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DRACULA corno N.7 DUELLO TRA NON-MORTI la mummia vivente the living mummy 1976


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viste le parcelle dei dentisti qui da noi, poco incoraggianti se non del tutto proibitive (e oltretutto poi avete anche il coraggio di lamentarvi se un fumetto costa 10 euro o poco più !), molti hanno iniziato ad andarsi a curare la bocca all’ estero, soprattutto nei paesi dell’ est dove le categorie professionali autoctone propongono prezzi molto competitivi e allettanti. la ragione è molto semplice : la scuola odontoiatrica in queste regioni ha radici antichissime, era molto sviluppata già nel medioevo e annovera nel suo invidiabile palmares interventi di rifacimento e protesi di prestigio a personaggi molto noti ed influenti quali attila, gengis khan, il conte ugolino, erszébet bathory e vlad III di valacchia detto l’ impalatore. Nella fase del blocco socialista, poi, sono stati ulteriormente perfezionati ed affinati il metodo e la tecnologia: poichè , come tutti ben sanno, i comunisti mangiavano i bambini, la popolazione di questi paesi aveva una estrema necessità di mantenere dentature sempre molto sane e robuste , ben funzionanti , in perfetto ordine e massima efficienza, per potere incidere, masticare, trinciare e triturare anche i soggetti piu’ tenaci, refrattari e coriacei. Da qui l’ origine del successo e il segreto del proliferare delle cliniche dell’ europa orientale, in particolare di romania, ungheria e bulgaria, che si sono fatte conoscere ed apprezzare in tutto il mondo per il talento, la capacità e la efficacia delle cure fornite dai suoi addetti e dal suo personale, oltre che per una politica di mercato altamente aggressiva e concorrenziale sul piano internazionale.
Ma attenti alle truffe: in alcuni centri vengono ancora praticate usanze locali molto antiche e poco conosciute, in cui il paziente, una volta addormentato, si risveglia poi ignaro di essere stato sottoposto a ripetuti salassi e di essere stato alleggerito di parecchi etti di sangue in meno, col risultato di tornare in patria e doversi curare una gravissima anemia con esiti disastrosi sul piano della salute e delle finanze.

corriere della paura



ancora una doppietta di storie complete di Dracula, partendo nella prima dalla moldavia dove il succhiasangue è in tour emogastronomico e litiga con un vampiro straccione locale che oltre a fargli concorrenza in nero gli ha pure fregato il giaciglio diurno al cimitero, poi con un bel salto di tempo e spazio si torna a Londra col seguito di un episodio che sarà invece pubblicato soltanto sul n.11, ma gli ingenui ed inconsapevoli lettori – emulando i cittadini tedeschi durante il periodo nazista – non si sono accorti di nulla

contiene inoltre : LA MUMMIA VIVENTE

Il materiale pubblicato all’ interno di questa serie è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult come tomb of dracula , werewolf by night ( LICANTROPUS by Mike Ploog ) ,  supernatural thrillers ( LIVING MUMMY / LA MUMMIA VIVENTE) , tutti serials cinicamente e vergognosamente mutuati dalla frangia più estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B.

TOMB OF DRACULA prosegue qui con la cronologia da dove si era interrotta sugli A.S.E. ( gli Albi dei Super Eroi) , ovvero dall’ undicesimo episodio fino a giungere al trentanovesimo ( quelli dal 40° al 44° appariranno poi successivamente su Shang-Chi e i restanti sulla miniserie Star La Tomba di Dracula ). gli autori sono leggendari e magnifici : Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan,  Tom Palmer, Jack Abel, covers di Gil Kane




condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



In the village of Kamenka, Moldavia in the USSR one night Ulsa and
Peter Vornik are sent running into the homes when they hear the screams
of their daughter Petra, who is being attacked by her ex-husband Gorna,
who is a vampire. Peter manages to drive Gorna away, who vows that he
will eventually come back to claim his wife as a vampire.

While no far away, Dracula has exited the Alps and arrive nearby.
Feeling his hunger, Dracula finds a young couple having a romantic
moment in a bar. Dracula kills the boy and then feeds on the young girl.

Back at the Vornik home, Petra awakens to a scream and her family
reassures her that she is safe. Petra recounts how her husband Gorna
was an abusive man who would be treat her poorly. Extremely jealous of
anyone who showed her attention, Gorna even once killed a man for
talking to her in the street. One day, Gora fell sick and on his death
bed he vowed that he would kill any man that she would see. After the
funeral, a man who was a prior suitor for Petra was killed the night
after he visited her at the funeral for Gorna. It was then that she
realized that Gorna had become a vampire.

