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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.34 LOTTA ASPRA x-men falcon redwing originale 1974


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da sempre il sogno americano offre una gamma di possibilità sterminate ed inimmaginabili per riuscire ad affermarsi e sfondare nella vita, infatti negli Stati Uniti chi non ha voglia di faticare può scegliere tra tre alternative: fare il pornodivo, la rockstar, oppure il super-eroe. 

non particolarmente dotato per quel che riguardava le dimensioni dell’ attrezzo nè per le sue prestazioni endurance, e soprattutto essendo irrimediabilmente e scandalosamente stonato, Steve Rogers optò per la terza soluzione, e si dedicò all’ attività di buffone mascherato, indossando un bel costume tutto a stelle e strisce proprio come la bandiera della Bolivia

non essendo mai stato un modello di continuità e assiduità , cominciò però ben presto a prendersi delle lunghe pause di riposo e a rimanere spesso e volentieri a casa in mutua adducendo le patologie più disparate e insolite grazie a certificati medici compiacenti,  mentre in realtà non aveva nulla e stava benissimo, negli anni del dopoguerra marcò visita addirittura per circa 15 anni consecutivi, finchè Stan Lee non lo trovò indecorosamente ubriaco in un bar del bronx nell’ orario della visita fiscale, e lo precettò costringendolo a tornare al lavoro. ma il lupo, si sa, perde il pelo ma non il vizio, e così anche ultimamente ha tirato indietro le sue chiappettine incartapecorite facendo finta di essere morto, gli hanno anche fatto il funerale, ma tanto non ci crede nessuno, si tratta invece certamente di una raffinata strategia di tanatosi mimetica, cui ricorrono anche molti animali come l’ opossum, il cinghiale, l’ insetto foglia o il serpente muso di porcello, insomma è tutta una vile e diabolica scusa per non fare un bel nulla 

nelle edicole italiane il n.1 di CAP uscì il 23 Aprile 1973, ovvero alla immediata vigilia della famigerata austerity, e già questa piccola ma non trascurabile coincidenza avrebbe dovuto far toccare le palle a qualcuno all’ interno della Corno. infatti anche qui da noi svernò parecchi anni da vero e proprio mangiapane a tradimento, stipendiato senza fare un cacchio, finchè non ha provveduto la Madia a sistemarlo con uno dei suoi provvidenziali ed inesorabili decreti anti-fannulloni


Nella storia principale di questo numero la lotta si fa sempre più arcigna ed aspra non in aspromonte ma nella altrettanto impenetrabile ed inospitale isola imprecisata che funge da base e nascondiglio degli Esiliati nazisti al servizio del Teschio Rosso, dove l’ acqua dura non fa più paura e dove diventa regolare, fissa ed ossessiva la presenza al fianco di CAP di FALCON il supervolatile in costume a piumaggio color catrame, becco innalzato, basso profilo e budget ridotto, infatti si accontenta solo di un pò di granaglie per lui e per il suo famelico pulcino rapace

 contiene inoltre : X-MEN



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto


The Falcon Fights On!” / LOTTA ASPRA !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




The Exiles continue their search of Exile Island for the Red Skull, unaware that their former leader has used the Cosmic Cube to switch bodies with his hated foe Captain America, or that Cap has trained Sam Wilson how to fight and provided him the identity of the Falcon. The Red Skull, still in Captain America’s body watches through the Cosmic Cube as his Exiles still seek out his hated enemy. The Red Skull is furious at this bungling until he realizes that Captain America must have realized that he is wearing a Red Skull mask and took it off and that the reason why the Exiles have not found him yet is because the Red Skull never showed his minions his real face. However, the Red Skull rationalizes that there is no way off the island and decides to let his Exiles to continue their hunt unaided in the hopes that they will ultimately destroy Captain America without his help.

The Exiles spot Redwing, the Falcon’s pet falcon and attempt to shoot the bird out of the sky, but miss. The shots alert Cap and Falcon of the Exiles approach and they prepare for their enemies by continuing Falcon’s fight training. Falcon feels right at home in learning how to fight, reminding him of all the street gangs he used to fight with when he was back home in Harlem.

Meanwhile, the Red Skull has decided to rest before checking back on Captain America, however his sleep is disturbed when he gets a call from the hotel’s front desk. The hotel clerk tells “Captain America” that a throng of his loyal fans have showed up wanting to see him. When one of Cap’s admirers learns what room “Cap” is staying in, he leads the horde of eager fans up the stairs to meet their favorite super-hero. Using this as an opportunity to smear Captain America’s good name, the Red Skull uses the power of the Cosmic Cube to avoid his enemies fans and then runs out on them, leaving them upset that their “hero” had run out on them. While at Avengers Mansion, Rick Jones laments over being rejected by “Captain America”, little realizing it was really the Red Skull posing as his mentor. Ripping up his Bucky mask, Rick decides to leave and try to find his own way ( See Captain Marvel #17 for that story,  in Italy in F4C # 43-44 ).

While at the secret headquarters of Advanced Idea Mechanics, the scientists are working hard at creating a device that will allow them to prevent the Cosmic Cube from being used by other parties and return the device to their clutches. Creating a crystalline sphere that will do the job, the AIM scientists prepare phase three of their recovery operation.

