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CAPITAN AMERICA corno N.32 PEGGIO DELLA MORTE x-men agents of shield vendicatori


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neanche l’ allontanamento del povero Steranko è servito a diminuire la virulenta carica di iattura e sfiga che affligge, opprime e funesta da tempo questa disgraziata testata: si va di male in peggio, e se nel numero scorso c’era ugualmente “L’ INCUBO”, stavolta invece è addirittura “PEGGIO DELLA MORTE”, allora l’ unica via di scampo per i lettori è toccarsi bene i maroni o ciò che ne fa le veci e sperare nella improbabile clemenza del destino

 contiene inoltre : X-MEN (i quali, visto che le loro assurde e colossali frottole ormai non sono più credibili, ricorrono a quelle altrettanto inverosimili di Re Artù e della Materia di Britannia)




Captain America Vol 1 116

Far Worse Than Death!” / PEGGIO DELLA MORTE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




As the ultimate revenge, the Red Skull has used the Cosmic Cube
to swap bodies. Teleporting Sharon Carter to them, she seeks comfort
from Cap’s greatest enemy, while Cap’s warnings are dismissed as the
ravings of a madman. After convincing Sharon that the “Red Skull” is
utterly mad, “Captain America” sees her to the door, and tells her he’s
going to double back to make sure his foe is turned over to the law.
However, the Red Skull is, in reality, going to continue to use the
Cosmic Cube to imperil the Star-Spangled Avengers.

Using the Cube, the Red Skull transports Captain America outside a
government testing lab. Spotted by security, Captain America is shot
at, with no way of proving he is not the Red Skull, Cap flees for his
life. To further implicate Captain America, the Red Skull uses the
Cosmic Cube to cause an explosion that the “Red Skull” gets blamed for.
When the guards capture the “Red Skull”, cap fights free and flees the
scene, stealing an automobile in order to get away. The Red Skull,
satisfied that Captain America will be utterly destroyed decides to see
what it’s like living in the boots of his oldest enemy. Heading towards
the police station, the Red Skull is disgusted by the shows of respect
and adoration people show for him, wondering why Captain America doesn’t
use his power to crush those who worship him into subservience.
Arriving at the police station, “Captain America” is told of the “Red
Skull’s” bombing of the research lab. The Skull secretly uses the Cosmic
Cube to tip the police off as to where Captain America is fleeing.

Sure enough, Cap finds himself in a high speed chase with the
police and it is only with his superior driving skills does he manage to
escape the chase and all police roadblocks. As the “Red Skull’s” police
chase hits the news the Avengers learn about it, and Rick Jones decides
to go and find “Captain America” to see if he can help as a side kick.
With the help of the Teen Brigade, Rick finds “Captain America” and
offers to help him capture the “Skull”. Much to Rick’s shock, “Cap”
refuses his aid and tells the young man to get lost. Rick complies,
walking away thinking that all his insecurities about not measuring up
to the original bucky were true.

Resuming his watch over his foe, the Red Skull is amused to see
Captain America making his way through the security at Avengers Mansion.
His presence does not go undetected and the Avengers soon face the “Red
Skull” in battle. Not believing the “Red Skull’s” claims that he is
really Captain America, the Avengers attempt to over power him. Although
Cap gives a good fight he is ultimately captured. The Red Skull gets
the ultimate jest when Sharon Carter comes to the Mansion looking for
Captain America. The Red Skull then uses the Cosmic Cube to take control
of Sharon and send her to kill Captain America. When she can’t bring
herself to do it, and resists the Cosmic Cube’s influence, the Red Skull
comes up with an even better idea: He has Captain America transported
to Exile Island in the hopes that his minions in the Exiles will kill
Captain America thinking that they are finally getting revenge against
the Skull for his previous treachery against them.


X-Men Vol 1 30

The Warlock Wakes!” / LO STREGONE SI SVEGLIA !