Dracula, meanwhile, has arrived at the local cemetery, where he
comes across Gorna. Gorna is insolent and orders Dracula away and that
he has no loyalty to the king of the vampires. Dracula attempts to
attack Gorna, who inturn summons down a bolt of lightning to strike
Dracula before fleeing. Dracula vows to get revenge against Gorna for
his disobedience and follows after him.

Gorna has come back to the Vornik home and once more attempts to
feed upon Petra. His feeding is interrupted when Peter enters the room
and stabs him with a flaming stake. The inflamed Gorna then flees from
the scene. Dracula arrive shortly after, swatting Peter aside and using
his hypnotic powers to get the full story out of Petra. Still unsure how
it is that Gorna manages to resist his commands, Dracula goes after to
destroy his disobedient vampire foe. As Dracula searches for his enemy,
the people of the village begin to decide if they should take an active
role in dealing with Gorna and end being the pawn of a the undead.

While back in London, Frank Drake and Rachel van Helsing return
to Quincy Harker’s estate to tell him that they believe Dracula is dead
(believing that he was destroyed during their battle against Dr. Sun.)
Quincy tells them that he was attacked by a woman claiming to be
Dracula’s daughter, they also remark on how Taj had left, leaving a note
behind explaining that he has left to go back to his home in India.

Finally, back in Kamenka, Dracula has tracked down Gorna, who has
been horribly scarred from the nights earlier burning. As the two
fight, the towns people gather and begin a huge fire around the
cemetery. Dracula easily over powers Gorna and tosses him in the flames
where he is incinerated, and Dracula departs.


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Story continued from Giant-Size Chillers Featuring Curse of Dracula #1 (in Italy in DRC #11).

Dracula and Shiela Whittier are standing over the body of Lord
Henry, the British politician under Dracula’s control whom they believed
to be the one who has been tormenting Shiela. However, after recounting
his night to Shiela, Dracula realizes that this assessment was wrong as
Shiela suddenly has a cut across her face. Dracula takes Shiela to bed
to rest, and finds that she will be a more suitable than the late
Clifton Graves. Reflecting on his encounter with Lilith, Dracula is
interrupted by a knock at the door, answering it he finds nobody there
but is being pulled out by some unknown force.

Meanwhile in Jajpur, India, Taj Nitall arrives in his home town
where he is taken to the home of his wife for a long over due reunion.

Back in London, Dracula fights off this phantom force that
attempts to destroy him. The ghosts in the mansion wake Shiela up and
cause her to scream out. Dracula comes to her side and she explains that
she is haunted by the ghost of Alestar Dunwick. After another
disturbance from spectral forces, Shiela explains that when when he
Uncle Dunwick and Aunt Henrietta had died, she was willed the house.
Shiela would move in with her boyfriend Freddy, but would feel uneasy
about the house. Her fears would be proved valid when Freddy meets his
death when unknown forces push him down the stairs.

With Shiela’s story done, Dracula tells her that he must attend
to some business and goes out to find a fresh meal. He finds it in a
woman named Caroline Bascombe, who is driving through the night.
Allowing her car to strike him, Dracula feeds upon her when she checks
to see if he’s been injured.

While Dracula is away, Shiela looks around her mansion when she
is visited by the spirit of Alestar Dunwick. Alestar explains that he is
not her uncle, but in reality her father, who was murdered for the
inheritance. He explains that he sold his soul years ago, and remarried
after Shiela was born. He spent the years keeping track of her in hopes
of sacrificing her soul to his master. Shiela refuses to believe
anything, however the ghost of Dunwick takes her to the basement where
he finds that she finds bodies of those she has sacrificed before her in
an attempt to reanimate

When she refuses to allow herself being sacrificed willingly, the
spirit of Dunwick attempts to levitate objects and smash her, however
Dracula shows up. Dracula fights off the animated objects and then grabs
Dunwick’s corpse and throws it against a wall. Upon the bodies
destruction the spirit of Dunwick is banished back to Hell.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Achmed (Only in flashback)
  • Hassam (Only in flashback)
  • Elementals

Other Characters:




As the Living Mummy walks across the
desert in pursuit of the Ruby Scarab, his mind wanders back through the
ages to the days when he was only N’Kantu, and how he had to pass the
rite of manhood when he was of age by slaying a lion on his own. A task
which he succeeded in quite easily.

Meanwhile, in the realm of the Elementals, the Elementals are
furious that the Mummy does not follow their commands to the letter
(including killing, which the Mummy has refused to do) and so they send
Zephyr to the Earth dimension to regain control of N’Kantu. Back on
Earth, the Scarab has been pilfered by the Asp, a thief who hopes —
with the aid of his colleague Miles Olddan — to sell the Scarlet Scarab
only to steal it back and sell it over and over, hoping to make them

Continued to next issue…

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