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CONAN E KAZAR corno N.13 IL DRAGO DEL MARE NASCOSTO ka-zar thongor 1975


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contiene inoltre : THONGOR  


Featured Characters:


  • Ghul-Azalel  (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Ben-Hussa
  • Rachalla


  • Keshaan


Conan is waylaid by a group of bandits, and though he kills them all,
his horse breaks its leg and Conan is bitten by a viper. He collapses
but is rescued by a young woman and her uncle, who happens to be the
lord of the small village Keshaan, and had been run out by the mad
priest Ghul-Azalel. Ghul-Azalel had convinced Ben-Hussal to begin
sacrificing virgins to a sea dragon to end a curse of death that had
infected the town over the past year. When the sacrifices were
unsuccesful and when Ghul-Azalel demanded the sacrifice of Ben-Hussal’s
niece Rachalla, the two fled the town leaving it to Ghul-Azalel.
However, they have had word that the priest had died and it was safe to
return. The two ask for Conan’s assistance in returning, and Conan
agrees, only to find themselves captured when they enter the village; it
was a trap. The two men are tied to stakes and Rachalla is chained to a
rock in the sea as sacrifice for the sea dragon. Conan rips his stake
from the ground, slips from the ropes, and makes his way to Rachalla as a
giant crocodile emerges from the ocean.Conan stabs it and lures it to
the shore and towards Ghul-Azalel. The creature devours the priest and,
sated, returns to the sea, ending the curse. Rachalla reveals the reason
Ghul-Azalel was mad and why Ben-Hussal fled rather than confront him –
the mad priest was Ben-Hussal’s brother, Rachalla’s father. 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Behemoth (tylosaurus, killed by Ka-Zar) (Death)

Other Characters:

  • pterodactyls
  • Savage Land tribe
    • Kem Horkus
    • Bar Horkus (leader, Kem’s brother, killed by the Behemoth) (Death)
    • Ghakar (aspiring leader)
    • Sar Derkin


  • Savage Land
    • Tabarr River (also called by the tribe members the “Dark Water”)


Ka-Zar rescues a young boy named Kem Horkus from pteordactyls and
take him back to the hunting party led by his brother. Bar Horkus has
spent 20 years pursuing a Tylosaurus they call The Behemoth that took
his eye and arm in their first encounter. Bar’s mad obsession has been
gradually wearing on his men, but Ka-Zar agrees to help his quest for
Kem’s sake. The next day, the hunters set out on the river in two rafts,
each equipped with a large ballista. When they find The Behemoth, Bar
Horkus’ bolt only wounds his prey, and Ghakar’s raft turns away before
the other ballista can fire. Refusing to retreat, Bar Horkus leads the
rest of his men to their deaths against the angered Behemoth. Ka-Zar
only manages to save Kem before finally killing The Behemoth himself,
exacting the revenge Bar sought not as a personal vendetta, but as his
duty to the law of the jungle. Afterwards, Ka-Zar’s only consolation to
Kem is the promise to find Ghakar for betraying his brother.

  • The plot is loosely based on Moby Dick.

Featured Characters:

  • Thongor


  • Demon of Zangabal  (Death)
  • Athmar Phong

Other Characters:

  • Ald Thurmis 
  • Aqquoonkagua


  • Zangabal


  • Shield of Cathloda  (Destroyed)
  • Mirror of Zaffar  (Destroyed)
  • Sword of Thum-ithar


Continued from last issue…
Thongor and Ald Thurmis found a room full of breeding vats

full of twisted, half-formed creatures created by Athmar Phong. Entering the

wizard’s throne room, Thongor and Ald were confronted by the Demon of Zangabal

once more. The demon handily made a mockery of the two warriors until Thongor

found the Shield of Cathloda and, bolstered by its power, delivered a killing

blow. Just as the demon was defeated, Athmar Phong mystically appeared, returned

from the midnight revelry of his unholy order. Reading Thongor’s mind, he saw

the barbaric youth was to steal the Mirror of Zaffar, just like Ald of weeks

ago. Freezing the two in place with a ray that would slowly transform them into

stone, Phong held all the cards…until he decided to gloat. He showed the two

warriors the Mirror of Zaffar, in which Aqquoonkagua the Prince of Hell was

bound, hidden in plain sight all along beneath a dark cloth. Thongor, protected

by the Shield of Cathloda, unerringly threw the talisman at the mirror,

shattering it and releasing Aqquoonkagua. The demon lord crushed Athmar Phong in

his talons even as the wizard begged for Thongor’s help, which was of course

denied. Smashing through the roof of the wizard’s mansion, Aqquoonkagua soared

off into the heavens, “I return to the ultracosmos and let him beware, who would

call me back again!” As the sun rose, Thongor and Ald Thurmis parted ways after

filching a few of the precious baubles laying about the deserted abode of the

dead wizard. Thongor left Zangabal, feeling some force calling him, pulling him onward.

Athmar Phong was a corpulent wizard capable of

teleportation (or assuming gaseous form, it’s hard to say), reading thoughts,

summoning and commanding the Demon of Zangabal, and slowly trasforming people to

stone for his amusement. He attracted the ire and the jealousy of the priest

Kaman Thuu due to is possession of the Mirror of Zaffar. Thongor managed to

break the mirror with a magic amulet and the enraged demon within the mirror

escaped to have its revenge on Athmar Phong, crushing him into nothingness.





Aqquoonkagua was a gigantic skull-faced, red

demon, wreathed in fire. Appropriate enough for a Prince of Hell. According to

him he had only been a prisoner in the Mirror of Zaffar ‘long decades’ but even

such a tiny ammount of time imprisoned by the sorcerer Athmar Phong was enough

to enrage him beyond all measure. After Thongor destroyed the mirror he swiftly

closed his titanic claw about Phong, crushing him. When he opened his taloned

fist, Phong’s charred body fell to the ground. I’d imagine Aqquoonkagua just

sent Phong on the express elevator to hell for further prolonged torture rather

than instantly destroying him in a fit of rage. That done the demon soared off

into the heavens to return to the ‘ultracosmos’.







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