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:


  • New England Hills
  • Negative Space
  • Warlock’s hidden cave
  • Warlock’s arena



  • Warlock’s one-man hovercrafts


The X-Men are suddenly pulled from their home by a gigantic hand that
grabs them (and more specifically Marvel Girl) across the sky toward a
strange mountain range. Jean is pulled away from Cyclops and the others
and when she is finally put back to the ground she is shocked to find
the Professor has been captured as well. They are confronted by a man
calling himself the Warlock, a powerful man who claims to be immortal
and he intends to take over the world. The Professor notes that the man
has a keen interest in Jean, however he cannot do anything about it
because the Warlock has somehow nullified his mental powers.

The Warlock invites both the Professor and Jean back to his home
and calls fourth three flying steeds to carry them there. When Jean
inquires as to if the horses are magical in origin, the Warlock tells
her that they are really mutants of his own creation. Flying along, the
Professor recognizes the region as the New England Hills and wonders
where the rest of his charges are. As they fly toward the Warlock’s base
of operations, they are joined by Angel who has scouted ahead of the
other X-Men to try and find Jean. Angel notices that Marvel Girl is
under the Warlock’s thrall and asks the Professor what to do, Xavier
tells Angel to hold back and follow along to see what the Warlock has in
store for them.

They arrive at a castle hidden within the mountains; there the
Warlock tells the X-Men his origins. He tells them that he was really
Merlin the magician, who unknown to those in Arthurian times was really a
mutant. In hibernation for thousands of years, he was revived in modern
times and do battle against the Thunder God, Thor. Thor convinced
Merlin to go into hibernation for another thousand years, however he
tricked the Thunder God and at the first sign that Thor was away on an
extended leave from Earth, Merlin, now calling himself Warlock, broke
free and begin plotting to take over the world.

Warlock asks Jean to join him on a tour of his castle, to which
the enslaved girl agrees. When Warren attempts to stop Warlock, the
supposed mutant uses his power of suggestion to convince Angel that his
wings have caught fire. When dousing the “flames” Warren remarks how the
Professor was able to know that there was a nearby stream, making him
wonder if his leader truly is powerless. The Professor also remarks
about how the flames on his wings were only the power of suggestion
imposed on him by the Warlock.

The Professor then starts using his mental powers to bring the
X-Men to the Warlock’s castle; however this is detected by Warlock who
goes to investigate, leaving Jean in a paralysis. When the Warlock
arrives, he finds the Professor has apparently fallen out of his chair
and knocked himself out. Taking Xavier to the infirmary, he attempts to
probe the Professor’s mind, but finds no thoughts. Just then Cyclops,
Beast and Iceman arrive and the Professor reveals his ruse to stall for
time until the other X-Men arrived, and pulls them out of the “Negative
Space” that Warlock had left them to die. Before the other X-Men can
attack, the Warlock uses his powers to root their feet to the ground.
However, before he can do anything else, the Professor challenges the
Warlock to a fair fight. Warlock agrees to an arena battle between the
X-Men and his own minions.

The challenge begins and soon the X-Men easily defeat all the
warriors that the Warlock threw against them. Attempting to rescue Jean
and the Professor, the X-Men are repelled by Warlock who escapes with
Jean. The X-Men follow after him, easily breaking through the various
traps and defenses that the Warlock rigged into his castle. Catching up
with the Warlock, the X-Men are almost crushed by a force bolt that
destroys a castle parapet, however Marvel Girl manages to break free of
the Warlock’s mind control long enough to save them with her telekinetic

When the Warlock attempts to reassert his will over Marvel Girl,
the X-Men swarm the villain and cover his head with his cape. The
Professor then uses his mental powers to force Warlock to return to his
coma state and the X-Men round up and incapacitate all of his followers.
With the battle over, the Professor orders his X-Men to return home so
that they can continue to prepare to deal with the coming threat of
Factor Three.


  • The Warlock claims to be Merlin, but he isn’t the “real” Merlin
Strange Tales Vol 1 102
Who Needs You?” / CHI TI VUOLE ?


A four star general who has the responsibility of launching a nuclear
counter attack is replaced by a robot who his bosses think is more
suited for a role that requires absolute perfection. When an
unidentified radar object approaches at ICBM speed, the robot concludes
that it must be a Soviet first strike and prepares to launch a counter
attack. The four star general suddenly remembers a satellite that was
launched years ago and was scheduled to re-entry now and disconnects the
robot before it can push the button. His grateful superiors reinstate

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