast and
manages to bite the creature. With creature drained of enough blood to
knock it out, Morbius replaces the Moon-Stone around the creatures neck.
His bite putting the creature under his control, Morbius hopes to use
the beast for his own ends.

By day, Peter Parker goes to school, where he arranges an outing
with Mary Jane and Flash Thompson. That night, John Jameson revives and
is told by Morbius that he is going to be used as a pawn to save the
living vampires life by aiding in providing a cure. When Jameson turns
into the Man-Wolf at dusk, the beast is fully under control of Morbius,
and the two head towards the ESU campus. There they are spotted by Peter
Parker who is heading home after classes. Peter changes into Spider-Man
and attacks the two.

The Man-Wolf takes up most of Spider-Man’s attention, allowing
for Moribus to make an escape. After a battle across the campus against
the Man-Wolf, Spider-Man traps up the beats in a spider-web trap between
two trees. He then goes after Morbius, deducing that he’s possibly
going to visit hemotoligical researcher Dr. Harold. When he learns that
the doctor is working on an experimental cure for Lukemia, Spider-Man
departs when Morbius fails to show up. He goes back to check on the
Man-Wolf and finds that the beast got free and had fled the scene.

Spider-Man then returns to the lab where he waits out for
Morbius. When Morbius arrives, he and Dr. Harold have worked on a way of
tricking Morbius. When the two begin fighting, Harold “warns” them
against wrecking the equipment as it’s destruction would destroy his
research. Sure enough, the battle does just that, and realizing what has
happened, the furious Morbius flees vowing to get revenge against the
wall-crawler. Spider-Man departs soon after, convincing Harold that
Morbius was convinced of their trick and won’t be a bother in the

Spider-Man then pays a visit to J. Jonah Jameson’s home, where he
warns Jameson that he believes that his son John is becoming the
Man-Wolf again. Jameson denies this, telling the wall-crawler that his
son had been home all night and tells the wall-crawler to go away.
Spider-Man leaves, hoping that Jameson is telling the truth. Jameson
checks on his son, who has passed out following his night out at the
Man-Wolf, and Jameson wonders what he will do for his son. The next day,
Peter learns that he hasn’t won photographer of the year, but takes it
on stride.

Iron Man Vol 1 64.jpg

Rokk Cometh!” / LA COMETA ROKK !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Frankie
  • Un-Named Detroit Mayor
  • Mark
  • Sharon




Iron Man throws himself into assisting operations in Detroit to keep
the company on its feet. Just as he is being congratulated by the mayor,
Dr. Spectrum attacks him. After Iron Man’s ultraviolet light proves
superior to Spectrum’s Power Prism, Spectrum flees. Returning to his
office, Tony finds Happy waiting. Happy threatens to fight him, but is
reluctant to hit a man with his heart condition. When Tony reveals that
he no longer needs his pacemaker, Happy punches him. Pepper breaks up
the fight just as Eddie March and Dr. Obatu arrive. Obatu asks to hire
Iron Man as his bodyguard when the entity Rokk appears, threatening
Obatu’s life. Rokk kidnaps Obatu and telepathically determines that Tony
cares for Roxanne Gilbert, so heads after her. Tony becomes Iron Man
and pursues Rokk to Roxanne’s organic food store. Rokk drops Obatu and
fights Iron Man, but just as Rokk is nearing defeat he vanishes; Dr.
Spectrum appears and reveals that he created Rokk with the Power Prism
and now Iron Man is too weak to defeat him. 

                                                                                                             AIF 26.jpg

A Stillborn Genesis!” / LA GENESI NATA MORTA  (2a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • Los Angeles, CA


Continued from last issue…

Tara explains she is the first of the “Children Of The Comet” the Caretakers are creating to save the Earth. She is also the orchestrator of the whole conflict, as she needs to feed on the life energies of those that die. But she offers Morbius an answer: feed on her blood; she doesn’t enjoy the senseless killing that gives her the energy she needs to survive. He does, ending the entire situation.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Titolo Serie


Casa Editrice


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