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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale


Nella storia principale dell’ albo dove si conclude l’ appassionante epopea cosmica dei Difensori contro la minaccia del mostro extracomunitario Nebulon, il principale avvenimento è però che il principe atlantideo – che oltre ad essere anfibio è anche molto volubile – si secca una volta per tutte di stare all’ asciutto e decide di mollare definitivamente la compagnia per andare al mare a Riccione. Al suo posto – dopo l’ ennesimo rifiuto di Cassano – subentra il goffo e scoordinato Nottolone/Nighthawk, che invece accetta subito perchè come al solito naviga in brutte acque e cià bisogno di soldi

nel secondo episodio all’ interno tocca invece di nuovo a HULK però da solo ad affrontare ancora Glob (ma non si sorprende, lo sai, come del resto gli ha insegnato proprio Mogol un paio di numeri fa)

in appendice : torna L’ IMMANGIABILE BULK  insieme alle altre disgraziate caricature di super-eroi in un’ altra breve e perfida parodia del Not Brand Echh, “LE FANTASTICHERIE  DI UN SUPER EROE”


Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Thor (Only in flashback)




Risultati immagini per nebulon marvel

Nebulon’s true form

With the Defenders prisoner of the Squadron Sinister and Nebulon,
Hyperion explains how Nebulon recruited and rescued him from the
sub-atomic world in which he was banished to by Thor. When Nighthawk
tries to prevent the Squadron from executing the Defenders, he is placed
in the prison globe with them, and Nebulon has it shot into space.

Freeing themselves, the Defenders battle the Squadron and
Nebulon, during the course of the battle Dr. Strange blasts Nebulon with
a mystic bolt that reveals the alien’s true form. With everyone shocked
by the true form of Nebulon, Nighthawk uses the moment to fire the ray
used to melt the icecaps at Nebulon, the resulting explosion seemingly
destroys Nebulon and the other Squadron Sinister members. The device
explodes seriously injuring Nighthawk, however he is healed by Dr.
Strange, and accepted into the ranks of the Defenders. 

Featured Characters:




  • Leader’s “uncanny vessel”
  • Sam Sterns’ truck


Bruce Banner is wandering the woods of California trying to find
his way back to civilization following his battle with the Avengers,
unaware that he is being stalked by his old for the Leader who has come
up with another plan to destroy his arch-nemesis. Using his superior
powers, the Leader transforms himself back into his normal human form of
Sam Stern — who has no memory of his being the Leader — with
subconscious instructions to pick up a hitch hiking Bruce Banner and
gain his confidence in order to learn of a potential pawn to use against
the Hulk.

Sure enough when Stern picks up Banner and takes him into
confidence about being the Hulk, the two stop at a diner. There Sterns
asks Banner if the Hulk ever had any friends. Banner recalls his fight
with the Glob, a creature in the end Hulk considered a friend after it’s
apparent demise in the Florida swamp. Learning this information, Sterns
suffers a massive headache and flees the diner, escaping from Banner.
Sterns then transforms back into the Leader, who remembers the entire
encounter with Banner and uses his ship to fly to the Everglades and
revive the Glob and sends it after the Hulk, using it’s memories of
Betty Ross (and how the Glob mistook the girl for the Glob’s long lost
love from before it became this muck monster.)

The Glob goes on a destructive path across the country to meet
the Hulk. Over this time, Banner has sequestered himself in the sewers
beneath the city, although his loneliness gets the better of him and he
begins a trek back to the surface. Along the way, he comes across a
newspaper headline that tells of the Glob’s rampage. Just then, Banner
is attacked by the Glob, causing him to transform into the Hulk.

Their battle rages in the sewers until one of the Glob’s blows
sends the Hulk smashing through to the street above. There the Hulk
grabs a fuel truck and throws it into the sewer, hoping the resulting
explosion and flames will destroy the muck monster. However the Glob
manages to escape to the surface and renew it’s attack on the Hulk. The
Hulk forces it back into the flames, however the creature grabs him and
pulls him into the blazing fuel as well. However, they hit the water
below and sink to it’s relative safety.

The Hulk flees the scene, cursing the fact that he considered the
Glob a friend, and when he gets to relative safety is attacked once
more by the muck monster. Their battle takes them to a nearby power
plant, where the Hulk lures the mire monster up the side of a tall
standing hydro tower. There the Hulk rips loose a live wire and touches
it to the Glob electrocuting it and sending it falling to the ground
where it explodes, seemingly destroying itself and the power plant with
it, the Hulk however manages to jump to safety.

With the Glob seemingly destroyed, the Leader considers this
latest plot against the Hulk a total failure, however both the Hulk and
the Leader are unaware that the Glob survived the explosion as the
components of his body are slowly drawing themselves back together. 

Continuity Notes

  • This story recaps a few past events:
  • Banner mentions how the Hulk befriended the robot known as Mogol in Incredible Hulk #127 (in Italy in H&DIFC #4)


Regular people fantasize about themselves as super-heroes in everyday situations.

Risultati immagini per not brand echh 11 Super-Hero Day Dreams

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