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I FANTASTICI QUATTRO 4 corno 184 5 ALLA CACCIA DI UN PAZZO sub mariner destino


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prima serie Editoriale Corno


Nella storia principale con i
l’ indisponente LUKE CAGE in arte POWER MAN insiste a far parte del gruppo in sostituzione dell’
impresentabile LA COSA

PS = Il titolo originale dell’ episodio è nelle intenzioni degli autori una citazione a parafrasi dell’ opera teatrale di Pirandello 6 personaggi in cerca d’autore, cui la traduzione italiana sbrigativa ed insipiente dell’ epoca non ha però sufficientemente reso giustizia (nè senso).

contiene inoltre : GLI INUMANI e PRINCIPE NAMOR SUB MARINER + DOTTOR DESTINO (con Capitan America che funge stavolta da elemento di disturbo negli spregevoli intrallazzi tra i 2 ignobili farabutti che però
piacciono alla gente, fanno audience e sono un modello per i giovani ,
come Corona, Scilipoti e Renzo Bossi)


Fantastic Four Vol 1 169.jpg

Five Characters in Search of a Madman!” / 5 ALLA CACCIA DI UN PAZZO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:





Now that he has lost his powers, Ben Grimm feels nearly useless and
decides to drown his sorrows by drinking. Before he can even start on
his first drink he is hassled by a woman looking for a “date” for the
evening. When her advances on Ben are rejected, he friend Wilbur gets
into Ben’s face and tries to pick a fight with him. At first Ben wants
nothing to do with it, but Wilbur pushes his button and Ben gives him a
good punch in the face. Not used to being human again, Ben hesitates for
a moment like he would when he was the Thing to make sure he won’t
seriously injure anyone. This gives some of the patrons an opener to
grab hold of him and toss him out into the street. Thinking back to how
he would clash with the likes of Dr. Doom, Ben becomes furious and jumps
back into the bar with fists flying. Ben is able to hold his own
against the entire bar until some of the guys grab pieces of wood and
club Ben from behind. Before they can harm him any further Mr. Fantastic
and the Human Torch enter the bar and send everyone packing. With the
fight broken up, they pick Ben up off the floor. When the woman who
bothered him earlier realizes he used to be the Thing, Ben crushes a
beer can and gives it to her as a sarcastic momento that she can show
off to her other boyfriends.

At the Baxter Building, Luke Cage is with Sue, Alicia and young
Franklin. Luke confides in Sue that if he has to put up with Ben’s
constant resentment he may lash out. Talking about their private lives,
Luke is surprised to learn that Franklin once had super-powers but they
were shut down, a fact that was kept from the public, and that Sue isn’t
ready to change her name from Invisible Girl to Invisible Woman,
because her current name has stuck with her after all these years. When
Luke is entertaining Franklin by lifting the couch off the floor with
one hand, Luke suddenly comes under some sort of spell and attempts to
kill Sue.

Sue is able to hold Luke at bay until Ben, Reed and Johnny arrive
and join the fight. While Ben is easily swatted aside, Reed and Johnny
put up a good fight and send Power Man fleeing. Power Man goes from room
to room trashing Reed’ various inventions. During his rampage, unknown
to all, a seemingly inoculation looking cylinder is knocked into Dr.
Doom’s time machine and disappears. Much to the FF dismay, Power Man
makes his way to the hanger and steals the Fantasticar and flies off,
knowing how to pilot it thanks to being trained to do so by Reed

With Luke Cage escaping, Reed explains to Ben that he was only a
temporary replacement for Ben until he could find a more suitable
replacement. Pointing him to a door marked “Project X”, they enter the
room and Ben is shocked to find another Thing waiting in there for them.


The Sign of the Skull!” / IL SEGNO DEL TESCHIO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Rainbow Missile


  • Doom’s Jet


Story continued from Avengers #156

Having spied a strange ship watching Dr. Doom and the Avengers
battle against Attuma, Captain America had grown suspicious and followed
it, however its pilot then killed himself. Returning to New York City,
Captain America breaks into the Latverian Embassy and fights through
it’s defenses and makes his way to Dr. Doom. Before Doom can attack him,
Captain America shows an item that he pulled off of the craft that was
spying on Doom: A staff carrying the mark of the Red Skull. Doom is
furious that the Red Skull would once more take advantage of his absence
from Latveria.

Meanwhile, deep below the sea in Atlantis, the Sub-Mariner (still
believing that Dr. Doom is dead) returns to his kingdom and laments
over his fellow Atlantians who are still caught in a state of suspended
animation. He is disturbed by a sea-quake and goes to investigate. There
he finds an under water drilling operation being conducted by surface
dwellers. Attacking them head on, he learns that they were hired by a
mysterious man named the “Orbiter” who’s identity is secret.

While in Latveria, Prince Rudolfo is still posing as Dr. Doom
(And also believes that the Latverian despot is dead) and has the aid of
the Shroud in his plan to usurp control of Latveria as he is the
rightful ruler of the country. When Rudolfo’s cover is blown, the two
men have to fight their way into Doom’s control room. Arriving there
they are met by a man hiding in the shadows who takes down Rudolfo in an
energy blast.

While in the air Latveria, Dr. Doom and Captain America race to
Castle Doom however despite their best efforts they are blasted out of
the sky. Back at the castle, the mystery man reveals himself to be none
other than the Red Skull, who intends to once more use Latveria for a
means of launching his Fourth Reich.


A Trip To the Doom!” / UN VIAGGIO VERSO LA CATASTROFE !  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Himalayas
  • Unknown Planet
    • Beetle City


  • The Ark (Space Ark)


The Inhumans take to the stars in search of a new home, but instead find danger on a red dust-covered world. Exploring the planet, the’re attacked by a mechanical giant beetle.
Continued to next issue…

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Titolo Serie


Casa Editrice


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