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CONAN E KAZAR corno N.28 L' ORACOLO DI OPHIR lui it! living colossus lorna


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In assenza del sempre spodestato ed espropriato KA-ZAR, ancora intento a cercare una improbabile giustizia con il suo disperato lodo snobbato e frustrato da giudici iniqui asserviti e corrotti, in questo numero , accanto all’ infame despota e indebito tutore dell’ intero pacchetto azionario della testata CONAN, a rappresentare in qualche maniera la vituperata specie dei tarzanidi, troviamo e la svampita e svergognata LORNA, ex reginetta (ma ora già impietosamente declassata – probabilmente a causa dei suoi reiterati atti osceni – da prestigiosa queen a semplice e misera jungle girl) di qualche surrogato di giungla d’altri tempi, quando era ancora infestata soltanto dai juke box, dai drive-in, dal chewing-gum, dall’ hula hoop, dagli hamburger e dalla brillantina linetti, mica dai delinquenti, dalle bestie feroci, dalle carestie, dalle guerre e dalle malattie come adesso
contiene inoltre : LUI il colosso vivente che stavolta trova un insolito e sconcertante alleato nel kirbyano FIN FANG FOOM un godzilla tarocco di produzione cinese riesumato alla bisogna dai più remoti abissi editoriali della silver age per salvare la terra dai mostri marziani (o almeno fare finta di provarci mostrando se non altro impegno, diligenza ed abnegazione)



Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tara of Hanumar


  • Black Shadow (Only in flashback)
  • mirror-image of Conan

Other Characters:

  • Murilo
  • Crimson Company
    • Yusef
    • Gerro (Only in flashback)
  • Princess Yvonna
  • King Belzamo
  • Prince Vanni
  • soldiers of Ronnoco
  • Mustapho, high priest to the oracle
  • priestess to the oracle (Corpse)
  • Renquis


  • Ronnoco



The Crimson Company has returned to Ronnoco with their prisoner Yvonne
just in time to witness the arrival of Yusef, who reports on the shadow
creature that decimated their comrades. Murilo sends Conan, Tara and
Yusef to an oracle for information on how to defeat the shadow while
Belzamo prepares to force Yvonne to marry his son Vanni in order to
create an alliance between Ronnoco and Pergona. Conan meets and is
forced to kill Mustapho, the oracle’s high priest, and, after taking
Mustapho’s fine sword, comes face to face with the oracle. The living
skeleton gives Conan cryptic advice on how to defeat the shadow, and
when Conan flees, the hunchback Renquis, who is the true oracle and
speaks through the skeleton, emerges from hiding to converse with
hiself. As Conan tries to flee the cave, he is stopped by a magical
barrier, and realizes that since he slayed the high priest, he has been
cursed to become the new high priest. Conan struggles to move forward
and break the spell and finally succeeds, only to discover a magical
clone of him has been created to guard the oracle, and the clone swiftly
attacks him. Conan barely survives the encounter, and only does so by
returning the sword to Mustapho’s dead hand. The priest returns to life
and slays the clone, then turns on Conan and his companions, only to see
they are safely out of range. The three companions race back to Ronnoco
with their information..

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Doctor Braun
  • Dorian Delazny
  • Duffy
  • Felix Simon
  • Freddy
  • Grant Marshall
  • Sergeant Patten
  • Susan


  • Los Angeles



With things getting out of
control, Doctor Vault decides to go whole hog and also wake up Fin Fang
Foom and throw him into the mix.  

Bob O’Bryan is able to again
take control over It’s body, and he along with Fin Fang Foom (who has
shaken off Dr. Vault’s control) battle Lord Granitor to save earth.
O’Bryan appears to be dead when his mind enters It, is driven to the
hospital by Felix. When Lord Granitor uses his transportation device to
try to escape It destroys the device and Lord Granitor. Dr. Vault takes
control of Fin Fang Foom again and O’Bryan is declared dead at the

  • The main story includes a two-pages segment reprinted from the 1st appearing of “Fin Fang Foom”, story originally presented in Strange Tales #89 (artwork by Jack Kirby, unpublished in Italy). Parts incorporated into the
    new material are as follows: page 1 appears on page 7; page 5, panels 4-6 on
    page 8, panels 1-3; page 6, panels 2-4 on page 8, panels 4-6 and page
    8, panel 2 on page 8, panel 7.

Double Danger” / LORNA la ragazza della giungla in : PERICOLO GEMELLO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Joe
  • Grace

Other Characters:


  • West Africa


Greg Knight has brought Lorna the Jungle Girl into town in order to
buy her some normal womanly clothing as he hopes it will convince her
that the jungle is no place for her. Greg leaves Lorna with some money
at a store and tells her that he will pick her up later. As Lorna is
looking at different clothing, she is spotted by a crook named Joe and
his girl Grace, who is the spitting image of Lorna. This all plays into
Joe’s plans to knock out Lorna and have Grace take her place in order to
steal diamonds from a local tribe.

While Lorna is in the changing room, Grace knocks her out and she
changes clothing leaving Lorna with her identification papers. She then
turns Lorna over to Joe who says he is going to get rid of her. Grace
then goes outside and waits for Greg Knight to return and tells him to
bring her back to the jungle. Unaware of the switch, Greg agrees to take
her back. While Joe ditches Lorna off the side of a road, Grace tricks
Greg into thinking that the Ukasi tribe is dealing with an epidemic.
Greg tells her to go to the diamond supply in central Bugu which they
have on hand for such crisis. Grace swings away marveling at how her
ex-circus skills and study of Lorna’s exploits have made it so easy for
her to trick people into thinking that she is Lorna.

Meanwhile, the real Lorna comes to and is attacked by a cobra,
but she easily defeats it. She then swings back to her tree fort and
changes into her own jungle outfit and checks on Mikki who has stayed
home because he’s feeling ill. Greg pays her a visit and asks her about
“her” trip to Bugu for diamonds. Lorna doesn’t understand and wonders if
there is something wrong with her memory and decides to go to Bugu to

There she come across Grace just as she is about to take some of
the diamonds to bring back to Joe. Seeing the impostor, Lorna attacks
and easily bests her double. She then brings Grace back to her hut.
There Greg cannot tell the difference between the real Lorna and the
fake until Mikki proves who the real Lorna is by climbing up on her
shoulder. With the impostor faked out, Greg has the authorities take her

Featured Characters:

  • Sigmund Graasp (killed on orders of the Governor) (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Governor
  • Leon (Death)



A story narrated by the Iron Maiden describing the events surrounding her creation.

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