Cod.FEA CAPITAN AMERICA EDITORIALE CORNO da sempre il sogno americano offre una gamma di possibilità sterminate ed inimmaginabili per riuscire ad affermarsi e sfondare nella vita, infatti negli Stati Uniti chi non ha voglia di faticare può scegliere tra tre alternative: fare il pornodivo, la rockstar, oppure il super-eroe. non particolarmente dotato per quel che riguardava le dimensioni dell’ attrezzo nè per le sue prestazioni endurance, e soprattutto essendo irrimediabilmente e scandalosamente stonato, Steve Rogers optò per la terza soluzione, e si dedicò all’ attività di buffone mascherato, indossando un bel costume tutto a stelle e strisce proprio come la bandiera della Bolivia non essendo mai stato un modello di continuità e assiduità , cominciò però ben presto a prendersi delle lunghe pause di riposo e a rimanere spesso e volentieri a casa in mutua adducendo le patologie più disparate e insolite grazie a certificati medici compiacenti, mentre in realtà non aveva nulla e stava benissimo, negli anni del dopoguerra marcò visita addirittura per circa 15 anni consecutivi, finchè Stan Lee non lo trovò indecorosamente ubriaco in un bar del bronx nell’ orario della visita fiscale, e lo precettò costringendolo a tornare al lavoro. ma il lupo, si sa, perde il pelo ma non il vizio, e così anche ultimamente ha tirato indietro le sue chiappettine incartapecorite facendo finta di essere morto, gli hanno anche fatto il funerale, ma tanto non ci crede nessuno, si tratta invece certamente di una raffinata strategia di tanatosi mimetica, cui ricorrono anche molti animali come l’ opossum, il cinghiale, l’ insetto foglia o il serpente muso di porcello, insomma è tutta una vile e diabolica scusa per non fare un bel nulla nelle edicole italiane il n.1 di CAP uscì il 23 Aprile 1973, ovvero alla immediata vigilia della austerity, e già questa piccola ma non trascurabile coincidenza avrebbe dovuto far toccare le palle a qualcuno all’ interno della Corno. infatti anche qui da noi svernò parecchi anni da vero e proprio mangiapane a tradimento, stipendiato senza fare un cacchio, finchè non ha provveduto Brunetta a sistemarlo con il suo provvidenziale ed inesorabile decreto anti-fannulloni |
mai salutare per morituri due vecchie carcasse come CAP e Falcon neanche se vengono gettati in un’arena da gladiatori a combattere all’ ultimo sangue alla maximus come russell crowe: se non l’avevate già capito hanno più di mille risorse, e oltre a tanta perizia ed abilità dispongono non soltanto di una discreta dose di fortuna ma anche di un gran culo che gli permette di cavarsela sempre anche nelle peggiori situazioni più critiche, disperate, avverse e proibitive
contiene inoltre : X-MEN (dove a latere dei rinnovatissimi effettivi del gruppo viene introdotta per la prima volta sotto copertura la graziosa e grintosissima genetista Moira MacTaggert che vuole studiare da vicino le loro grosse anomalie e le loro abnormi anormalità) e LUKE CAGE POWER MAN
“Kill-Derby” / I GLADIATORI
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
Captain America resists joining the Kill-Derby contest until knocked
unconscious by gas. One Kill-Derby gladiator takes Cap’s shield while
two others throw him in the brig with Falcon. As the contest begins,
Cheer Chadwick demands that Cap and Falcon compete. At the cell,
Tinkerbelle tells Cap that he’ll have to fight to regain his shield. The
two heroes agree to participate. In the Badlands, the Hound-dog
hovercraft reports a “bogie.” Cap and Falcon join the Kill-Derby on
motorized skateboards. Amid the ensuing mayhem of flame thrower and
missile attacks, Falcon takes to the air but is felled by a net shot
from a cable-snare rifle. Cap frees him then fights his way through the
gladiators until caught in the “Stand-in’s” explosion. Outside. General
Fist and his men find the wrecked Hound-dog. The pilot is missing. On
the Kill-Derby track, Cap recovers and, with Falcon’s help, arrives at
the man who stole his shield. When the man refuses to give it up, Cap
prepares to attack.
- Redwing never appears in any issues of Captain America done by Jack Kirby (Captain America #193-214).
