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il capitano statunitense superdotato simbolo della grandezza, della gloria e della forza dell’america: più volte mortificato, calpestato, fatto a pezzi e distrutto come la costituzione ed i principi democratici del suo paese, ma anche lui sempre poi risorto, ristabilito e ripristinato in qualche modo, a volte anche poco ortodosso ed eticamente non irreprensibile, ma sicuramente efficace, pratico, conveniente e redditizio

seconda serie Corno 1982-83

Questa seconda serie Corno di CAP, forse superflua e pleonastica ma ugualmente affascinante e pregevole, ristampa materiale già pubblicato in precedenza, proseguendo la (ri)proposta cronologica del personaggio dal punto in cui si era interrotta su Capitan America Gigante n.14.

a beneficio dei fessi e dei malcapitati che hanno acquistato l’albo pensando che si trattasse di una serie nuova all’avvio, questo primo numero (ri)pubblica in apertura la storia silver age di recap che narra le origini del personaggio e un breve estratto di quella in cui viene sbrinato e rimesso sulla tavola supereroistica dai Vendicatori dopo un pisolino al gelo di una decina di anni

come intermezzo per confondere ulteriormente le idee al povero lettore, c’è anche un vecchio raccontino d’epoca con protagonisti dei sedicenti Cap e Bucky che col revisionismo posteriore verranno poi considerati dei fake : LA RAGAZZA CHE AVEVA PAURA / THE GIRL WHO WAS AFRAID , tra gli ultimissimi episodi di marca Atlas, tratto da Men’s Adventures 27 del 1954, disegnato da Mort Lawrence e che non ci azzecca proprio nulla, poi si riprende la cronologia precedentemente lasciata in sospeso, con la storia di Captain America Usa n.121 (uscita nel n.37 della prima edizione Corno italiana)



Per la copertina di questo albo è stata usata quella del primo Annual americano :

Captain America Annual Vol 1 1

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 63

“The Origin of Captain America!”” / LE ORIGINI DI CAPITAN AMERICA !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




This story is a retelling of Captain America’s origins. In the 1940’s young Steve Rogers who was rejected from joining the military because of his frail body. However he is chosen for a top secret project to create the perfect soldier. Given a formula by Dr. Erskine his body is transformed into one of peak efficiency. After Steve Rogers is transformed however, Erskine is killed by a Nazi spy, who in turn is killed by Rogers. Erskine’s secret formula would die with him, however Steve Rogers would become Captain America.

The tale would gloss over how Captain America would bust up Nazi spy rings as Captain America, but in his civilian guise he’d pretend to be a bumbling soldier under the command of Sergeant Duffy, and the mentor for his units mascot Bucky Barnes.

Bucky would one night stumble upon Steve changing into Captain America and would convince him to join him in combat as his sidekick, Bucky. Their first mission together would be to break up some Nazi’s sneaking into the country and using their own explosives to destroy the submarine they arrived in. 


  • The Captain America story is a retelling of his origin in Captain America Comics #1. Due to the short length of the story, a number of key details are omitted. Information such as the composition and creation Captain America’s original shield and the exact origin and nature of his powers are glossed over. This was a common practice for all of teh retellings of Cap’s origins as originally presented in the golden and atomic ages. Elements of Steve Roger’s past will be reworked into a modern era origin for Captain America. These revelations occur much later when reader interest in all of Cap’s past necessitated the restablishment of old continuity and working it into the Avenger’s long history.
  • This marks the first of a number of consectutive World War II Era Captain America stories that will would be published in Tales of Suspense between this issue and Tales of Suspense #71 (in Italy in CAPC # 4). After that time the feature would resume “present day” tales.
Captain America Vol 1 100

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:



A recap of Captain America’s return as it was originally depicted in Avengers #4  (in Italy in THC # 9).


