contiene IRON MAN
e DEVIL (entrambi in versioni annual rateizzate, con il primo sempre impantanato insieme a Man-Thing /L’UOMO COSA, e il secondo che continua a brancicare alla cieca tra Black Panther/LA PANTERA NERA e il Principe Namor the Sub-Mariner)CONDIZIONI : MOLTO BUONE, COSTOLA MOLTO USURATA, L’ ALBO NON E’ DI BUSTA
“The Ghost That Haunted Octopus!” / OCTOPUS E IL FANTASMA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- New York policemen
- Officer Kelly
- Officer Cohen
- A Senator and his Secretary Miss Jansen
- Helicopter
Spider-Man once more goes diving into the Hudson River to try and recover his failed Spider-Mobile. However, while swimming around the crash site, Spider-Man is shocked to find that somebody else has removed it from the bottom of the river. After fighting off some cops who spot him, Spider-Man returns home. Later, when Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn arrive at class, Flash is shocked that Liz Allen has begun to take towards Harry.
While at Aunt May’s apartment, May has bought Dr. Octopus a new set of clothes and he cleans himself up. Peter arrives to share a chicken dinner with Aunt May and is shocked to find his old foe there, but plays it cool. Octopus explains to them how he narrowly survived the explosion of the nuclear reactor in Canada, however explains that since then he’s been haunted by the supposed ghost of Hammerhead.
Just as Octopus finishes explaining this, they are visited by the spectral form of Hammerhead, who has once more come to haunt Dr. Octopus. This causes Aunt May to faint, and the frightened Dr. Octopus flees with Aunt May in his arms, with the ghost form of Hammerhead not far behind. Peter changes into Spider-Man and goes after them himself. However, Dr. Octopus manages to get the best of Spider-Man when he over powers him and tosses him to a crowd of people below who all want to cash in on the reward the Bugle has put out for Spider-Man’s capture.
Spider-Man manages to get away from the mob and catches up to Dr. Octopus just as he steals a helicopter from the Pan Am building and tries to make his getaway. Spider-Man tries to hitch a ride on the copter, however, Dr. Octopus cuts the web-line, causing Spider-Man to plummet to his apparent doom.
“More or Less… the Return of the Molecule Man!” / IL RITORNO DI MOLECOLA (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Man-Thing
- Paul Benton
- Dr. Marshall
- Richard Rory
- Cynthia (Iron Girl)
- Cynthia’s mother
- Fantastic Four
- Mr. Fantastic (Only in flashback)
- Thing (Only in flashback)
- Human Torch (Only in flashback)
- Invisible Girl (Only in flashback)
- Molecule Man (Owen Reece)
- Molecule Person (neither Reece (physically) nor the artificial construct)
- Version of the Molecule Man
Other Characters:
- Yagzan (Corpse)
- Tony Stark’s chauffeur
- Florida
- Man-Thing’s Swamp
- Citrusville
- Omegaville
- Iron Man Armor MK IV
- Molecule Man’s Wand (possesses Cynthia and a rattlesnake)
Note in her dialogue she’s conflicted and resisting the Molecule Man’s influence. Eventually she drops the wand and it passes owners a few more times. First to a snake…

…(very looking to the Snake Face figure of the He-Man and Masters of Universe), then to Iron Man, and then finally to the Man-Thing.
Since the Man-Thing is mindless, the Molecule Man is said to be sent to oblivion.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Namor
- Ruffio Costa (Mind Master)
- his goons
- Jojo
- Bernie (Death)
- Willis
Other Characters:
- Ernie and another NY Policeman
- New York City New York State
- Hell’s Kitchen
- Manhattan
- Queensboro, 159th st
Tracking the lead as Black Panther, T’Challa comes upon a group of thugs all arguing amongst themselves. He quickly learns that Ruffio Costa is the leader of the kidnappers, only to give his position away and become overpowered by the group of thugs, who hold him at gunpoint.
Matt is researching the Tidal Power Plant information and learns why Namor is so agitated when he receives a call from the thugs wanting five million dollars for the release of T’Challa. Instead of the ransom, Matt plans on giving them a five million dollar beat down as Daredevil instead. He has Foggy put together five million in fake cash, and tells his friend to be careful not to get kidnapped as well, since there was recently an attempt on his life.
On his way to deliver the beat-down, Daredevil runs into Namor again, who has been held up by the local authorities. Luckily, he saves an officer who was knocked off the bridge just as he gets there.
Continued to next issue…
- This issue featured an uncredited art assist to Marie Severin who provided touch-ups to the Sub-Mariners face.