Back on Exile Island, Captain America and the Falcon are ready to face the Exiles and get the drop on the group. While they are out numbered, Cap and the Falcon have the element of surprise against their foes, and as the Red Skull watches in frustration as they manage to hold their own against his minions. The tide of the battle are turned full in Cap and Falcon’s favor when the locals, inspired by the two heroes join in the battle staging a full out revolution against the Exiles. The locals manage to drive the Exiles into fleeing from the scene. The Red Skull, furious at Captain America’s continued survival decides the time for Captain America to die is soon at hand. On the island, the Falcon thanks Cap for all his help, Captain America however is grim as he senses that the Red Skull is watching him and is preparing for the final battle.


  • AIM headquarters is shown to be on an unidentified island this issue. Some might conjecture that this is located on their later identified island headquarters of Boca Caliente

Part of the ‘Factor Three (Event)‘ event

Beware the Juggernaut, My Son!“/ GUARDATI DAL FENOMENO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Coffee-A-Go-Go patrons


  • Korea – (Only in flashback)



  • Warren Worthington III’s Mustang


In their civilian guises, the X-Men are celebrating Bobby’s 18th birthday at Coffee a Go-Go. After cutting Bobby’s cake (wherein Bernard the Poet once more attempts to cut in for time with Zelda) the couples begin dancing. Scott and Jean dance with each other, while Jean wonders if Scott is dancing with her out of pity because she doesn’t have a date, Scott wonders if Jean is interested in Ted Roberts, and wonders how he will tell her that he loves her. These thoughts are left to dwell when Warren arrives with Candy Southern and the group sits down and listens to another set of beat poetry by Bernard.

At the Mansion, the Professor finishes his long running experiment and is prepared for what he has to do next. Opening a locked room in the basement of the mansion, Charles reveals that he has been keeping the Juggernaut in a comatose state since his defeat at the hands of the X-Men months earlier. Recalling how his step-brother got his powers from the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, the Professor wonders if he can restore Cain back to normal or if he will have to be forced to kill him instead.

While back at the Coffee a Go-Go, the X-Men’s party is crashed when a biker gang called Satan’s Saints comes bursting through the doors in their motorcycles to terrorize and attempt to rob all the patrons in the coffee shop. Unable to slip away and change into their X-Men costumes or blow their cover as mutants, the X-Men secretly use their powers and easily subdue their attackers who are then turned over to the police.

Meanwhile at the mansion, the Professor straps himself and the Juggernaut into a device that he hopes will use a combination of science and sorcery to send the energies that transformed Cain back into the realm of Cyttorak. However, the experiment is interrupted when a third powerful mental force interferes causing the machine to explode, knocking the Professor unconscious and freeing the Juggernaut. Once more awake, the Juggernaut realizes that he’s somehow manages to absorb the Professor’s mental powers. He then replaces his helmet and leaves the room to prepare a reception for the X-Men when they return home.

Xavier’s students finish up their dates for the evening. Bobby’s date with Zelda ends with Zelda and Bobby sharing a kiss and Warren departs from Candy thinking about how quickly they paired up following Warren’s rebound from Jean. Scott himself confides some of his feelings with Jean almost going so far as to tell her how he feels. The conversation confirms to each other that they both have feelings for the other, and Scott decides that he must tell Jean his feelings soon.

Warren arrives home first, and when he notices that the lights in the Mansion are all off, he decides to search around in his Angel guise to make sure it’s not an attack, unaware that the Juggernaut is silently watching. The other X-Men arrive and they also have the same idea and almost get in a fight with one another in the dark, thinking that the others are invaders. When the Cerebro alarm goes off, the X-Men rush to the Professor’s study to see what mutant it’s detecting and they are surprised to find it listing themselves as the threat. Suddenly there is a giant tremor which causes Cerebro to topple over and almost crush them.

Going down into the Mansion’s basement to search for the Professor, they walk into the Juggernaut’s trap. When Angel rushes forward, he is knocked out by the Juggernaut. He explains that he has come to get vengeance against the X-Men and begins to attack. While Marvel Girl is attempting to remove Juggernaut’s helmet with her telekinetic powers, Iceman and Beast try a frontal attack. The Juggernaut easily knocks the two out, and Cyclops sends Jean to cover while he attempts to keep the Juggernaut at bay with his optic blasts. The Juggernaut strikes the ground causing a sonic wave that knocks Scott out and sends Jean sprawling to her feet. The Juggernaut approaches Jean, who tries to keep him at bay with her powers. Before the Juggernaut can strike, he is telepathically contacted by the masterminds of Factor Three who reveal their part in the Juggernauts revival and he is asked him to join them in Europe. The Juggernaut, believing Xavier to be dead and his students of no interest to him anymore, agrees to go and smashes out of the Mansion to seek out a jet to fly to Europe.

The destruction breaks a water pipe, and the rushing water revives the X-Men who find the Professor’s unconscious body. Placing the nearly dead Professor into a bed, the X-Men decide that they have to go and stop the Juggernaut no matter the cost.


  • This issue celebrates Robert Drake’s 18th birthday.
  • An alternate (and unused) cover was penciled for this issue, it featured Iceman, Beast and Angel attacking the Juggernaut, and Cyclops and Marvel Girl’s heads incorporated into a text box.


  • The title is a parody of the famous line “Beware the Jabberwock, my son”.
  • This is the first and only time during the original run (X-Men #1-66) the X-Men actually *finish* a date they are on without having to costume up. 

Time Was… / TEMPO CHE FU 

comic story / 5 pages 


Stan Lee (plot); Larry Lieber (script)
Larry Lieber
Sol Brodsky
Job Number:

Content Information

science fiction
Eric Kane


A scientist builds a time machine and travels to prehistoric times. When he kills an attacking caveman he unknowingly kills his own human ancestor, meaning that he becomes a neanderthal.

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Grado di conservazione

Titolo Serie





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