  • “Big PREMIERE Issue!”
  • This is the first silver age issue of Captain America, in spite of the fact that it’s listed as issue #100. This is because the title originally used to be Tales of Suspense, which was rennamed to a Captain America title because at the time Marvel was phasing out it’s old title which originally was for science fiction, horror, and fantasy stories and soon became dominated by Iron Man and Captain America stories following the resurgance in popularity for super hero comics in the 1960’s.
Men's Adventures Vol 1 27
“The Girl Who Was Afraid” / LA RAGAZZA CHE AVEVA PAURA

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Replica of Captain America’s Shield


Steve Rogers and Bucky are part of US Army detail dispatched to Egypt
to root out communist elements in the area. While riding on camels they
are greeted by the wealthy Adu Bey who tells them that he loves
Americans and welcomes them back to his home as his welcomed guests.
Riding in Bey’s limo, the pair listen as Adu tells them that he dislikes
war and hates communists that are creating conflict. At Bey’s luxurious
mansion, a show is put on for the two Americans and they watch a female
dance put on a performance for them. Steve suddenly realizes that the
woman is tapping out Morse Code in her routine and that the message is
asking them for help, asking them to meet her that night at the old

Retiring for the night, Steve sneaks out of his room to meet with
the woman who tells them that she is a prisoner of Adu Bey and that he
really is a supporter of communism. Believing the girls story, Steve
tells her that he can get the aid of Captain America and tells her to
wait for the hero in the stables. Returning to his room, Steve wakes up
his partner and they change into Captain America and Bucky and go to
meet the girl. When they arrive they find communist agents trying to
take the girl away and fight them off. The girl then leads them on
horseback to Adu Bey’s family crypt where she tells them the communists
are hiding out.

Inside the tomb they find a bunch of radio equipment that the
communists are using for spying. Suddenly they are attacked by communist
agents and taken prisoner. When Adu Bey appears in his crypt demanding
to know what is going on, he too is taken prisoner. Captain America and
Bucky are then shocked to learn that the woman whom they came to aid is
really the leader of the communist cell. Cap and Bucky break free of
their bonds and fight their way to freedom, rescuing Adu Bey in the
process. As they flee, the woman tries to shoot them, but the shots
cause the fragile tomb to collapse, killing the communists and smashing
their equipment.

In the aftermath, Cap and Bucky realize that Bey was genuine in
his love of Americans and when they apologize for the destruction of his
family crypt, he brushes it off telling them that he was glad it could
be used to wipe out the communists hiding in his midst.


  • Although the Captain America story references the title characters as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, as per the retcon of Captain America #153 (in Italy in CAPC # 65) these are really William Burnside and Jack Monroe who replaced the original Captain America and Bucky in the 50s. 

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:




Silas X. Cragg is obsesses with Captain America to the point where he
sees the hero everywhere he goes. Vowing to destroy the hero, he’s
spent the better part of the past few years researching everything there
is to know about the hero. Knowing his origins inside out and backward,
Cragg — a scientist — has been able to create a new version of the
Super-Soldier serum and intents to subject a human being to see if it
works. However, instead of settling for just anyone, he seeks out an
angry, and naturally strong individual for the serum in the hopes of
creating a super-soldier even stronger than Captain America.  

Cragg finds just such a man in a downtrodden part of town, an angry
drunk with a lot of strength. He offers the man the opportunity to
participate in his experiment, and the man takes up the offer when told
it would give him the opportunity to beat Captain America in battle. The
man is subjected to Cragg’s serum and it is a complete success, with
the man being at his physical peak, Cragg believes he has strength that
surpasses Captain America himself — and dubs his creation the
Man-Brute. Later, Cragg pays a visit to Avengers Mansion posing as a
spokesman for a charity collecting money for a local orphanage. When
Captain America is not there to answer the call himself, Cragg leaves a
message with his fellow Avengers knowing that Captain America would not
turn up the chance to do anything for charity.

When Captain America arrives at the charity gathering he is
attacked by the Man-Brute. The public, and the children inside the
orphanage believe that the attack is part of the act that Cap has been
asked to put on for the children. The fight takes them inside the actual
orphanage and Captain America tells the children to seek cover. 

Continued to next issue…

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