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GLI ALBI DEI SUPER EROI ASE A.S.E. corno N.42 LUKE 4 la bomba di natale CAGE






eterogenea, instabile, variegata, assortita, poliedrica e mista, a
carattere di vero e proprio cronicario di super-eroi di scarto, tutti beneficiari del reddito di cittadinanza, iscritti alle liste di collocamento e con domanda di prepensionamento
già compilata ed inoltrata, e che altrimenti non avrebbero trovato
collocazione neanche nelle liste del partito democratico

serie  LUKE  ( luke cage aka power man)  N. 4


passano i secoli ma per i poveri afroamericani non cambia mai nulla, gli hanno sostituito le catene con il diritto di voto, il cotone con i contratti sindacali,  la frusta con il ghetto ed il cappio con il credito bancario, e quindi come avviene per quasi tutte le persone di colore, neanche il volenteroso, solerte ed intraprendente Luke riesce ad affermarsi, ad emergere e ad inseguire le proprie ambizioni in una ingiusta e spietata società fondata sulla discriminazione, la disuguaglianza, lo sfruttamento ed il razzismo, pertanto questo quarto albo dedicato al disgraziato supereroe nero è anche l’ ultimo, poichè causa morosità ed insolvenza la testata italiana gli viene pignorata e lui viene rimandato all’ ufficio di collocamento ad iscriversi alle liste di disoccupazione (lo ritroveremo più avanti poco e male su Capitan America e su Shang-Chi)


Questo numero contiene due storie complete di LUKE CAGE



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Marley (Only Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Timmy
  • Selma Pennington



On Christmas Eve, Luke Cage is spending time at the clinic where Noah and Claire work. Luke happens to spy a child being beaten by a man in Dickinson-style dress. Stopping him, Luke learns that the man’s name is Marley and he certainly acts his part — telling Luke that he was beating on the boy for charging him fifteen cents for a newspaper (when he never paid more than two.) before disappearing into the winter weather. Taking the boy into the clinic for medical aid, Luke is unaware that this was orchestrated by Marley who wanted to see if there were any good Samaritans left in the world.

Before leaving with Claire, Luke is warned by Burnstein that Phil Fox has been nosing around to try and get a story about Noah’s clinic, bringing up fears that Noah’s past might reveal Luke’s past as a criminal. Later as Luke and Claire are out for a walk, they encounter what appears to be a war vet. Upon giving him some change, he has a bout of shell-shock and attempts to shoot them with an automatic weapon. Luke quickly disarms the man and breaks his gun, feeling sorry for the man they leave him be. This “vet” however turns out to be Marley once more, continuing the test he started earlier.

After taking Clair out for dinner, the two are attacked by Marley yet again — this time dressed as a futuristic “police-man” right out of George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty Four, demanding their “identification cards” and attacking Luke with a laser. Luke manages to subdue Marley and turn him over to the police. However, when Luke notices the police car crashed on the side of the road not far after, he sends Claire home in a cab and goes after Marley. Marley gets the drop on Luke, managing to knock him out while disguised as a charity Santa Claus.

Waking up, Luke is face to face with Marley, who tells him that entire evenings episode was to see if there was still any good in mankind. Unconvinced, he plans on destroying New York with a nuclear bomb of his own design at dawn. However, before he can detonate the bomb, he is distracted by the sound of someone coming down the chimney. This gives Luke the chance to stop Marley and destroy his detonator. With Marley incapacitated Luke is surprised to find that the person coming down the chimney was a would be thief. However, having just saved the city, Luke allows the thief to stumble through his explanation and the two watch the sun rise, Christmas Day finally arriving.

Hero for Hire Vol 1 8

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Doctor Doom
  • Doom’s Renegage Robots
    • Primus
    • Quartus
    • Tertius
    • Quad
  • Terry

Other Characters:

  • Frank Jenks (Only in flashback)
  • Georgie Simms
  • Claus
  • General Manntoff
  • Julius




Furious over the constant attacks on his office, Luke Cage is visited by a business man seeking his services. Uninterested, Luke shows the man out when he spots one of the thugs that have previously attacked him and chases off after him. However, the thug — named Georgie Simms — puts up a decent fight and is able to make his escape.

After visiting Claire, Luke decides to take the job and learns that he is being paid $200 a day to seek out enemies of the businessman’s employer who have stolen his technology and are hiding out in the Bedford-Stuyveant ghetto. Luke tracks them down and is shocked to find that the people he’s fighting aren’t African-Americans as they appear, but really robots. After destroying one the others manage to get away.

Curious as to who his mysterious employer is, Luke tracks down the phone number given to him and is shocked once more to find that it’s the Latverian embassy. Fighting his way in, Luke learns that he is in the employ of Dr. Doom. Doom explains to him that some of his robots had gone rogue, and because he is not liked in America and the robots having disguised themselves as African-Americans, he sought out the services of Luke Cage to deal with the problem. Doom promises to pay Luke upon success in his mission, and Luke resumes tracking down the remaining robots.

However, when Luke destroys all the robots and makes his way back to the Latverian embassy, he is angered to find that Dr. Doom has closed up the embassy and returned to his home-land, skipping on his bill. Furious to no end on being stiffed on a job, Luke vow to get his payment from Dr. Doom, no matter what.

The Strange Case of Mr. Whimple!” / LA STRANA SCATOLA DI MR. WHIMPLE !


A thief attacks a man who always carries a box around on his shoulder with a blackjack and kills him. When he gets the box open, he is startled to see that he has killed one head but not the other and runs into the path of an oncoming train. His intended victim gets up and procures a box for the dead head.



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