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HULK E I DIFENSORI corno N.12 SCHIACCIATO DAL TEMPO dr.strange bulk sunk-mariner


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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale 


all’ interno una storia completa di HULK ed una del DOTTOR STRANGE a cui partecipano anche gli altri DIFENSORI, ma solo sotto forma di magica ed evanescente illusione, appartenente ad una dimensione avulsa e separata dove probabilmente non pagano nemmeno le tasse (l’ episodio contiene anche altre prelibate citazioni supereroistiche dagli universi paralleli, dal passato e dall’ aldilà, e comunque tutte sempre riferite ad entità completamente sconosciute alla agenzia delle entrate)

contiene inoltre :  una spassosa parodia del Not Brand Echh sulla solita ennesima scalcinata battaglia del secolo, stavolta tra Hulk (BULK) e il Principe Namor (detto SUNK-MARINER)


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • 41st Century
    • Kang’s Citadel
  • Eastern Front (World War I  1914-1917)


  • Kang’s Time Machine (Bathosphere)


In the distant 41st Century, Kang the Conqueror is furious that he still has not been able to defeat the Avengers and thereby take over the 20th Century. The time lord decides to take an alternative approach to defeating the Avengers: Changing history in such a way that the group is never formed. To this end, Kang decides to target the World War I hero thePhantom Eagle. In destroying the famed hero, history would take another course that would see to it that the Avengers were never formed. When Kang tries to travel back in time, his time machine gets caught in a time storm that prevents him from entering the year 1917. Kang then decides to try and select another pawn that might be able to break through the time storm.

Deciding to use the Hulk as his pawn, Kang transports him from the year 1971 to his own time and asks the Hulk’s aid. When the Hulk refuses at first, Kang offers the Hulk a means of destroying Bruce Banner once and for all. Kang shows the Hulk one of the Phantom Eagle’s missions where he destroyed a German cannon call The Boche that would have led to a key victory in the war and tells the Hulk to prevent this from happening. The Hulk, who believes that Banner is a separate being from himself, agrees to do it, just barely comprehending the nature of his task or that a German victory would lead to the death of his grandfather whom fought in the war, thereby erasing Banner and the Hulk — the key being that led to form the Avengers — from existence.

The Hulk is then sent through the time stream, and his neigh indestructible body is able to handle the the Time Storm and the Hulk ends up in the year 1917 right in the middle of a battle between opposing armies. When German soldiers attack him, the Hulk easily smashes them and begins his mission by beginning to track down the Phantom Eagle.

The Eagle himself is preparing his bomber run to stop the Bouche from being completed. When he takes to the air, the Phantom Eagle is spotted by the Hulk who manages to knock the explosive loaded drone plane free from the Phantom Eagle’s plane, causing it to miss it’s mark and explode harmlessly. The German army, witnessing this spectacle begin firing on both the Phantom Eagle and the Hulk. This in turn infuriates the Hulk who dives down at the army, and ends up destroying the Bouche himself.

With his mission a failure, the Hulk is confronted by an astonished Phantom Eagle, the energies of the Time Storm begin sending the Hulk back to his native time. Kang however tries to prevent this by using the power of his mind to keep the Hulk there. However, this fails to work and as the Hulk is transported back to the year 1971, Kang finds himself sucked into limbo for his troubles. THe Hulk reappears in his own time, unconscious he reverts back into Bruce Banner. 


  • In this issue readers learn that Bruce Banner is of French descent and that his grandfather served in World War I.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Silver Dagger’s lair (in #5 – in Italy in H&DIF # 20 –  revealed to be abandoned subway station in 19th street)
  • Orb of Agamotto



While Silver Dagger becomes aware that Dr. Strange still lives, Strange himself travels deeper into the Orb of Agamotto in hopes of finding it’s center. Along the way he is attacked by a giant soul stealing creature. Saved by an entity appearing as the Silver Surfer, Strange also gets the “Surfers” aid in freeing the other souls trapped inside the creature. Realizing his physical body is missing, Strange is taken to a castle where he finds his body among a bunch of beings resembling the Defenders and other allies of Dr. Strange.

When the Queen who appears as Valkyrie arrives, Strange is offered to stay for tea, however he refuses and the heroes attack. Strange fights them off until the queen stops the fight and tells him that he has a choice between life or death as a way out of the Orb. Choosing life, Strange takes a illusionary Aragorn to fly to the center of the Orb. 


  • In a two page spread which shows the illusionary Defenders having tea together Hawkeye is calling someone passed out under the table a “pantywaist”, those with a keen eye will note that the hand coming up from the table is wearing a Green Lantern power ring.
  • In the same pages is a red suited guy who is passed out and has web in the face by Spider-Man, who refers him as “Captain”. This is Captain Midnight of Fawcett Comics which originally started as a radio show in the 1930-1940s.

Featured Characters:

  • The Inedible Bulk
  • Sunk_Mariner


The Puppet Mister uses his powers to make The Inedible Bulk attack Prince No-More, the Sunk-Mariner in a spoof of Tales to Astonish #100 (in Italy in URC # 94).

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