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IL MITICO THOR corno N.30 I DISTRUTTORI originale 1972 ercole


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numero speciale tutto dedicato a THOR , con all’ interno due storie complete, una doppia (tratta dal secondo annual) ed una singola (le triple purtroppo erano finite e così l’ intrufolato ed intromesso ERCOLE è stato mandato in stanza da solo anche perchè gli puzzano i piedi in maniera micidiale e nauseabonda e poi si sa che il Dio del tuono gli preferisce Maciste) 



If Asgard Falls..” / I DISTRUTTORI

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





Odin has called the start of the Tournament of Titans to determine
who will be the Champion of Asgard. Lighting three torches, he sends
three of Asgards greatest athletes to the Mount of Eternity to light the
Beacon of the Brave. The lighting of the flame is seen all over the
realm and beyond, it is especially seen by the Absorbing Man and Loki
who are still frozen solid and trapped in orbit around Asgard following
their last defeat at the hands of Thor. Bitter at this defeat, Loki vows
to get revenge against Thor and Odin and ruin the games.

Odin meanwhile, being stuck in the role of judge of the games,
reminisces to Thor about the old days when he used to compete in the
Tournament. Thor is met by the Warriors Three who have come to try and
get Thor to come out and enjoy the festivities. Odin realizing he has
been keeping his son from enjoying himself allows the Thunder God to
leave with his friends. Along the way the quartet of heroes are stopped
when they happen upon a bar brawl involving Tyr, Brok, Galp and Drom the
Spirit-Weaver, four ne’er-do-wells. They break up the fight and the two
groups then end up challenging each other to see who is superior. Tyr
choosing Fandral, Galp against Hogun, Brok against Thor, and Drom
against Volstagg.

As this is going on, Loki sends his spirit to Earth where he
finds the ruins of temple where the Destroyer armour was stored. There,
Loki possesses the body of the Destroyer in the hopes of using the
enchanted armour against Thor and Odin and ruin the Tournament.

Back on Asgard, the tournament gets underway starting with a
battle royal to see who is the bravest warrior of them all.
Participating in the event are Thor, the Warriors Three, Tyr, Brok, Galp
and Drom. As planned these eight warriors pair off fighting their
supposed equal opponent to see which one is the better of the other. As
this contest goes on, the Destroyer armour arrives on the Bifrost
Bridge, and Heimdall proves to be little match to stop it from crossing
into Asgard.

The Destroyer enters the arena where at that time the Warriors
Three, Thor and Tyr and his goons are all fighting each other. The
Destroyer soon breaks up the fight, easily dispelling all the contenders
and making it’s way toward Odin himself. Dropping their battle with Tyr
and his crones, Thor goes after the Destroyer, attacking the enchanted
armour all by himself. Like in his previous encounter with the Destroyer
armour, Thor finds that he does not have sufficient power to be able to
stop it.

When the armour gets to Odin, Loki reveals that he is the one
that is piloting the suit and prepares to destroy Odin with a blast from
the armour’s disintegration ray. Before he can do so, Balder — whom
Odin sent off to locate Loki’s physical body — returns with the
location of the body. Odin then casts a spell of forgetfulness on Loki’s
inert form blocking out all of his thoughts. With no mind or memory to
remember how to pilot the armour, Loki’s soul returns to his body
rendering the Destroyer armour inert once more.

With Loki’s plot foiled, Odin addresses his subjects and declares them all heroes.

They Strike from Space!” / LA MORTE VIENE DALLO SPAZIO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Jane Foster’s neighbor



  • Mjolnir
  • Warlock’s Eye (First appearance)
  • Colonizing Master Computer
  • Proton Coagulant Ray
  • Proton Cage
  • Space Lock


  • Rigellian Spacecraft


Pluto in Hades, Thor and Hercules
return to Olympus, where a joyous Hercules announces that he broke his
Pact with Pluto to rule Hades in the Death God’s place, much to the
chagrin of Ares. Thor leaves Hercules to return to Earth so that he may
be reunited with Jane Foster. What Thor doesn’t know is that Jane
Foster, under the hypnotic suggestion of her roommate Tana Nile, is
leaving New York City to points unknown so that she does not get in the
way of Tana’s plans for Thor.

Tana Nile changes into her true form, that of a member of the
alien Rigellian race, who plan on attempting to colonize the Earth. Now
in her true form, Tana calls in her Colonizer Commander to claim full
rights of the planet Earth. She tries to refuse the colonizer ship to
come to Earth an inspect the planet because she fears a battle will
occur, however the colonizers disagree, believing that other than their
feared threat from the Black Galaxy, they are invincible to any other

Thor meanwhile, arrives on Asgard to ask his father if he would
be allowed to marry Jane Foster, willing to forsake his own godhood in
order to do so. To Thor’s surprise, Odin finally concedes and will allow
for Thor to marry Jane, and still remain the God of Thunder. Filled
with joy, Thor rushes to Earth, however when he goes to Jane Foster’s
apartment he is attacked by Rigeillian Colonizers led by Tana Nile. Tana
explains that they have laid claim to the Earth and intend to colonize
the planet. When Thor tries to strike, Tana Nile uses her vast mental
powers to subdue him, however Thor attempts to resist. As he is being
subdued, Tana Nile explains how they intend on taking over the Earth by
threatening to use a device called a Space Lock to move the Earth closer
or farther from the sun, and wiping out the human race with the extreme
environmental changes.

Thor continues to resist, and the Colonizers are forced to use a
“Proton Coagulant Ray”, encasing the Thunder God in a block of
solidified Protons. They decide that since with the exception of the
entity in the Black Galaxy, Thor is the only one able to resist their
mind probes the Colonizers decide to take Thor back to their ship for
examination. Before going they give Tana Nile a wrist-control device for
the Space Lock and give her complete colonization rights to the Earth.

The Colonizers load Thor up into their ship and leave the Earth,
however Thor manages to break free of the proton cube he’s been sealed
in. As the ship flies into space, Tana Nile activate the Space Lock
device and encases the Earth in it’s energy. Thor meanwhile, confronts
the Colonizers in the ship and find that they have strength that matches
his own. However, Thor manages to best them in battle, easily knocking
them out.

With the Colonizers on the ship knocked out, Thor decides to
allow the ship to continue its course to the planet Rigel, so that he
may stop the Rigellians from taking over the Earth.

Informazioni aggiuntive



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