“Night of the Demon!” / LA NOTTE DEL DEMONE
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Moira MacTaggert (First appearance)
- N’Garai (First appearance)
- Kierrok (First appearance)
- Project Armageddon (First appearance)
- Steven Lang (First appearance)
- Sentinels (Cameo)
- Sentinels Mk III (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Various personnel
- Count Nefaria (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) (On a poster)
- Beast (Hank McCoy) (On a poster)
- US Air Force
- Col. Michael Rossi (First appearance) (Apparent death)
- N’Daré Munroe (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- New York
- Westchester County
- Adirondack Mountains
- Project Armageddon base (First appearance)
- Red Hook (First appearance)
- Cyclops’ Visor, version 2
- N’Garai cairn
- Harrier jet
- VTOL aircraft (Destroyed)
Despondent over the death of Thunderbird (in this last italian issue), Cyclops
cuts loose with his optic blasts, damaging an ancient cairn on the
grounds of the Xavier Institute. Unknown to him, he has released the
demon Kierrok and the N’Garai, minor demons.
Inside the X-Mansion, the new X-Men undergo a training session in
the Danger Room, with the Professor and Banshee watching. During the
training session, Nightcrawler angers Wolverine to the point where he
almost kills him with his claws had it not have been for Kurt’s
teleportation power. Much to Banshee’s discomfort, Wolverine
acknowledges this fact. When Professor Xavier is expecting their new
housekeeper to show up, Sean goes to answer the door bell when it rings.
He is immediately changes his tone from annoyance to being smitten by
the new housekeeper, who introduces herself as Moira MacTaggert.
Meanwhile, at a secret military installation, Colonel Rossi of
the US Military arrives on the site of Project: Armageddon. Rossi has
come to inspect the operation and finds that its head, a mutant hater
named Steven Lang, is obsessed with eliminating mutants. Lang tries to
convince Rossi to follow his way of thinking but fails and the soldier
threatens to shut down Lang’s operation. As Rossi leaves the room, Lang,
standing next to a Sentinel robot, vows that Rossi will never make it
back to his superiors alive.
Back at the X-Mansion, the X-Men are relaxing and getting acquainted
with Moira MacTaggert when Cyclops suddenly smashes through the wall.
Right behind him is the demon Kierrok the Damned, who has come to
destroy him. The X-Men pile on the monster, fighting together to take it
down. It takes Wolverine’s savageness and adamantium claws to cut the
demon down to seeming death. However, it suddenly comes back to life and
Cyclops explains that each time he had thought he killed the creature
it would came back to life stronger than ever before. The Professor
attempts to scan the creature’s mind and finds himself bombarded with
demonic images that cause him great pain. However, he learns that the
cairn which released the creature is the key to stopping it and sends
Storm out to destroy it.
Storm travels out to the location of the cairn and is attacked by
a legion of N’Garai monsters. Trying to fight of the swarm causes her
to relive memories of her traumatic childhood in Cairo where she was
buried alive. Fighting this bout of claustrophobia causes Storm to
strike the cairn with a tremendous lightning bolt that destroys the
mystical object. With its destruction, all of the demons, including
Kierrok, are shunted back to their home dimension ending their threat.
In Red Hook, New York, the craft carrying Michael Rossi has crashed and is in flames. Rossi is believed to be dead.
“Chemistro Is Back! Deadlier Than Ever!” / CHEMISTRO RITORNA PIU’ LETALE CHE MAI ! (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Chemistro (Arch Morton) (First appearance)
- Cheshire Cat (First appearance)
- Big Brother (Voice)
- Baron (Voice)
- Checkpoint Charlie (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Curtis Carr
- Nurse Winters
- “Tattler” Martin
- “Apples” Smith
- Alchemy Gun (only in flashback)
Continued from last issue…
When Luke is visiting Noah in the hospital, he is once more attacked
by Chemistro, who manages to get away. When Luke realizes that Curtis
Carr is still in the hospital recovering in the hospital. Carr tells
Luke that he’s done straight, but while doing time in prison, Carr was
forced by fellow prisoner Arch Morton to reveal the secrets of the
Chemistro gun. However, when he completed the gun it blew up giving
Morton the gun’s abilities in his left hand.
Tracking down Chemistro again and battling him on a rooftop, Luke
Cage soon finds himself at a disadvantage when Chemistro changes the
surface of the roof into quicksand which threatens to drown Luke.