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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.5 UN PIANETA IN VENDITA i vendicatori avengers 1975


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale


tornano I DIFENSORI ad occupare il loro posto in prima fila all’ osteria, dove a tracannare mezzo avvelenati al tavolino nell’ angolo vicino a loro ci sono anche i concorrenti VENDICATORI pur se solo come comprimari nell’ episodio personale e privato di Hulk

in appendice :  L’ IMMANGIABILE BULK  nella breve ma micidiale parodia del Not Brand Echh “LE ORIGINI DI BRUCIE BANTER…e amici”


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





Nighthawk drops in on the Defenders, and after a brief battle he
informs them of the events that brought him to Dr. Strange’s Sanctum: He
and the rest of the Squadron Sinister were restored and gathered by the
mysterious alien being known as Nebulon who was seeing super-powered
beings to “sell” the Earth to him. The Squadron then agreed to build a
device that would melt the Earth’s polar ice-caps and flood the planet
as part of the conditions of sale. Finding such a plan too horrible,
Nighthawk refused and was banished from the meeting however Nebulon
insured that he could not warn the Avengers, making Nighthawk invisible
Earth’s mightiest heroes. Overhearing them speaking of the Defenders,
Nighthawk would instead seek their aid.

Needing extra muscle on this mission, Dr. Strange teleports Namor
to their side, and the group battle to stop the Squadron Sinister from
activating the device, however in the course of the battle they are
trapped in mystic bubble by Nebulon.

  • Doctor Spectrum’s power prism was destroyed in Iron Man #66 ((in Italy in URC # 156, where Doctor Spectrum was last seen). In this issue, Nebulon has recreated it. 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





  • Gammatron Bombarder


Still trapped beneath the Earth following his encounter with
Tyrannus and the Mole Man, the Hulk wanders around aimlessly trying to
find a way back to the surface, but to no avail. Fed up of the constant
wanderings, the Hulk begins trying to smash his way out. His actions do
not go unnoticed on the surface, where the military has been tracking
the Hulk’s progress and have found that he is smashing his way to San
Andreas Fault, which if pummelled by the Hulk would risk causing the who
west coast to fall into the Pacific Ocean.

In order to deal with this threat the General Ross has his men
prepare the Gammatron Bombarder and calls upon the Avenger to aid the
military in stopping the Hulk. Answering the call are the Avengers
Goliath, Black Panther, Quicksilver, Vision, and the Scarlet Witch.
After briefing the group leaves with the military aboard an aircraft
with the Gammatron Bombarder device. They track the Hulk to his very
location and find no means of getting into the underground caverns
below. The Hulk meanwhile, has once more become enraged at being trapped
and strikes the walls of the cavern he is in. The blows cause an
earthquake on the surface destroying the Gammatron device. The Avengers
send the immaterial Vision down to try and engage the Hulk.

The Vision confronts the Hulk, and naturally the confused monster
attacks the Avenger, who defends himself with his powers. He goads the
Hulk into plowing through the roof of the cave and breaking through to
the surface. There the Hulk is attacked by the Avengers, whom he manages
to keep the Avengers at bay when they attack him one by one. However,
when they put in a united from, their attacks disorientate the Hulk.
When the Hulk tries to throw a helicopter at them, the Scarlet Witch
fires a hex bolt at it causing the copter to explode, jarring the Hulk
enough for Goliath to swat him.

As the battle is raging, Quicksilver and Black Panther have
repaired the Gammatron Bombarder device, and Goliath manages to lure the
Hulk between the device. Activating the weapon, the Avengers bombard
the Hulk with super-strong gamma rays. This in turn weakens the Hulk
momentarily, however the jade giant manages to withstand the beams and
force them back into the device causing it to explode. With the Avengers
partially disorientated due to the explosion, the Hulk tries to escape
however is weakened enough that his jump is too weak and he falls into
the woods not far away.

Unaware of this, the Avengers and the military depart believing
that the Hulk is probably miles away, passing by the once more
unconscious Hulk who has reverted back to his Bruce Banner persona. 

Continuity Notes

  • Betty mentions how she almost married Bruce Banner, this happened in Incredible Hulk #124 (in Italy in H&DIFC #1).
  • General Ross is not familiar this version of the Avengers as he last saw the group in Avengers #5 (in Italy in THC #12) which still consisted of the founding members.
  • This story both Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are
    identified as mutants. This actually untrue due to a huge deception. As
    revealed in Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 #4 (in Italy in INCR.AVENGERS PAN #27) they were experimented upon by the High Evolutionary who altered them in such a way so that they registered as mutants in order to cover up his work. Scarlet Witch Vol 2 #11 (in Italy in DOCT. STRANGE PAN #14) gives Wanda’s powers mystical roots confirming that she is actually the daughter of sorcerer Natalya Maximoff.
  • The Avengers recap the founding of the Avengers, which included the Hulk among their numbers from Avengers #1 (in Italy in THC #5).
  • Wanda mentions how she had recently lost her “mutant powers”
    and had them restored. They had been stripped away after being struck by
    a bullet in Avengers #49 (in Italy in THC #59), but later restored by magic in Avengers #76 (in Italy in THC #91)


In a parody of the Hulk’s origin from Incredible Hulk #1 (in Italy in THC #5, or in URC 55-56, or in H&DIFC # 1, or in INCRHC #11, etc etc etc),
Dr. Brucie Banter develops a formula that he says will solve the air
pollution problem in the city. However, when he tries to use the
formula he is distracted by a teenage hippie, Slick Jones, and is
accidentally transformed into the Inedible Bulk. Slick tries to
encourage the Bulk to cash in on his new look and abilities, but the
Bulk just wants to be left alone (and hates teenagers). Predictably,
the Bulk finds that he can never again lead a normal life and so he
returns to Slick to find some relief. Slick has the perfect idea: he
gets the Bulk a career in advertising, as the Jolly Green Giant.

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